Gleaned from Facebook:
Overall Schedule:
- 9 am Authorizations and Inspections
- 10 am : Battle scenarios
- 12:30 pm Break for lunch (field open for pick ups)
- 1:00 pm Man at Arms Tourney
- After the tourney, the field will be open for pick ups
ONLY Calontir style golf-tube and tennis ball arrows allowed. Thrust and throw javelins allowed. NO baldar blunt or Asgard tipped arrows/bolts will be allowed.
Battle Scenarios:
Team A: Humans. No weapons restrictions (combat archery allowed as below), no unusual fighting conventions
Team B: Beasts. No weapons restrictions. All “beasts” will be separated into teams of 2-4 people. Beasts must remain within arm’s length of all “limbs” (team members). If a “limb” is killed, the fighter must drop to their knees, and the beast can only move as fast the “dead” limb can move. A beast is killed only when all “limbs” are dead. Approximately 50% of the beasts will be considered “flying” for the swamp battle below. In order to resurrect, all parts of the beast must go to resurrection point together, and each “dead” limb takes 1 resurrection.
Village battle: (no archery)
Humans begin in the buildings, beasts outside.
Humans must protect the “grain” (pillows) from the beasts. Grain belongs to the humans if it is in a building AND at least one human is inside.
Beasts are considered in control of the grain if it is removed from the building AND a beast is within weapons length of the grain.
20 minutes res battle with a pause at 10 minutes to count “control”. The number of bags of grain in control of each team is added to the # of resurrections available for the castle battle.
Bridge battle: (no archery)
Last man standing. Winning team gets additional resurrections for castle battle.
Swamp battle: ARCHERY for the HUMANS only
All grain is in the center island. The island has 4 access routes. Fighters must cross on their knees to the island, and may stand on the island. “Flying” beasts may walk to the island. To “ground” a flying beast, they must be struck by an arrow or javelin (thrust and throw spear).
Grain must be removed from the center of the island to your base (near res point).
20 minute resurrection (or until all grain is captured, whichever comes first). The number of bags of grain in control of each team is added to the # of resurrections available for the castle battle.
Open field battle: (no archery)
No archery. Teams are attempting to capture “grain” and return it to their base.
20 minute resurrection. May be reset before 20 minutes if all grain is captured.
The number of bags of grain in control of each team is added to the # of resurrections available for the castle battle.
Castle Battle: ARCHERY for the BEASTS only
Humans are defending. Beasts are attacking.
Beasts have archery. Humans may throw shots down from above/over the walls of the fort.
To open a sally port the beasts must strike the door 6 solid blows.
Last man standing, using the resurrections earned from earlier scenarios.
Man At Arms Tourney:
3 man teams (at least one Fyrdman per team)
Two fights each at the village, bridge and castle.
Each team will attack once and defend once at each location (6 fights). Teams will be randomly assigned on the day of the tourney. We will try to put you with people you have never fought with before. Opponents will change for each location. Any weapon (no archery).