As Gulf Wars has multiple opportunities for court, this reporter could not be everywhere and attend all courts. My thanks to Johann White Hawk for his notes after courts. I apologize in advance for any missing awards and/or misspelled names, and will gratefully accept corrections to this report. Please contact me at
On the field Monday March 10:
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Nadya Helming to join the Order of Defense.
On the field Wednesday March 12:
Corbyn Greyschanke – Iren Hirth
On the field Thursday March 13:
Jaki Úlfsfæter – Iren Fyrd
Jason Drysdale, of Ansteorra – Iren Feran
In Royal Court Thursday evening:
Rowena Gordon Dunlop – AoA
Sem’iyye bint Tahir al-Hindi – Queen’s Chalice
Uldin of Ravenscroft – Queen’s Chalice
Oswyn Moon – Leather Mallet
Bjarki Vikarsson – Golden Calon Swan;
Their Majesties Outlands, Zachariah and Mariana, borrowed a little time in court to make Ekaterina Kirkovna, formerly known as Katherine d’Arles, a Baroness of Their Court.
Gabrielle des Chats Noirs – Golden Calon Swan
Antonio Arias de Valencia – AoA
Other court tidings:
Ritter Aiden O’Seaghdha, as land agent, thanked the land crews, with especial thanks to Master Alan of Darkdale for providing trash take away service.
Mistress Anna Plantyn, Sir Richard de Bleys, Mistress Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir, and Honorable Lady Amba allrasystir brought thanks from the Equestrian community for the support of the kingdom for the Equestrians at War.
3 newcomers received mugs.
His Majesty Orren announced that letters of intent to fight in Crown Tourney are due March 29th.
A boon was begged for Mistress Giraude Benet to join the Order of the Pelican.
The 4th Company brought thanks to the people for their support.
War pay was given out after court.
In camp Friday March 14:
Alan Smyith of Darkdale – Amicitia of Ansteorra
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