Kingdom Arts & Sciences Court Summary, November 4, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Helenos ben Simon – AoA
Batilda von Köln – Torse
Fionnghuala inghean Fhearghuis – Leather Mallet
Melchior Woelffling van Meckelenburch – AoA
Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla was selected to be Their Majesties’ Equestrian Champion.
Honorable Lord Moon Hides the Sun, as Event Steward, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
There were 135 attendees on site.
Peers, Nobles and commons swore fealty, each in turn, according to their Order.
Honorable Lord Skallagrímr Bárðarson brought news of the upcoming Krist Kinder event, and the Knowne Worlde BBQ competition at Lilies War.
1 newcomer received a mug.
The Crown reminded the populace the the deadline for submitting letters of intent to enter Crown Tournament would be the day after Toys for Tots.
Their Majesties invited the populace to travel to the War of the Phoenix. There will be no official muster.
Mistress Gianna Viviani invited groups to submit bids for Queen’s Prize Tournament next spring.
Lady Simone de Mares won the Populace Choice award.
Noble Helenos ben Simon and Honorable Lady Joan Mysseden shared the Judges’ Choice prize.
Honorable Lord Jon Chesey is the new Kingdom A&S Champion.
The Lilies Committee needs a new Exchequer. Send letters of intent to Mistress Miranda de Logan, dicta Logansdottir.
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla shared news of the Gulf Wars Equestrian fundraiser, to be held at Krist Kinder.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri to join the Order of the Laurel.

Woodblock from Ulstadt’s 1525 work, Coelum philosophorum seu de secretis naturae liber. Public domain in the US