In Memoriam: The Passing of Sir Stephen Grimfalcon du Norfolk


Courtesy of The SCA Memorial Shield Project

Sir Stephen Grimfalcon du Norfolk passed from this world on February 2nd, 2021

Some collected memories from those who knew him:

Baroness Gwendolyn Verch Morgaine
He was always so kind. When I was new to Calontir and traveled for work, we would get together for dinner on most of my visits to Wichita. He made me feel welcome, and I enjoyed our conversations. He will be missed.

Master Johann Steinarsson
Outside of the friends who brought me into the Barony of Vatavia, Sir Stephen was one of the first to approach me and welcome me as a newcomer. He was always kind and encouraging, forever had a smile on his face, and never a bad thing to say about anyone. Sir Stephen was one of those who kept me going when I was at my lowest points, and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. He was, indeed, a true embodiment of chivalry. And his friendship touched so many of my fellow Calontiri. I will miss him so very much. Rest in peace, Sir Stephen.

Duchess Hywela frech ferch Wyddel
My Champion when I was Princess the first time. He made me feel like a Princess, too! RIP, Old Friend.

Master Donald Andrew MacDonald
I met him when i was 16 and he was running a hobby shop in town. He invited me out to the sca. He was pro fencing long before calontir was ready for it. He was loyal and welcoming and generaly a awesome person. He was my peer before i even wanted to be a peer.