The Lilies Tours flyer is now online. Please feel free to share, print and hand out, hang up at work.
Lilies War
Fyrdracca Shoot!
Have you ever wanted to shoot from a Viking longboat? Now you can! The Bee Hive Five, and the crew of the Fyrdraca, have joined forces to bring you this unique opportunity to do something exciting while raising funds for two worthy causes. The cost is $30 (cash only please), and the proceeds will be split evenly between the Fyrdraca Preservation fund and the Lilies Archery fund. The boat will take 15 archers per raiding party, on a maximum of 4 voyages. Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served, basis. Inquiries about ticket sales may be made to the following people at events between now and Lilies:
Lady Alessandra de Piro
Lady Cecilia de Gatisbury
Lady Emeline de Moulineaux
Mistress Rahil al-Sirhaan
Sir Robert Brockman
Pre-register For Lilies War 28 With ACCEPS
Greetings Calontir, Friends, and Neighbors! (please cross post this far and wide)
The Lilies Committee is excited to announce that for Lilies War 28 you can pre-register your site fee using ACCEPS! Yes that’s right… you can now pre-pay for Lilies War using your credit/debit card! (Please note that this is the only accepted form of pre-payment). ACCEPS will be open until May 30, 2014, so you have until then to pre-register! In future years, if this venture is successful, the ACCEPS window of time for pre-registration will be larger.
Visit to register TODAY.
As a reminder the site fees are:
Adult members – $50
Adult Non-members – $55
Minors (6-17) – $25
Minors (0-5) – free
Family Discount – $15 per child upon the fourth minor (6-17)
The entire payment is due upon completion of the ACCEPS registration. The fee to use ACCEPS is 31¢ plus 3% of your site fee. So for example, the fee for an adult member is $1.81; for adult non-members it is $1.96; and for minors (6-17) it is $1.06. All refunds must be requested from the War of the Lilies Committee Treasurer.
The ACCEPS processing fee is non-refundable.
Refunds may be requested until June 1, 2014.
This will greatly reduce your time spent at gate since you have pre-paid. When you arrive at gate, you will need to show your ID and membership card (if applicable) and your PRE-COMPLETED gate form will be retrieved for you.
Here are a few things to remember when filling out your pre-registration:
1. Please complete all fields. Follow all the directions.
2. If you have questions, click on the floating pelican.
3. If you have more than 4 children in your IMMEDIATE family, please mark the box “Family Max” to ensure the discount will be applied.
4. Discounts for royalty or children will be reflected in the adjusted total at the end, when you click “Compute Final Fees”.
5. You will receive a confirmation once you are complete, so follow the process all the way until the end.
Questions? Contact your Lilies War ACCEPS Registrar, Contesse Issabell St. Charles at
For more information about Lilies War visit,, see you in June!
Contesse de Pontmerci
HL Aiden O’Seaghdha Donates Hand Painted Shield to 2014 Lilies Fireworks Fund Auction
HL Aiden O’Seaghdha has donated a hand painted shield to the 2014 Lilies’ Fireworks Fund auction held by HL Duncan Skeene.
The shield is a 19″ x 24″ curved aluminum center grip Buckler. It was painted with enamels and Acrylics with enamel clearcoat over the top for protection. The art was done in a 14th century style with figures taken from existing effigies, and a stylized Lilies skyline with exploding fireworks. The surrounding columns and arches are painted in metallic gold and copper enamels to allow those areas to “shine” in the sun similar to Gold Leaf.
The buckler has a stainless steel boss and is wrapped in black Trim Lok and para-cord, and can be a functional shield on the rattan or cut & thrust fields, or just displayed as artwork.
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