Court summaries from Masters of the Duel, July 22, A.S. 52

On the field:
Ayisha bint Asad – Stile Fyrd

Evening court:
Eyfríðr Geirsdóttir – AoA
Øyríkr Raðúlfsson – Torse
Brynjólfr Fálkason – AoA
Catriona ingen Fháeláin – Torse

Other court tidings:
Lord Øyríkr Raðúlfsson won the Unranked Tourney.
Lord Finán mac Crimthainn won the Masters of the Duel Tourney.
Some Chivalry and Laurels swore fealty.
Honorable Lord Donald Andrew MacDonald announced that Masters of the Duel will be in Oakheart next year.
3 newcomers received mugs.
Some populace members swore fealty.

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US