Toys for Tots Tournament Court summaries, 20 November, A.S. 56

On the field:
Ivar of Grimfells – Iren Fyrd

In evening court:
Nolan Beroson – Falcon’s Claw
Eawynn ingen Broccáin – AoA
Seathrún Brock – AoA
Ælfwine of Wyvern Cliffe – AoA
Grimwulf Harland – Court Baronage

Other court tidings:
5 newcomers received mugs.
Lord Moon Hides the Sun brought news of the upcoming Queen’s Prize Tournament.
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla, as steward of the event, brought news of the day:
there were 251 people in attendance;
2375 total toys were donated;
$668 was gathered in monetary donations;
the Barony of Three Rivers brought the most toys, with 968;
Count Yseult de Michel was the individual who brought the most toys, with 515;
Master Gawin Kappler won the Cut & Thrust tournament;
Honorable Lord Elias de Jaye won the Armored tournament;
Eli won the Youth tournament;
Eawynn ingen Broccáin won the A&S competition;
Lord Zacharia Dongalson won the Novice tournament;
Lord Yngvarr Bjarnakarl won the archery tournament.
Lady Quiteria la Roja, Honorable Lord Hugo van Harlo, and Mistress Esther bat Moshe brought news of upcoming changes to RUSH.