Unslung Heroes Court Summary, 27 April, A.S. 58

In Royal court:
Ginevra Brandini – Golden Calon Swan
Ælin Kausi – Calon Lily
Cedany Saunsaule – AoA
Celeste Sevenstar – AoA

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Brangwyn Steward received the scroll for her Torse, awarded in the reign of David and Rhianwen.
Lady Eva Piccardi and Lord Melchior Woelffling van Meckelenburch, as event stewards, shared news of the day, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
The Canton of Aston Tor presented largess to Their Majesties.
Lady Twilleliah nic Taillur, as Inn steward, received gifts from Their Majesties.
Lady Batilda von Köln won the A&S competition.
3 newcomers received mugs.
Mistress Miranda Logansdottir shared news about the upcoming Lilies War: no one can get in early unless they are on the Early-On list, maintained by His Excellency Robert the Scot; there are no reserved camping spots.
Mistress Gyða glóra and His Excellency Saito Takauji brought news of the upcoming Summer Coronation, and of Cattle Raids.
A boon was begged for His Excellency Saito Takauji to join the Order of the Laurel.

Archery practice at earthen butts, c1325. The center markers are small wreaths. Detail from the Geoffrey Luttrell psalter. Public Domain in the United States