In Memoriam: The Passing of Genevieve Darroch


Lady Moire inghean Neill, via the Calontir Bards email list:

It is with a heavy heart that I must pass this word along; HL Genevieve Darroch passed away last night in the Outlands.  She was one of the founding members of the Shire of Flinthyll, Apprentice to Mistress Lucie, Master Mikal and Master Eadward. She was one of the first bards I interacted with and the one who presented me with the “big damn stick” and pronounced me the Bardic Champion these many years ago. She was a bright person who was full of joy and laughter. Though she had moved to the Outlands she is still remembered in the halls of Calontir.

Ed. Note:  I recall Genevieve from our time on the archery field together. She was always a joy to shoot with and to be around. I had lost track  of her when she moved, and am deeply saddened to hear of her passing –Mathurin