Chieftains court summaries, February 22, A.S. 54

On the field:
David of Forgotten Sea – Iren Fyrd
Lord Giacomo dalla Fattoria dello Stato is Their Majesties’ Stile Champion.

In evening court:
Lisette of Three Rivers – Golden Calon Swan
Violette of Three Rivers – Golden Calon Swan
Li Jun Quan – Torse
Eli of Three Rivers – Queen’s Chalice
Eli of Three Rivers – Falcon’s Claw
Nemesis Erycina – Golden Calon Swan
FrøygæiRR Fasthaldi – AoA
Hildibrandr Tjúguskegg – Torse
Auga Ormstunga – Torse

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Three Rivers presented largess and a tithe.
Lord Da’ud ibn al-Kabsh al-Garnati al-Ma’iz won the Chieftains Bardic competition.
Eli of Three Rivers won the Chieftains Youth tournament.
Duke Anton Raghelan won the Chieftains Cut & Thrust Dance Card tournament.
Duke Bataciqan-nu kö’ün Ashir won the Chieftains Cut & Thrust tournament.
Sir Alric upplendingr won the Chieftains travelling trophy.
Dominius won the Chieftains Novice tournament.
Honorable Lady Bronwen de Westhold won the Chieftains Arts & Science competition.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Lady Quiteria la Roja will be the next Chancellor of RUSH.
Sir Snorri Bjornsson presented a scutarius to His Majesty Lucian.
A boon was begged for Ashland de Mumford to join the Order of the Laurel.

Rivers & Caxton Presenting book to Edward IV. circa 1480