King’s Company of Archers court summary, September 10, A.S. 57

In Royal court:
Wulfric of Shyreburne – Falcon’s Claw
Irial mac Uilliam – AoA
Roderick de Graham – Torse
Bjorn Ulfsson – AoA
Astrid Arrowbreaker – AoA
Elizabet Walker of Paislay – Silver Hammer
Gavin O’Shannon – Silver Hammer

Other court tidings:
Mistress Anne Renarde, as event steward, told the news of the day, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
His Excellency Lawrence Taillefer the Leech won the unranked crossbow shoot.
Honorable Lord Finán mac Crimthainn won the unranked longbow shoot.
Lord Franz Johann Gottskrieger won the unranked recurve shoot.
Mistress Alessandra de Piro won the Fyrd crossbow shoot.
Master Galen MacColmáin won the Fyrd longbow shoot.
Lord Gobbán Mac Roibeáird won the Fyrd recurve shoot.
Honorable Lord Kitsu no Taro won the Huscarl recurve shoot.
Master Daniel Martel won the Huscarl longbow shoot.
Master Rolf Hobart won the Huscarl crossbow shoot.
The Barony of Three Rivers won the baronial team competition.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Some populace members swore fealty.
Lady Catin of Edington brought news of the upcoming Autumn Arrows event.

Archery practice at earthen butts, c1325. The center markers are small wreaths. Detail from the Geoffrey Luttrell psalter. Public Domain in the United States