In Memoriam: The Passing of Mistress Hertha Blair of Froggestow

Mistress Hertha Blair of Froggestow passed from this world on January 31st.

Image courtesy of The Memorial Shield Project – SCA.

Halidor Arkellsson
I just talked to Bobby Comstock, Mistress Hertha Blair’s Daughter. On the morning of January 31st, Hertha Blair of Frog Stow passed from this world. Rest easy sweet Lady. May you be in Chidiock’s strong arms.

Kristin Hacker
I met Hertha when I was 8 at our first newcomers’ moot. She wasn’t a Laurel yet. She taught me how to spin with a drop spindle and weave on a blanket loom. She is a part of every SCA memory I have from age 8 to 21. I saw her at my last event which was a QPT a few years ago. We also randomly ran into her and her daughter at the Nelson. My heart is broken.

Mike Jackson
Very few people know what a critical role both Hertha and Chidiock played in getting Calontir permission to use the park at Smithville for Lilies and later so many other events. Hertha set up a meeting with the park superintendent and Chidiock, Malachi, and I drove around the park looking at possible sites. The youth camp we now use was pretty much a wild gamble into having an event at a very primitive site.

Ellen K. Herndon
She was a friend and mentor early on after I came into SCA. The few memories I have of the 80s include her and Chidiock. (One was of house sitting for them once when they were out of town. Don’t remember if I did good at it though.)
She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. I always felt peaceful around her. She taught me drop spinning and weaving (and answered other stupid questions on fiber arts and other things). As well as was my go-to for questions on herbs and herbalism.
She and Chidiock are dear to my heart, I am 🥰 they are together again.
Thank you for Messaging this to me Halidor. I would have missed it otherwise. Please let me know when and where on respects. 💔🌹

Mistress Hertha has left this world. She was kind to me and welcomed me into the Barony of Forgotten Sea when I came here from Standing Stones. She encouraged me on my path in the SCA. She is reunited with her lord, Master Chidiok after many years. She had a big impact on many and her presence will long be felt in Calontir. Rest well noble lady. You will be missed.