Thora Sigurdsdottir — Volunteers needed at A&S table Saturday

Greetings Calontir,

Lilies War is fast approaching. I am need of volunteers to help at the A&S table Saturday – Saturday 9 am-5 pm. I will have 2 hour shifts setup and really would appreciate anyone that can help to let me know. I have a couple of classes that I am teaching and really need someone to man the table. Basically you answer questions like where is a specific tent, and to hand out packets to teachers and take back the completed packets. You can work on your projects while you are there.

Please send me a message as to when you will be able to help out.

Don’t make me beg. It isn’t pretty with this old lady on her knees begging, especially since I can’t get back off the ground.

I hope to see all or as many of you in the A&S area taking classes or teaching.

In Service to a dream,
Mistress Thora Sigurdsdottir