Court summaries from Gulf Wars 2025

As Gulf Wars has multiple opportunities for court, this reporter could not be everywhere and attend all courts. My thanks to Johann White Hawk for his notes after courts. I apologize in advance for any missing awards and/or misspelled names, and will gratefully accept corrections to this report. Please contact me at

On the field Monday March 10:
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Nadya Helming to join the Order of Defense.

On the field Wednesday March 12:
Corbyn Greyschanke – Iren Hirth

On the field Thursday March 13:
Jaki Úlfsfæter – Iren Fyrd
Jason Drysdale, of Ansteorra – Iren Feran

In Royal Court Thursday evening:
Rowena Gordon Dunlop – AoA
Sem’iyye bint Tahir al-Hindi – Queen’s Chalice
Uldin of Ravenscroft – Queen’s Chalice
Oswyn Moon – Leather Mallet
Bjarki Vikarsson – Golden Calon Swan;
Their Majesties Outlands, Zachariah and Mariana, borrowed a little time in court to make Ekaterina Kirkovna, formerly known as Katherine d’Arles, a Baroness of Their Court.
Gabrielle des Chats Noirs – Golden Calon Swan
Antonio Arias de Valencia – AoA

Other court tidings:
Ritter Aiden O’Seaghdha, as land agent, thanked the land crews, with especial thanks to Master Alan of Darkdale for providing trash take away service.
Mistress Anna Plantyn, Sir Richard de Bleys, Mistress Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir, and Honorable Lady Amba allrasystir brought thanks from the Equestrian community for the support of the kingdom for the Equestrians at War.
3 newcomers received mugs.
His Majesty Orren announced that letters of intent to fight in Crown Tourney are due March 29th.
A boon was begged for Mistress Giraude Benet to join the Order of the Pelican.
The 4th Company brought thanks to the people for their support.
War pay was given out after court.

In camp Friday March 14:
Alan Smyith of Darkdale – Amicitia of Ansteorra

January Letter of Acceptances and Returns

The Bavarian Herald Jörg Rügen around 1510. Public Domain in the US

The January Letter of Acceptances and Returns was published this morning. Here are the results for Calontir.

CALONTIR acceptances

Angharad de Painscastle. Reblazon of badge. (Fieldless) Issuant from a tower argent charged with a goutte de sang a demi-horse sable.

Blazoned when registered in November 2012 as (Fieldless) In pale a demi-horse sable issuant from a tower argent charged with a goutte de sang, we are clarifying the charge groups. The tower is the sole primary charge; the demi-horse is a secondary charge.

Debora de ffrogenhole. Device. Per bend sinister wavy azure and Or, a sun Or and a frog sejant vert.

This device was pended on the October 2024 LoAR to redraw the frog.

Nice cant!

Einarr Grímsson. Heraldic will.

Upon their death, the submitter releases their alternate name, Einarr gráfeldr, and their badges, (Fieldless) A boar rampant contourny argent and Quarterly Or and sable, a boar’s head erased argent within a bordure counterchanged.

They also will grant permission to any future submitter to register armory that is not identical to their registered device, Quarterly Or and sable, a boar rampant argent within a bordure counterchanged.

Eleanor Deyeson. Badge. Sable, an escarbuncle Or within eyes in annulo Or irised gules.

Padraic MacLochlan o Loingsigh. Reblazon of device. Per chevron embattled argent and gules, a natural dolphin naiant sable and a pen argent.

Blazoned when registered in July 1988 as Per chevron embattled argent and gules, a natural dolphin naiant embowed sable and a quill palewise argent, we are clarifying the charge in base is a pen, not a quill of yarn. The pen is in its default orientation, palewise, nib to base. Embowing is expected for a dolphin so need not be included in the blazon.

Taisiia Sazhina Vasiliskova. Name change from Chiara di Paxiti.

The submitter’s prior name, Chiara di Paxiti, is retained as an alternate.

The Kingdom of Calontir had no Returns or Pends this month.

Winter War Maneuvers court summaries, February 22, A.S. 59

Battle of Eben-Ezer, AD 250

On the field:
David de la Cloude – Stile Fyrd
Mkty Nakhthor – Stile Hirth
Valeriano di Rossi – Leather Mallet
Kentaro – Iren Fyrd
Vasilii of Flinthyll – Iren Hirth

In evening court:
Astriðr Birnudóttir – Golden Calon Swan
Gabriel Ember – Torse
Sabh of Theobald College – AoA
Brynki Falkason – Torse
Kitsu no Taro – Leather Mallet
Kylie of Vatavia – AoA
Aiden O’Seaghdha – Calon Lily

Other court tidings:
Gifts were exchanged among the Royals present: Jean Paul and Gilyan, Rex et Regina Ansteorra; Prince Jason, Heir of Ansteorra; Their Sanguine Highnesses Vindheim Uriangqadai and Adria.
Honorable Lord Brynki Falkason and Honorable Lord Øyríkr Raðúlfsson, as event stewards, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties Orren and Lyra.
There were 188 attendees at the event.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Sir Michael Nymandus von Falkenburg brought news of the upcoming Crown Tournament.
Four couples were announced as candidates for the Baronage of Forgotten Sea:
Mistress Giraude Benet and Honorable Lord Gianlupo delle Bande Nere,
Honorable Lord Skallagrímr Bárðarson and Lady Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir,
Honorable Lady Adelaide Sarsfield and Honorable Lord Randr Tokesson, dictus Randlar,
Honorable Lord Seathrún Brock, dictus Badger, and Lady Eawynn ingen Broccáin.
Chivalry, Laurels, Pelicans, Masters of Defense, Great Officers, and the populace swore fealty, each in turn, according to their station.
Mistress Geneviève de Chambéry, Mistress `Izza al-Zarqa’, Noble Selene of Lesbos and Lady Riberlin Halderman spoke to the populace about donations to 4th Company at Gulf Wars.

Court summaries from the Coronation of Orren and Lyra, 08 February A.S. 59

Presentation scene; detail of a miniature from BL Royal MS 15 E vi, f. 2v. 15th C. Public domain in the US

Final business of Robert and Magge:
Aidan Cocrinn – Calon Cross
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society
Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry
Donngal Eriksson – Keeper of the Flame
Roger Warwick – King’s Favor
Grimbrand Hundeman – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy
Dirk MacMartin – King’s Favor

First court of Orren and Lyra:
Erik Tokesson – King’s Champion
Emma Ness – Queen’s Champion

Evening court:
Ignatius Rufus – AoA
Jon Chesey – Calon Cross
Robert Magnus – Duchy
Magge Magnus – Duchy
William of Three Rivers – Queen’s Chalice
Leandra of Three Rivers – Queen’s Chalice
Rolanda de Lyndhurst – Calon Cross
Helias Basilou – Torse

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Three Rivers presented largess and a tithe.
Lady Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir swore fealty as the new Gold Falcon Principal Herald.
Her Majesty Lyra’s thegns are Duchess Ylva Jonsdottir, Duchess Ariel of Glastonbury Tor, and Domina Attia Albia Tammara.
His Majesty Orren’s thegn is Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis.
The Shire of Calanais Nuadh presented largess and a tithe.
Mistress Rochwen Morwenna and Honorable Lord Jon Chesey, as event stewards, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
There were 253 attendees at the event.  (this is a corrected number, up from 187)
Members of the populace swore fealty.
Halvgrimr Riddari spoke to the populace about the upcoming Chillies event.
A boon was begged for Sir Roger Warwick to join the Order of the Pelican.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Their Majesties are accepting Letters of Intent for the Baronage of Forgotten Sea. The deadline is 21 February.
Sir Biarne Hrœreksson, called Bjarm, Master Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder, Honorable Lord Brynki Fálkason, and Noble Selene of Lesbos, as the Gulf Wars command staff, spoke to the populace about preparation for Gulf Wars.
Honorable Lord Andromir Vukovic received his Calon Lily scroll, due since the reign of Donngal IV and Catalina.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Andromir Vukovic to join the Order of the Laurel.

December Letter of Acceptances and Returns

The Bavarian Herald Jörg Rügen around 1510. Public Domain in the US

The December Letter of Acceptances and Returns was published yesterday. Here are the results for


CALONTIR acceptances

Aelesia de Mortaine. Badge. (Fieldless) A hen argent mulletty azure.

Amma H{o,}ldr. Name (see RETURNS for device).

Artair de Bruis of Bristol. Device. Per fess gules and sable, on a bezant a dragon gules.

This device was pended on the September 2024 LoAR to redraw the dragon in an identifiable segreant posture.

Asgeirr Hrafnhauss. Reblazon of device. Argent, in pale a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister sustained by a sinister clenched gauntlet aversant bendwise azure, on a chief sable a skull argent.

Blazoned when registered in July of 2016 as Argent, a sinister clenched gauntlet bendwise aversant sustaining a double-bitted axe bendwise sinister azure, on a chief sable a skull argent, we are clarifying that the gauntlet and axe are co-primary charges.

Astriðr Birnudóttir. Badge. Vert, a mole statant argent between in pale two shovels fesswise Or.

As our last registration of a mole was over 30 years ago, we take this opportunity to redocument the charge. Moles are a not infrequent charge in period armory, with examples found in English, Scottish, French, and German sources.

Shovels, and spades, default to palewise, blade to base. When fesswise the blade is to sinister.

Azalais des Montagnes. Name (see PENDS for device).

The submitter requested authenticity for Occitan or 14th century Old French. Submitted as Azalaïs des Montagnes, no documentation was provided for the period usage of a diaeresis above the i. We have thus removed the diaeresis for registration, registering Azalais des Montagnes. As corrected, this name fulfils the submitter’s authenticity request.

Beal Serich. Name and device. Quarterly sable and azure, a mascle ployé Or.

Berakha bat Mira v’Shlomo. Device. Azure, on a pomegranate gules irradiated Or a crescent pendant, a bordure argent.

Calvius Atrox. Name (see RETURNS for device).

Nice Imperial Roman name!

Deanna of Cúm an Iolair. Holding name and device (see RETURNS for name). Per pale gules and Or, three cherry blossoms counterchanged.

Nice device!

Submitted under the name Amawari Mitsumi.

Helias Basilou. Name and device. Gules, a bend sinister argent between a sun in his splendor and a bunch of grapes slipped and leaved Or.

Submitted as Helias Basiliou, this name is not constructed correctly. The patronymic byname was intended to be constructed using the Classical Greek rules found in “A Simple Guide to Classical Greek Names” by Ursula George; however, the name Basilius is Latin and not Greek. When provided options, the submitter chose the patronymic byname Basilou, based on the given name Basilas. Accordingly, we have made this change for registration. See the Cover Letter for further information.

Additionally, the given name Helias is a feminine given name. The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names lists two “twin” given names Elias and Helias, where the only difference is whether the initial vowel, in this case, eta, has a rough breathing or a smooth breathing attached to it, leading to two different transliterations. The rough breathing version is transliterated as the feminine name Helias, while the smooth breathing version is transliterated as the masculine name Elias. This distinction however, was not noted in the no-photocopy article used by the submitter (“Common Names of the Aristocracy in the Roman Empire During the 6th and 7th Centuries” by Bardas Xiphias), thus we are giving the submitter the benefit of the doubt, and registering this as if it were a masculine name.

Hilde Immler. Name.

Jarmarr gullbra. Name and device. Per pale gules and argent, two chevronels counterchanged.

Appearing on the Letter of Intent as Jarmarr gullbrá, the name must use or omit accents consistently. The submitter elected to drop the accent in the byname and we have therefore change the name to Jarmarr gullbra for registration.

Nice device!

Johan Sachs. Device. Vert chaussé paly azure and Or, a tortoise rampant and in chief a seax fesswise reversed Or.

Markolf Volkhart von Thüringen. Device change. Quarterly argent and gules, four crosses formy counterchanged, overall a lizard rampant vert.

The submitter’s prior device, Quarterly argent and Or, a bend gules, overall a cross formy sable, is retained as a badge.

Nordman Myshkovich. Name reconsideration from Nordman Mischkovich.

Appearing on the Letter of Intent as Mischkovich, this spelling was in error, the result of typos. The submitter intended the byname to be Myshkovich. As the submitter’s desired spelling is found in Wickenden, we are happy to grant this timely request for reconsideration and restore the name to the intended form.

Óttarr Surtsson. Badge. Per pale embattled Or and purpure, an eye vert irised purpure.

Roderick Aikyn. Name (see PENDS for device).

Roderick de Graham. Reblazon of device. Or, a bend counter-ermine between a bow with an arrow nocked and a lion gules.

Blazoned when registered in January of 2003 as Or, a bend counter-ermine between a bow nocked with an arrow and a lion rampant gules, we are correcting the blazon of the bow and arrow. As noted on the June 2024 Cover Letter, arrows are nocked, not bows. As lions are rampant by default, we have dropped the posture from the blazon.

Saito Takauji. Alternate name Matsudaira Takauji.

CALONTIR returns

Amawari Mitsumi. Name.

This name is returned as the combination of an Okinawan byname with a Japanese jitsumei cannot be documented. Commenters mentioned that during our time period, while Okinawa and Japan had contact, the Okinawan language was (and still is) a separate entity, not mutually intelligible with Japanese. If the lingual mix of Okinawan and Japanese in a single name could be documented, then this name would be registerable. However, no such documentation was provided. Thus, there are three possibilities that would aid in registering this name — document the name entirely in Okinawan, document the name entirely in Japanese, or provide documentation to support the Japanese and Okinawan lingual mix.

We thank Yamanouchi Eidou for their detailed discussion about the difference between Japanese and Okinawan.

The submitter’s device is registered under the holding name Deanna of Cúm an Iolair.

Amma H{o,}ldr. Device. Sable, a phoenix facing sinister between in fess a sword and an open book Or.

This device is returned for conflict with the device of Sean Michael MacIntyre, Sable, a phoenix Or issuant from flames proper between a pair of flaunches rayonny Or. There is a DC for changing the type of the secondary charge group. There is not a DC for changing half the tincture of the flames, which are themselves half the charge, nor for changing the direction the head of the phoenix is facing.

Calvius Atrox. Device. Vert, a dog rampant contourny Or.

This device is returned for conflict with the device of Wahriia of Saint Christina the Astonishing, Vert, a thylacine rampant to sinister Or marked sable. When registering Wahriia’s device in June of 2024 we noted: “Though not canines, [thylacines] are considered as such for the purposes of conflict”, so there is no heraldic difference between the two devices.


Azalais des Montagnes. Device. Per chevron sable and vert, a chevron argent between a sun in splendor and a harp Or.

This device is pended to redraw it with a higher line of division and a thicker chevron. As submitted it more resembles a point pointed fimbriated than a divided field with a chevron.

This was item 5 on the Calontir letter of September 3, 2024.

Roderick Aikyn. Device. Per bend Or and azure, an eagle rising gules and an F-clef Or.

This device is pended to redraw the stems of the F-clef. As submitted they are nearly invisible, rendering the charge unidentifiable.

The F-clef used in this armory is a period form, used most prominently in works printed by Ottaviano Petrucci in the early 16th century such as “Frottole libro secondo”, 1504,

This was item 16 on the Calontir letter of September 3, 2024.

RUSH Recognitions at Clothiers Seminar 2025

Woodblock from Ulstadt’s 1525 work, Coelum philosophorum seu de secretis naturae liber. Public domain in the US

At Clothiers Seminar, these gentles were recognized for their achievements in the Royal University of Scir Hafoc.

Master Saito Takauji
Maestra Ysabel de la Oya
Lady Mabilia Pals
Master Mellitus of Rouncivale
Lord Nakos Theodorosides
Mistress Róise ní Ullacháin
Mistress Elynor of Glastonbury
Mistress Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh

Mu’allimah Vashti al-A’shariyah
RUSH Chancellor

Clothiers Seminar court summaries, January 25, A.S. 59

Four women sewing linen clothes. From The Tacuinum Sanitas of Vienna, Late 14th century. Public domain in the US

In evening court:
Cecilia de Gatisbury – Laurel
Quiteria la Roja – Court Baronage
Ysabel de la Oya – Laurel
Geneviève de Chambéry – Calon Cross
Margery of Penrith – Laurel
Helena Soranzo – Court Baronage

Other court tidings:
Countess Giulia Isabella da Venezia, as Kingdom Seneschale, spoke to the populace about the Kingdom Advocates.
Mistress Fionnghuala inghean Fhearghuis stepped down as an Advocate.
Master Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder stepped up to be an Advocate.
Sir Cai Dubhghlas and Honorable Lady Giovanna Canzoniere da Firenze will remain as Advocates.
Mistress Vashti al-Ash’ariyah recognized RUSH instructors and students who attained degrees.
The Barony of Forgotten Sea presented a tithe.
9 Newcomers received mugs.
Mèstra Giraude Benet and Lord Randr Tokesson, as event stewards, told the news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
There were 275 attendees at the event.
Honorable Lord Skallagrímr Bárðarson won the Arts & Sciences Competition – Peacocks on the Field.
The Shire of Cúm an Iolair presented a tithe.
His Majesty Robert thanked Duchess Petranella, of Northshield, for his stunning garb.
Master Kjaran Hrœreksson, dictus Cearr, told the people about garments bearing Queen Magge’s Cross, for purchase as a fundraiser for the Kingdom Travel Fund.
The hall sang Happy Birthday to Her Majesty Magge.

Crystal Mynes 12th Night court summary, January 4, A.S. 59

In the foreground, 3 people are having a snowball fight. In the background is a windmill and a church.This reporter did not attend the event. My thanks to Sir Dirk, White Hawk, for his court notes.

In Royal Court:
Edwin Parker – AoA
Sefa Refr – AoA
Samuel of Crystal Mynes – AoA
Connor of Crystal Mynes – AoA
Uriah of Crystal Mynes – AoA
Eilidh MacArthur – Golden Calon Swan
Emerick Blackpool – Torse
Aureilia Frenas – Torse
Ragnar MacArthur – Torse

Other court tidings:
Three newcomers received mugs.

November Letter of Acceptances and Returns

The Bavarian Herald Jörg Rügen around 1510. Public Domain in the US

The November Letter of Acceptances and Returns was published yesterday. Here are the results for Calontir.

CALONTIR acceptances

Ægileif Gunnólfsdóttir. Name and device. Per pale vert and Or, two hens statant counter-statant azure.

Nice 9th-11th century Old Norse name from Iceland!

Ailbhe ingen Dalláin. Name.

Nice 11th century Irish Gaelic name!

Bróðir Bragason. Name and device. Per bend sinister vert and azure, a lyre Or.

The question was raised during commentary regarding whether this name was a claim to powers with the byname being a reference to the semi-divine figure Bragi skald hinn gamli Boddason. We uphold the precedent of June 2018 which states that at least three human historical figures have used the given name Bragi, and thus this name is not a claim to powers under SENA PN4C.

Cúanu mac Tairdelbaig. Name and device. Argent, a bat-winged frog sejant vert, on a chief azure three mushrooms argent.

Estrella del Valle. Name and device. Per chevron inverted purpure and vert, in chief a mullet Or.

This device does not conflict with the badge of Thorvald Rodericksson, (Fieldless) A mullet of eight points concave voided and interlaced Or. There is a DC for adding a field, and a DC for removing the voiding and interlacing.

We direct Palimpsest to update SENA Appendix M1g to note that there is a DC between a mullet (of any number of points) and a mullet (of any number of points) voided and interlaced.

Foteine Yfantissa. Device. Per bend enarched Or and paly sable and Or, a bend enarched and in sinister chief a lowercase letter lambda sable.

Artist’s note: please draw fewer and wider traits in the paly section of the field.

Gaston de Rohan. Name.

Nice 15th century French name!

Iacob Geck. Name.

Judith Armstrong. Name change from Judith Warrenne.

Nice 16th century English name!

The submitter’s prior name, Judith Warrenne, is retained as an alternate.

Liriel Correll of Tuatha Keep. Reblazon of badge. (Fieldless) On a step-cut gemstone vert, a ginkgo leaf Or.

Blazoned when registered in December of 1990 as (Fieldless) On a step-cut gemstone vert, a ginko leaf Or, we are reblazoning to use the more common spelling of ginkgo.

Lukas Brierley. Alternate name Lukas the Tailor.

Nice name for English from the late 12th through late 14th centuries!

Milka Barabanshchikova. Name.

Submitted as Milka Barabanshchikov_, we have changed this to Milka Barabanshchikova per the submitter’s wish for a feminine name. Additionally, the Slavic languages tend to be gendered, and require gender agreement across a name. See the Cover Letter for further details.

Orlando Dangerus. Name.

Reese Bacon. Name.

Nice English name from the 1580s!

Sven Fálkason. Name (see RETURNS for device).

Takeda Kiyoteru. Name and device. Purpure, four dice bendwise in cross within an annulet Or.

Thorin of Kvalsund. Reblazon of device. Sable, two narwhals counter-naiant naiant embowed in annulo and on a chief argent three ravens sable.

Blazoned when registered in December of 1994 as Sable, two narwhals naiant in annulo and on a chief argent three ravens sable, we are clarifying the orientation and arrangement of the narwhals.

Þorkatla in skygna. Device. Argent, in pale three bluebell flowers one and two azure and a mountain of three peaks sable.

CALONTIR returns

Jacquette DeBrackeleire. Device change. Argent chaussé azure, a human breast gules distilling three gouttes argent.

This device is returned due to the lack of identifiability of the breast. In the defining registration of the human breast, it was ruled:

A human breast is an allowed charge that has one clear difference (CD) from a roundel. It must have gouttes, and the gouttes must be visible. This means that they need some contrast with the breast but need not have good contrast. [Tetchubah of Greenlake, 01/2008, R-Caid]

This precedent was partially overturned in the April 2021 acceptance of the device of Helayne Sesardo da Venezia, removing the requirement that the gouttes have some contrast with the breast. However, the requirement that the gouttes be visible still stands. As the gouttes in this depiction are argent, and lie nearly entirely on an argent section of the field, they are not visible.

We would pend this to redraw the gouttes entirely on the breast, but examination of the two known period examples of this charge show that in both cases the gouttes are drawn to lie on the background, not the breast, and we will not redraw an element deliberately in a non-period style.

To summarize: the gouttes distilled from human breasts should lie mainly on the background, and require some contrast with that background but not with the breast itself.

Rolanda de Lyndhurst. Device change. Vert, a goose volant contourny maintaining a quill of yarn argent threaded purpure.

This device is returned for violation of SENA A3B4a: “Charges must have good contrast with the background on which they are placed”. Full quills of yarn take their tincture from the thread, so the quill in this submission is considered purpure, which has poor contrast against the vert field.

On resubmission the quill should be drawn larger to improve identifiability.

Sven Fálkason. Device. Per chevron throughout vert and argent, a four-panel Norse cap vert.

This device is returned for conflict with the badge of the West Kingdom’s Falconer’s Guild, (Fieldless) A falcon’s hood vert. An examination of the emblazons shows the only obvious difference between the hat in the submitted armory and the hood in the West’s badge is a plume atop the falcon’s hood. As the plume is not a requirement for a falcon’s hood, and doesn’t appear in many falcon’s hoods found in period armory, this is not enough of a difference to be worth a DC, leaving only a single DC for adding a field.

This device is also returned for lack of documentation for the four-panel Norse cap. Submitters and consulting heralds are reminded that charges that have not been registered before (and charges that have not been registered in a decade or more) should be documented as part of the submission.

RUSH Recognitions at Krist Kinder 2024

Woodblock from Ulstadt’s 1525 work, Coelum philosophorum seu de secretis naturae liber. Public domain in the US

At Krist Kinder, these gentles were recognized for their achievements in the Royal University of Scir Hafoc.

Master Galen MacColmáin
Noble Valeriano di Rossi
Honorable Lady Agnes von Heidelberg
Mistress Gianna Viviani
Lady Adelheid Vromeke
Mistress Joan Myssenden
Honorable Lord Amon Atwood
Her Excellency Antonia Stefani
Honorable Lady Zaneta Baseggio
Honorable Lord Henry Percivale Kemp
Lord Miklos Farma
Honorable Lady Catin of Edington
Mistress Aidan Cocrinn
Mistress Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri
Honorable Lady Astrid Esbjörnsdotter
Duchess Aislinn Morcroft
Honorable Lord Janos Katona
Honorable Lord Biursten Iorundarsson
Master Cai Dubhghlas
Master Finán mac Crimthainn
Master Hugo van Harlo
Mistress Dorcas Whitecap
Master Gawin Kappler
Honorable Lord Jon Chesey
Master Lars Vilhjalmsson
Her Excellency Lelia Corsini
Mistress Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla
Mistress Marie la Faivre
Mistress Melisent MacAfee
Honorable Lady Margery of Penrith
Honorable Lady Moire inghean Neill
Mistress Magdalena Vander Meere
Mistress Lisette la fauconniere d’Amboise
Her Excellency Gracye of Lockwode
Mistress Elaisse de Garrigues

Scrolls will be handed out at Clothiers, or we can mail them. Please email with your address if you would like them mailed.

Mu’allimah Vashti al-A’shariyah
RUSH Chancellor