Kingdom of Calontir, as King and Queen it is our responsibility to protect our populace. At times, that means asking all of our members to be aware, vigilant, and full of honesty in their interactions.
At this Lilies War, We, in conjunction with Their Highnesses, had a conversation with all of our polling orders about Consent, and talking about it openly among our people. We no longer want these conversations to be hidden, swept under the rug, or not discussed at all.
As unfortunate as it is, the mundane world does find its way into what we all want to be the safest place. We asked all, in all of our order meetings: to watch out for those who may find themselves in a compromising situation; to walk up and be sure our friends are talking to someone they want to talk to; to offer an escort late at night, to someone who might not want to be alone; to be a safe haven to someone who might need to gently find an escape.
As friends and especially for those of us who are Peers of the Realm, we should always be open to listen. In listening, we need to be able to hear all sides of a story. If something illegal has been done, we must encourage those who have been wronged to call the mundane authorities with no fear of retaliation. If nothing illegal has taken place, but inappropriate behavior is thought to have happened, please approach our Kingdom Advocate; take down the information from all parties and follow Society protocol for resolving issues.
This is not only something We are talking about in Kingdom, this is something that is being discussed on the Society level and within all mundane communities as well. We want to create as safe a space as possible for all of our members.
To that end, We had Duchess Isabeau print up the Society approved posters and had them posted around camp. Our Heirs, Prince Anton and Princess Yseult, fully agreed with the importance and intent of this message and did discuss this topic with all of our order meetings for which We were not in attendance. This is just the beginning of the conversation, but it is vital that we ALL participate, so that this Society which we all love can truly be the safe haven that we want it to be. With Love, Donngal and Catalina
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