Elevation Announcements

Countess Catalina de Arazuri was announced at Chieftains to be elevated to the Order of the Laurel. Vigil and elevation are to be held at the Tournament of Horse and Falcons.

Honorable Lord Hildibrandr Tjúguskegg was announced at Gulf Wars to be elevated to the Order of the Chivalry. Vigil and elevation are to be held at Lilies War.

Honorable Lady Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh was announced at Gulf Wars to be elevated to the Order of the Pelican. Vigil and elevation are to be held at the Tournament of Horse and Falcons.


Presentation scene; detail of a miniature from BL Royal MS 15 E vi, f. 2v. 15th C

Presentation scene; detail of a miniature from BL Royal MS 15 E vi, f. 2v. 15th C