Falcon Banner Blocked from the Calonlist

Update emails from The Falcon Banner have been blocked from posting to the Calonlist,  calontir@listserv.unl.edu, by the University that hosts the list. I am currently working on this, but experience tells me that getting it unblocked, if successful, will be a temporary thing and these emails will likely be blacklisted again in the future.

If you have been relying on the Calonlist to receive notices about new articles from The Falcon Banner, we recommend subscribing directly from the website at


We cannot guarantee that the vagaries of the Internet gods will not cause your email provider to block them at some point in the future, but it will at least avoid this one.

Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your continued support. I remain in Service to Kingdom and Crown,

Mathurin Kerbusso, editor

Non nobis solum

Men harvesting wheat, Queen Mary's Psalter, circa 1310. Public domain in the US

Men harvesting wheat, Queen Mary’s Psalter, circa 1310. Public domain in the US