HRH Agememnon Platolithidæ will sit vigil at Melees & Mayhem, in preparation for ascending the Calon Throne.
Highlights from Kingdom A&S
Eleanor Deyeson invited to join the Order of the Laurel
Deinol of Llananno – Award of Arms
Margaret MacKenzie – Golden Calon Swan
Robert the Scot – Leather Mallet
Lote Winterborn – Golden Calon Swan
Vashti al-Asar – Golden Calon Swan
Vels inn Viggladi – Leather Mallet
Ishmala bin Yuhannah was sworn in as the new Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences
Vels inn Viggladi is the new Kingdom A&S Champion
After consultation with the Order of the Laurel, HRM Ariel has declared Calontir A&S to be awesome!
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CORRECTION:Eleanor Deyeson invited to join Order of the Laurel
At Kingdom A&S morning court THL Eleanor Deyeson was invited to join the Order of the Laurel. The elevation time and place has not yet been announced.
Daniel Martel invited into the Order of the Pelican
Mistress Lynette Dave’jean reports:
Greetings All,
For those of you that were unable to attend Gulf Wars this year, there was an exciting
invitation issued by Their Royal Majesties Martino and Ariel. They have invited Daniel Martel
into their Order of the Pelican. It was my pleasure to beg the boon in Court on Thursday evening.
At this time there are no details to share with you.
~In Service to the Crown and Kingdom of Calontir
Lynette Dave’jean, OL, OP.
Chieftain’s Event News
Seathrun was invited to join the Order of the Laurel. Zsigmond and Ariadne received Torses. Sawbina received a Swan. Meg and Gretel received Queen’s Chalices. Backlog chivalry scrolls were presented to Hirsch and Erich.
New Pelican
It was announced at Clothiers that The Order of Pelicans will be adding Vincent de Vere. The event for the elevation is to be named later.
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