Coronation Court summaries, Saturday, July 9, A.S. 51

Final business of Matsunaga and Elena:
Sibilla Swaine – QED for Ideals of the Society
Katherine d’Arles – QED for Courtesy
Georgette Durning – Torse
Cedric Peregrine – Court Baronage

First business of Logan and Ylva:
Talbot of Galtris is the new King’s Champion.
Maren Þorskapitr is the new Queen’s Champion.
Duchess Ariel of Glastonbury Tor, Baroness Jorunn Eydisardottir, and Sir Colin MacLachlan were named to be Their Majesties’ Thegns.

Evening court:
Áine nic Tailliuer – Calon Cross
Arnsfast Rikardson – AoA
A boon was begged for Svana Lutusdottir to join the Order of the Pelican.
Juliana Rose – AoA
Aonghas Murdoch Stiubhard – Golden Calon Swan
A boon was begged for Marius Lucian Fidelis to join the Order of the Laurel.
A boon was begged for Agamemnon Platylithodae to join the Order of the Chivalry.
Francisco de Monte Cristo – Torse
Matsunaga Kagetora – County
Elena Moreno del Mar – County
A boon was begged for Gunnar Thorisson to join the Order of the Pelican.

Painting of the League of the Holy Court, circa 1375. Public domain in the US

Painting of the League of the Holy Court, circa 1375. Public domain in the US