BoD Seeks Commentary on Closing the Chirurgeonate

From the SCA, Inc Announcements mailing list:

Currently open for commentary is a proposal for the closure of the office of the chirurgeonate. The language for this proposal can be found below. The Board of Directors recognizes that this topic is controversial and would like to emphasize that commentary is being accepted until July 1, 2015, and would strongly recommend that all members forward their opinions for consideration.

Over the last number of years, issues have been brought to the attention of the Board and Society Officers regarding the chirurgeonate as it is currently organized. These issues included numerous disputes between chirurgeons regarding availability of over-the-counter medications, interactions between chirurgeons and contracted EMS personnel at large events, interactions between event participants and chirurgeons, and differences between first aid provider credentials available in different states, provinces and countries. The frequency of issues and the potential for liability to the SCA as an organization prompted the President to ask the SCA’s insurance carrier to clarify whether the duties of the Society Chirurgeon, as described in Corpora, are covered by the SCA’s policy. In addition, a request for opinion was made to outside counsel to consider whether the risk of not having an office of the chirurgeonate created more liability for the SCA than keeping the existing office of the chirurgeonate. The response from the insurance carrier was that the duties of the Society Chirurgeon, as defined in Corpora, were not covered under the insurance policy, and there was not an available option for coverage of those duties. The response from outside counsel was that there is more liability to the SCA if the SCA has an office of the chirurgeonate.

The Board requested that a committee of current chirurgeons from across multiple North American kingdoms consider options: revising the existing office; evaluating insurance options specific to that office; eliminating that office. Given the recommendations from that committee, the following Corpora changes are proposed.

There is no intention to release the heraldry currently associated with the functions of volunteer first aiders participating in the SCA, nor to prohibit any individual from volunteering as a volunteer first aider. This proposal is driven by issues from the North American branches of the SCA. Non-North American SCA affiliates will need to determine their own needs regarding regulation of provision of first aid.

Table of Contents
Current text:
VI. H. Society Chirurgeon
Proposed change:
Delete H. Society Chirurgeon
Re-Letter I. Webminister to H.
Re-Letter J. Reservations to the Board to I.

Current text:
VII. H. The Chirurgeon
Proposed change:
Delete H. The Chirurgeon
Re-letter items I through M to H through L.

Corpora VI. D. Marshal of the Society
Current text:
The Marshal of the Society is responsible for activities related to combat, archery and equestrian activities. This includes directing the Earls Marshal of the Kingdoms in matters concerning the supervision of combat and related activities at Society events and the manner and conduct of duties of all marshals throughout the Society; working with the Society Chirurgeon to promote safety in the Society’s martial arts; and working with the Minister of Arts and Sciences to encourage research in armor and weapons. The Board specifically authorizes the Marshal to make interpretations and clarifications regarding the Rules of the Lists, with the proviso that such rulings must be reported to the Board at the following meeting. The Marshal’s rulings will stand until and unless overruled by the Board.
Proposed text:
The Marshal of the Society is responsible for activities related to combat, archery and equestrian activities. This includes directing the Earls Marshal of the Kingdoms in matters concerning the supervision of combat and related activities at Society events and the manner and conduct of duties of all marshals throughout the Society; working to promote safety in the Society’s martial arts; and working with the Minister of Arts and Sciences to encourage research in armor and weapons. The Board specifically authorizes the Marshal to make interpretations and clarifications regarding the Rules of the Lists, with the proviso that such rulings must be reported to the Board at the following meeting. The Marshal’s rulings will stand until and unless overruled by the Board.

Current text:
VI. H. The Chirurgeon
The Society Chirurgeon is responsible for organizing a program of volunteer first aid services and health-and safety hazard warnings to be made available whenever feasible at Society events, and for establishing policies for and coordinating the activities of the Kingdom Chirurgeons.
Proposed text:
Delete VI. H.
Re-letter I and J to H and I.

Current text:
A. General
1. Officers assist Royalty in the administration of the lands and branches of the realm. Each officer has a specific area of specialization, and a defined geographic scope. Within those bounds, an officer coordinates branch activities, and may supervise deputies or lesser officers.
2. Kingdom Great Officers are responsible directly to the Crown, but also report to a corresponding Society officer if such a Society officer exists. Each Kingdom’s Great Officer corps must include the Seneschal, the Principal Herald, the Earl Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chronicler, and the Chirurgeon. No person may hold more than one of these Great offices at a time. The Crown may create additional Great Offices. Kingdom Lesser Officers and deputies are created by the Crown according to the needs of the kingdom. These officers may be supervised directly by the Crown, or be placed under the jurisdiction of a Greater Officer, and report accordingly. However, Great Officers retain ultimate responsibility for delegated functions.
Proposed text:
1. Officers assist Royalty in the administration of the lands and branches of the realm. Each officer has a specific area of specialization, and a defined geographic scope. Within those bounds, an officer coordinates branch activities, and may supervise deputies or lesser officers.
2. Kingdom Great Officers are not only responsible directly to the Crown, but also report to a corresponding Society officer if such a Society officer exists. Each Kingdom’s Great Officer corps must include the Seneschal, the Principal Herald, the Earl Marshal, the Minister of Arts and Sciences, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Chronicler. No person may hold more than one of these Great offices at a time. The Crown may create additional Great Offices. Kingdom Lesser Officers and deputies are created by the Crown according to the needs of the kingdom. These officers may be supervised directly by the Crown, or be placed under the jurisdiction of a Greater Officer and report accordingly. However, Great Officers retain ultimate responsibility for delegated functions
VII. H. The Chirurgeon
The Chirurgeon administers the organization that is responsible for voluntary first aid at Society events, including assisting participants in tournament combat, notifying attendees of health and safety concerns, and such other related activities as kingdom law and custom may entail.
Proposed text:
Delete VII. H.
Re-letter I through M to H through L.

Current text:
[ ] Chirurgeon
Proposed text:
Delete [ ] Chirurgeon

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.