In Memoriam: The Passing of Mistress Malkin Grey

This sad news has only recently arrived, over long winter roads.

Malkin Grey, mundanely known as Debra Doyle, 67, died October 31, 2020 of a sudden cardiac event at home in Colebrook NH.  She was best known in Calontir for the essential Calontir hits “Varangian Song”, “Raven Banner”, and “Song of the Shield Wall”, which she co-wrote with Peregrynne Windrider.  She and her husband James D. Macdonald also coauthored many SFF stories and novels in the 1990s and 2000s.

Ms. Malkin was born November 30, 1952 in Florida, and grew up mostly in Texas.  She received her AoA in Atlantia in A.S. 12 and was elevated to the Order of the Pelican there in A.S. 18.  Her final home was in the East Kingdom.

Varangian Song by Malkin Gray (Debra Doyle) and Peregrynne Windrider (Melissa Williamson)
Raven Banner by Malkin Gray (Debra Doyle) and Peregrynne Windrider (Melissa Williamson)
Song of the Shield Wall by Malkin Gray (Debra Doyle) and Peregrynne Windrider (Melissa Williamson)

Announcement: January 2021 BoD Meeting Goes Live

We are pleased to announce that we will be live-streaming meetings via GoToWebinar. After the meeting ends, a recording will be uploaded to our SCA YouTube channel.

Each meeting has a unique GoToWebinar registration link, which will be posted on this page.

Please register for The January 24, 2021 SCA Inc. Quarterly Board Meeting on Jan 24, 2021 10:00 AM PST at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on joining the webinar.

Please note: Space is limited as we are trying to keep costs low. If you have registered and cannot join the webinar, please try again later as people will enter and leave as the meeting progresses.

In addition, we will take questions through the Webinar software during the Board Meeting, and hold a Q&A session after the main business is concluded.

For more information please click here:

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Virtual Heralds Point

The SCA College of Arms will be hosting a Virtual Heralds Point for three weeks beginning on Sunday, Jan 24th. Whether you’ve been meaning to get something registered for a while but can’t find your local herald, or you’re a herald looking for a little more consulting work, this is a great opportunity to get something moving. Links to the sign-up forms can be found at

The best part of this consulting table is that we’ll be taking electronic payments via PayPal for submissions. So if you’ve been putting off submitting, this is the time to do it!

The hope is that it will be very flexible, a submitter can enter their ideas and preferred forms of contact, and a herald will get in touch and try to help them through the process, either slowly by email over the course of a number of days, or in one hit over a zoom meeting, whatever it takes. Sign up today over at

The Bavarian Herald Jörg Rügen around 1510. Public Domain in the US

Gulf Wars XXX – October 2nd Through 10th, 2021

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US

Christmas Greetings Unto the Knowne World,

We as the Crowns of Meridies, Ansteorra, Trimaris, and Gleann Abhann in conjunction with Our Kingdom Seneschals and the Event Stewards for Gulf Wars have worked diligently to find an option for Gulf Wars XXX scheduled for March 2021.

We are happy to announce that Gulf Wars XXX will occur on October 2-10, 2021. (Gulf Wars XXXI will be in March 2022.)

More information regarding Gulf Wars XXX in October 2021 will be forthcoming, but We look forward to seeing everyone in October at King Arrow’s Ranch.

We wish you a Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

TRM Meridies, Timothy & Ysmay
TRM Ansteorra, Jason Drysdale & Margherita de Mantua
TRM Trimaris, Kurn O’Farrell & Maisie of Dunbarton
TRM Gleann Abhann, Caillin & Danielle
Mistress Kendra Dey, OP & Mistress Magdalena de Segovia, OP, Gulf Wars XXX Autocrats

In Memoriam: The Passing of THL Od Barbarossa

Courtesy of the SCA Memorial Shield Project

Sad news from the Shire of Westumbria:

The Honorable Lord Od Barbarosa passed from this world to the next on the evening of December 25, AS LV (2020)

His lady wife, Lady Biby ferch Llewelyn, is with family and friends. The family requests that anyone wishing to say their farewells in person, please do so safely.

I will remember him as a shield brother, and for the songs and stories we shared around the fire. He was a large and joyful man, kind and generous.

Some remembrances of Barbarosa from The Book of Faces:

We’d been friends a while, a couple years anyway, and had joined the SCA. After getting me into armor, and I said nope, this isn’t me .. he kept saying variants of “Mike, I just want to hit you!” – Lord Archer MacRobert

How Sir Geoffrey de Gournay earned the title “Toe-killer” — Many moons ago, Barbarosa marshalled the fighting of a tournament with a best death component. A young fighter took a killing blow and essentially did the Nestea plunge fall. When the fighter’s sword elbow struck the the ground, it straightened, bringing the sword down on Barnarosa’s toe. Later that evening, at bardic, Barbarosa rose to recite a poem he written that very day. We recite his poem, with the fondest memory, at almost every event. That poem — “I think that I shall never know a thing as painful as a toe. Damnit, Geoffrey” – Mistress Adalia VonderBerg

I’ll never forget that time Barbarosa won that Sumo tournament. He went shirtless and greased himself up with sun tanning lotion so no one could get ahold of him. Not that anyone could get ahold of a man that size anyway. Yokozuna Red Bear! Rest well dear friend – Master Hanashi No Kagemoto

Visitation will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, January 1, 2021, at Bryant Funeral Home, with family to receive friends from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Funeral Service will be held at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, January 2, 2021, at Bryant Funeral Home. Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Nekoma. Memorials have been designated to the American Heart Association, in care of Bryant Funeral Home. 

SCA Kingdom Newsletter Paywall Removed

Reposted from The Æthelmearc Gazette

From the SCA Board of Directors:

During the October 2020 meeting, the Board of Directors voted unanimously in favor of the removal of the “paid members only” barrier from the e-newsletter online portal.

As of December 1, 2020, the paywall will be removed from newsletters, inter-kingdom directory and Board Minutes. This will give all participants and groups the opportunity to explore the rich and abundant history of the SCA. We are hoping these documents can be used as historical references and tools to help us grow the SCA community.

Subscribers to the paper copies of Kingdom newsletters will not be affected by this change. Your paper subscriptions will continue to be mailed to you in a timely manner.

Newsletters can be found by clicking on this link:

Announcements: RUSH Presents: Collegia Calontiris

Bookcases in the library of the University of Leiden, 1610

From Honorable Lord Saito Takauji comes this news:

Ohayo gozaimasu, Calontir! Some very exciting news from myself and the RUSH Chancellor, Lady Quiteria la Roja

With permission from Their Royal Majesties, we will be holding an official online event on 12/5/2020.

RUSH Presents: Collegia Calontiris is a day dedicated to all the arts and sciences, and the chance for Calontir to once more come together even during the darkest times and find strength in our community.

We need students, and we need teachers (because it would otherwise not be much of an event). Please follow this fine and elegantly crafted link to the event, where you can find a similarly artisanal link to the instructor signup up form!

A Zoom meeting will form the main room and main classroom. We have a generous offer from Count Volkmar Katzbalger  for a second classroom; and teachers can also use an “off site” classroom such as FB life, Twitch, or their own zoom.

Please join us for a day of arts, sciences, and togetherness on the 5th of December!

RUSH Presents: Collegia Calontiris! An online event to be held on December 5, 2020, in the virtual lands of the Barony of Mag Mor.

Classes of all kinds welcome! We have slots from 9 AM to 7 PM.

Event Steward: THL Saito Takauji (
RUSH Chancellor: Lady Quiteria la Roja
Scheduler: Lady Lelia Corsini

All classes to be conducted online.

Announcements: Board of Directors October Meeting Video Available

From the Society Announcements:

The Board of Directors Meeting was held on October 25, 2020. The meeting was held via GoToWebinar with 51 people in attendance from the community.

The video playback can be found on our SCA YouTube channel here:

To keep up to date on SCA YouTube, please consider subscribing and turning on notifications. Please give us a thumbs up if you want us to continue providing this type of content.

Thank you to all the people in attendance for this meeting.