Two Beautiful Videos About the SCA: The Dream and Welcome Home

The Unicorn is Found (from the Unicorn Tapestries) 1495–1505, The Met Museum. CC0 license.

The Unicorn is Found (from the Unicorn Tapestries) 1495–1505, The Met Museum. CC0 license.

Two beautiful videos about the SCA, The Dream and Welcome Home, to show your friends what we are about.

Welcome Home is a shorter video and is very fighting-centric. It was filmed at the Kingdom of Caid‘s Queen’s Champion event int the summer of 2016.

The Dream is longer shows a broader cross section of what the SCA is about. It was filmed at Great Western War in October 2016.

The videos were the creations of Raiya Corsiglia, who is a member of the SCA.

The Dream won a Silver Telly award.