Society’s Guidance for Youth Combat at Pennsic


The Society Seneschal, A.J. Pongratz, has provided legal guidance for Youth Combat activities at Pennsic in light of recent changes in Pennsylvania law. The full text is quite long, and is posted in full at The East Kingdom Gazette

However, the pertinent part of the statement is:

In reviewing the official website of the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Human Services and the recent statute with other officers and agents of the SCA, I have determined that this statute will not impact on Heavy Combat or Rapier Combat by minor children of the age of 16 or 17 nor youth activities.



Pennsic Newcomers Social

Reposted from the Ealdormere Gazette:


On Sunday, August 2, from 2 – 4 pm, in AS15, the Chatelaines of AEthelmearc are once again hosting a Newcomers Social. All newcomers to Pennsic (or to the SCA in general) are invited to attend. The organizers are hopeful that several kingdom Chatelaines and members of the royalty will be in attendance. This will be a casual affair, and an opportunity for newcomers to ask questions and get to know people from around the Known World. Light refreshments will be served.

AS15 is one of the Pennsic University tents, and is located between the Lost & Found and the Dance Tents.

Pennsic Position Open

Reposted from the Midrealm Gazette:

Not a combatant, but looking for a way to help out around the battlefield at Pennsic this year?

Baron Nicholas of Windreach, also known as “Signal 1″ or the guy in the castle tower with the flags and the official battle time, is looking for recruits to learn his position.

If you are interested in this challenging and important position at Pennsic, please feel free to contact Nicholas directly at

Gregoire, Midrealm Kingdom Earl Marshal


Update on Youth Combat Activities at Pennsic

Statement issued by the Pennsic staff:

In compliance with new Pennsylvania Commonwealth Law and due to potential medical risk considerations involving martial activities the following policy is now in effect:

Minors authorized in martial activities and bearing a gold tape diamond on their helms on which their parent or legal guardian’s cell phone number is written, may participate in battles. Parents should have the cell phone in hand in case of emergency

Additionally, from the Midrealm Earl Marshal:

NB: The mayor has incorrectly stated that the gold diamond for rapier combatants should be on the helm – it should be on the cuff of the gauntlet, per Society Rules.

Potential Problems for Youth Activities at Pennsic this Year

As first reported by The Ealdormere Gazette:

Changes in legislation in the State of Pennsylvania will have an impact on how attendees under the age of 18 may participate. Through their Keep Kids Safe website, Pennsylvania has announced that, beginning July 1, 2015, an adult applying for an unpaid position as a volunteer responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children will need clearances.

This new law states that anyone responsible for the “supervision, guidance or control of children or [who has] routine interaction with children” must go through a clearance process that may include a finger print check by the FBI.

With this new law, there is speculation across Social Media as to whether youth will be able to participate in armoured combat, or even youth combat, if all the marshals have not gone through this clearance process. Under this legislation, it might also be impossible for seventeen year olds to freely wander about the Pennsic site since they will have interaction with security and other event volunteers who have not gone through the clearance process.

The Ealdormere Gazette has reached out to Baroness Briatiz D’Andrade, Pennsic War 44’s Media Liaison, and we hope to hear from her soon.

For more information, read the FAQ about this legislation.

[Edit: We have been informed that this issue is being investigated by the Pennsic Mayor and the Seneschals of the three Pennsic kingdoms.]

Click to access C_135249.pdf


The East Kingdom Gazette: Memories of Pennsic IV

The East Kingdom Gazette has published an article from two of their Kingdom’s folk on their recollections of Pennsic IV. From the article:

Countess Brekke Franksdottir and Sir Michael of York recorded their memories of Pennsic IV, famous for its mud and rain, at the request of the Gazette. Comments have been turned on for this article so others may add their own memories.

Pennsic: Scheduling Activities on the Battlefield

Reposted from the Midrealm Gazette:

From the Pennsic Battlefield Scheduler:

People wishing to use the battlefield/fort/tourney lists for an activity can place a request using the same process as last year – via the Pennsic University Thing process found here:

Please enter all applicable information to help me sort out the best place to put you in; especially set-up/tear down timesand what area you’d prefer to get. Volume of participants expected can help too. There is a supplementary area for extra info. Deadline for the book is two weeks and I will do my best to schedule all requests submitted by that date.

Questions can be sent to me at:

I’m not on FB site very often these days so cannot guarantee seeing posts there.

Countess Joleicia of Litchfield
Pennsic 44 Battlefield Scheduler