Pennsic Court Summaries, A.S. 53

On the field, August 9:
Konall Josephson – Iren Fyrd

In Calontir court, August 9:
Giulia Isabella da Venezia – Torse
Tigernán mac Flainn Uí Fáeláin – Golden Calon Swan
Kolfinna Halvgrimsdottir – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
1 newcomer received a mug.
The IVth company received thank you tokens.
Honorable Lord Vels inn Vigglaði received personal thanks from Her Majesty Belanna for being Land Agent.
It was announced that Lord Giovanni Loredan’s tenure as Webminister is coming to an end. Letters of intent are due Sept. 30.
Master Charles of Westermark and Mistress Margaret William of Westermark announced their intention to step down as heads of the Soup Kitchen.
The Calontir champions for Pennsic received thanks: Duke Bataciqan-nu Ko’un Ashir, Sir Mathieu Chartrain, Honorable Lord Gaius Flavius Auxilius, Lord Brian Robert MacDougall, Lord Charles Vaux.
The populace was reminded to get their muster pay after court.

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US