Count and Countess Scroll for Their Excellencies Matsunaga and Elena
Presented by Logan kunung and Ylva drottning at Coronation July 9, AS 51 (2016)
By Aidan Cocrinn, OL © Holly Cochran July 2016
One of the many highlights of Summer Coronation, held July 9, 2016 in the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui, was the investiture of Matsunaga and Elena as Count and Countess. In commemoration of their Reign, both received their County coronets from the hands of their Heirs, Logan and Ylva. In addition, scrolls with the words of the new Crown were presented. Below are the texts of those scrolls, along with photos. Truly, both awards were wonders to behold.
Aidan Cocrinn, OL
Royal Scribe for Matsunaga and Elena, with gratitude and thanks for that great honor
Countess Scroll for Her Excellency Elena text was crafted by Mistress Ishmala bint Yuhannah. The scroll itself was created by Baroness Neathery of Safita.
Right trusty and well-beloved we greet you well. It hath pleased the goodness of Almighty God of his infinite mercy and grace to deliver unto this glorious kingdom this great lady called Elena Moreno del Mar. By the prowess and might of Matsunaga Kagetora she was made his consort and brought great joy and comfort to all the good and loving subjects of the realm. This singular rose has mighty thorns and shielded her people on campaign when the winds turned tempest, she gave wise council to all, and kept her head at all times.
It is our great pleasure and inward desire that you continue to give comfort and consolation to our people. We therefore by this letter advise you that you are made a countess of our realm and are given lands equal to our esteem for you. We bequeath you the Wardenry of Royal Forests near the Crystal Mines where you may build a home with no less than four chimneys and may hunt and hawk at your pleasure.
We undoubtedly desire that you continue to give laud and praise to all subjects of our heart regardless of rank, and pray for the good health, prosperity, and continual preservation of our realm.
Given under our signet in the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui this 9th day of July, in the 50th year of our Society.
The County scroll for Matsunaga was created by Viscount Master Christopher Reuben Montoya, formerly of Atenvelt, now residing in Grimfells. The text was crafted by Master Andrixos.
Cease Kamikaze
Blow no more, heavenly wind
Upon King, upon Kingdom
Rising Sun has brought storm’s end
In calm, all recall tempest
Reclaim lost pillow
Traveler’s cushion far wandered
From home of the dawn
To land entranced by sunsets
Path of pillow was king’s road
Brought from the Nippon
To Heartland and to Shogun
Hail, Matsunaga.
Wind-driver and wind-driven
Strong gale blew through Calontir
Eight corners he saw
As Falcon soaring above
Lifted by wind’s strength
Soft breeze brought he to the land
Spring’s zephyrs caused winter’s rout
He subdued blizzard
And sought stronger storm to test
Led samurai south
To war field well windswept
Foes all dispersed by his gust
Gods keep man humble
After victor’s council held
Divine bellows turned
Brought rain like forge’s fire
Fortress strong sacked by wind-flood
Among folk he strode
Seeing aid brought to needy
Raising homes sunk low
Sheltering people from fear
Here he did gust as a king
Like a willow tree
Falcon tribe withstood the storm
Plans for new fortress
Stories of maelstroms survived
Realm prepared for a new calm
O Matsunaga
Storm bringer in war’s fury
For kingship, well worn.
Headband bright like Rising Sun
And high honors earned granted.
By these words did Duncan Rex and Ylva Regina recognize Matsunaga Kagetori as a Count, and endow him with such rights and obligations accompanying such elevation, including a coronet of gold embattled. Done on the ninth day of July in the Land of the Ring of Red Boars, in the fifty first year of the Society

Scroll by Viscount Master Christopher Reuben Montoya, words by Master Andrixos Seljukroctonis
From the artist: It is written in the Japanese form of 10 Tankas; A 57577 syllable arrangement. The scroll itself is done with Sumi-e (black ink brush, and the painting depicts Fujin, the Japanese wind god, and Matsunaga fighting while His Excellency is protecting beloved Calontir behind him. The scroll text is in English, scribed in Japanese letter characters. It is written in the “kanji” form (vertical columns/right to left) over Suminagashi (floating ink or marbled) paper. The Silk horizontal scroll frame is by Blue Heron Arts and mounting was done by the scribe.
Next from this author: H.L. Vels created an amazing addition to the Royal Scribe’s office, which was gifted to TRM and the RS Office at Coronation. Read ALL the details and see the amazing close-up photos in the next article.

Royal Scribe Box by HL Vels- Front Panel. Just a teaser!
CORRECTION: This post has been corrected to reflect Mistress Ishmala bint Yuhannah as the author of the scroll text for Countess Elena. Also, Viscount Master Christopher originally hails from Atenveldt. The author deeply regrets these errors.
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