SCA, Inc. Board Meeting to Live Stream

The Board of Directors has announced that the October 25th Board Meeting will be streamed via GoToWebinar. The recording will be uploaded to YouTube after the meeting is ended.

Register for the meeting at:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please note: Space is limited as we are trying to keep costs low. If you have registered and cannot join the webinar, please try again later as people will enter and leave as the meeting progresses.

In addition, we will be taking questions through the Webinar software during the Board Meeting and having a Q&A session after the main business is concluded.

Announcement: Establishing the Membership Assistance Fund

From the Announcements mailing list:


In 2020, we are seeing the impact of the pandemic seriously affecting our members and their families.  To help where we can, our community suggested the Society set up a donation fund to support those participants who may be unable to continue their memberships.  You spoke and we listened.

The purpose of the “Membership Assistance Fund” is to allow the members of our community to request assistance directly from our Corporate Office for new memberships and renewals.

To submit a request, please follow the instructions in the letter from the Membership Office. SCA Membership forms are available on our Document Library page. Form Requests will be processed as funds allow. All requests will be treated confidentially.

To make a donation: Due to our not-for-profit status, we need your donations to make this fund work.  All donations designated ‘Membership Assistance Fund’ will be used for that purpose and that purpose only.

Make a tax-deductible charitable donation online.
Paypal and credit/debit cards accepted.

or you can mail your donation to:

Membership Assistance Fund
SCA Inc.
P.O. Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036-0789

For more information, please email


Update on the Future of the Falcon Banner

Copyist-illuminator. Mid-15th Century. Public domain in the US

Two experiments have largely failed.

  1. Almost no one has responded to the request for readers to report news.
  2. MeWe has proven to be a platform that nobody goes to.

This means the Falcon Banner will not be able to disengage from Facebook as planned in 2021.

We will no longer post to MeWe. For those who followed us there, please consider subscribing to the email list.

Also, as I plan for retirement, I am looking for someone to take over as editor. If you have any interest in this role, please let me know.



Message from the Board of Directors August 8, 2020


The SCA Board of Directors wants to update you, the participants of this great organization, on the impact that Covid-19 is having on the SCA.

We are facing an unprecedented decline in membership revenue. Revenue has dropped off to the point where the Society could be facing some exceedingly difficult choices soon. Choices that may impact our ability to return to the game we love and miss.

To grapple with the current realities facing the SCA, the Board of Directors has canceled all travel and non-essential expenses at the corporate level.  Additionally, the Board and Corporate Officers are meeting bi-weekly via video teleconference to increase the speed at which we respond to the constantly evolving landscape of the SCA.

During these bi-weekly meetings it has become clear that we need to address our current financial situation. Since the outbreak of the pandemic we have seen an extraordinary 28% drop in membership, which is approximately 4,000 members.  We know that many of you are personally facing great hardships and we understand the difficult choices you are having to make each day. Not one of us has been untouched by the reality of living in the times of COVID.

For those of you who are able and willing to help the SCA face this threat there are several things that you can do.

First, please renew your membership if it has lapsed.

Second, please consider extending your membership for a few years.

Third, if you feel you can help support another person‘s membership you can reach out to our administrative team at to arrange for a Gift Membership.

Fourth, you can make a charitable tax-deductible donation to the Society directly.

We are a volunteer society with a huge diversity of membership. We are all doing the best that we can in a trying time. Now more than ever is our opportunity to live our lives following the core values of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Now is the time to display to the world that we are a chivalrous people of honesty, integrity, honor, service, respect, and fairness.

In Service to the Dream,

Craig Carter,  Chairman 

John St. Dennis,  Vice Chairman 

Gigi Coulson,  Director 

Natalie Degerstrom,  Director  


T.S. Morgan,  Director 

Dan Watson,  Director 

Ross Roegner,  Director  



Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Podcast with Mounted Combat Instructor

Bavarian engraving of a medieval tournament from the 1400s. Public domain in the US

Gleaned from the Calonlist:

If you are unfamiliar with Guy Windsor, he is a noted instructor in historical martial arts. He has started a podcast during the pandemic, and this episode ( is with Jennifer Landels, a mounted combat instructor near Vancouver, BC.

I thought the equestrians might like to be informed…

A&S Deputy Positions Open: Volunteers Requested

Hello everyone!

We have a few positions to fill in the Arts & Sciences Office. If you are interested in any of the below positions, please send me an email ( expressing your interest, any particular skills or experience you feel makes you a good fit for the role, and anything else relevant you’d like to include. There may be follow up questions/a zoom meeting depending upon interest in the positions.

Please have all Letters to me by 9/1/2020

Open positions:

A&S Minister Deputy: This would be my direct office deputy (the so-called “drop dead”) and would step in if I became unable to serve. Duties would include being my backup (so gaining a knowledge of the office will be important) and helping with quarterly reporting. This is a great opportunity for those who have held a local office and want to get more involved or who may consider applying the next time KMoAS is open (next June!)

Scheduler Deputy: Have you ever wondered how our big A&S competitions are scheduled to match judges and entrants? That would be this deputy. Help the kingdom in a specific and measurable way. A great candidate has excellent organizational skills and enjoys a good puzzle. Must be able to attend Queen’s Prize and Kingdom A&S to assist with on-site logistics. Be a part of making these important events exciting for all who attend.

Martial Studies Deputy: If you have an interest in both Martial Activities and how they are taught/scheduled/made available to the kingdom, this may be a perfect position for you. The deputy will be able to work closely with the Kingdom A&S minister, RUSH officer, and Martial leadership to promote and expand teaching across all martial areas. A great candidate would be a successful networker who has at least some basic experience with each of the Martial areas supported by the kingdom.

I hope to hear from you all. Even if you worry that you might not have all the experience in an area, I hope to hear from you. Knowing that you have interest lets us help give you opportunities to learn more and be involved with an area you are passionate about.

As always, please reach out to the email above if you have questions.

Kristine Nic Tallier

Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

Renewed Oath from the Chivalry of Calontir

Painting of the League of the Holy Court, circa 1375. Public domain in the US

Gleaned from Facebook:

Unto the people of Calontir and the Known World come these words from the Chivalry of Calontir.

Since the earliest days of our land, the Chivalry has sworn to loyally defend and uphold the Crown and Kingdom; to be the shield of the innocent, and the sword of justice. In this we have failed.

As peers it is our responsibility to protect this Kingdom and make it a better place, but in our failure, we have let those around us down. We have failed to take appropriate action against behavior in our Kingdom, and within our own circle. That is unacceptable. Damage has been done, not only to the victims, but through our failure, to the Kingdom as a whole. For this we are deeply sorry.

Such acts and injustices should not have been, and must never again, be tolerated.

Today we reaffirm our oath to be the shield of the innocent and sword of justice; to stand in front of you as protectors, and beside you as supporters; to no longer condone actions by our silence; to hold each other accountable. To strive to be the order you deserve.

But, do not judge us by these words – for words are no replacement for action. We hope you will be able to judge us for how we move forward, and that in time we can regain lost trust. As individuals, and as an order, we are far from perfect, but we will strive each day to be better than the last. Hold us to our oaths.

So Swear We,

Halfgrim hafreki, riddari
Hrabe’ Vaclav Semjaka, Rytir
Sir Cilian MacMarroo
Arnfast Rikkardsson Riddari
Sir Kaidu
Ealdorman Duncan Eardstapa, Baron of Three Rivers
Sir Gavin O’Shannon
Sir Anton Von Hagenstein
Sir Angus of Blackmoor
Graf Sir Volkmar Katzbalger
Syr Hobbs Drake
Hildibrandr Tjúguskegg Riddari
Stephan MacTir
Irel Krist of Starre Inn
Sir Gaius Flavius Axulius
Duke Master Joseph Angus Wilson of Clan Gunn
Sir Duncan Mac Torquill
Duke Damien MacGavin
Sir Donato el Lobo
Herzog Hirsch Ross Eichmann
Richard DeBleys, Riddari
Sir Albrecht von Trier
Sir Duncan Fearmac MacLeod
Robert Brockman Ridarri
Duke Donngal Erickson
Sir Talbot of Galtris
Count Agamemnon Platylithodae
Syr Mar
Syr Cian Mac Cu’Roi’
Sir Marcus de la Forest
Sir Luc Fitzwarrin
Sir Erich Hlodowechssun fon Hoheihhallu
Duncan Bruce of Logan
Sir Gustav Jameson
Duke Bataciqan-nu Ko’un Ashir
Biarni Hrœreksson Riddari
Syr John Bowyer
Sir Joel de Grace
Syr Odo de Home
Sir Dirik von Rosswald
Master Kirk FitzDavid
Conde Fernando Rodriguez De Falcon
Sir Avraham ben David Hakhuzari
Syr Duncan of Skeene
Ritter Aiden O’Seaghdha
Ariel of Glastonbury Tor
Sir Dirk MacMartin
Duke Tristram of Lindisfarne
Snorri Riddari
Sir Halidor Arkellsson
Sir Reimond of Ipstones
Duke Anton Rhaghelan
Colin James MacLachlan
Akitsuki Yoshimitsu
Sir Cai Dubhghlas
Mathieu Chartrain
Sir Lars Vilhjalmsson
Aleksandr Yaroslavovich Vyetchikov
Sir Richard Wolfwood
Jarl Hroerekr Steinbjarnarson
Sir Sean Chipendale
Matsunaga Kagetora-kakka
Herzog Luther Ambossfaust
Sir Albrecht Von Salzburg
Sir Maren Porskabitr
Sir Ilya Yaroslavich
Duke Eringlin Aldhelm
Censor Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis
Colyne Gray
Lucian Fidelis

Announcement: Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity until January 31st, 2021

During the July 28, 2020, Ad Hoc meeting of the Board of Directors for the Society for Creative Anachronism, the following Resolution was passed by a unanimous vote and made effective immediately:

Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity until January 31st, 2021(PDF)

I. Whereas, the COVID-19 Global Pandemic has created an unparalleled challenge for the administration of the Society for Creative Anachronism. The Board of Directors acknowledges the health and well-being of the membership and participants of the SCA are of utmost importance;

II. Whereas, the Crowns of the vast majority of North American Kingdoms have petitioned the board to suspend in-person SCA events in North America until January 31st, 2021;

III. Whereas, following consultation with the Kingdom Seneschals of the North American Kingdoms, it appears that this petition is generally supported;

IV. Therefore Now Be It Resolved, The SCA Board of Directors suspends all SCA in-person events in North America until January 31st, 2021;

V. Resolved, Small local gatherings including, but not limited to, archery practice, guild meetings, officer meetings, and local martial activities shall remain at the discretion of the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal, in accordance with CDC, State, Provincial, and local health guidelines and recommendations. Virtual events as alternatives continue to be a viable option;

VI. Resolved, The SCA Board of Directors directs the Society Seneschal to grant a blanket variance to Corpora waiving any required events such as Crown List and Coronation until January 31st, 2021, as well as extending all current reigns until a royal list can be held to determine suitable Heirs;

VII. Resolved, If a Crown or Coronet steps down without Heirs for a Kingdom or Principality, a Regent shall be installed until such time as a royal list may be held to find suitable Heirs and a Coronation or Investiture held. This regent should be installed according to the Kingdom or Principality laws that govern the appointment of Regents, after consultation with the Society Seneschal. If the Kingdom or Principality has no such law, the Kingdom Seneschal (and Principality Seneschal when appropriate) must consult with the Society Seneschal and Society President to determine an appropriate selection method for a Regent;

VIII. Resolved, the SCA Board of Directors invites Kingdoms who have determined that it is safe to host in-person events before January 31st, 2021, to request a variance from the Society Seneschal to be able to do so. The Society Seneschal shall have the authority to grant or deny these requests. These requests will be reviewed by the Board using the same review method used for variances to Corpora;

IX. Resolved, the SCA Board of Directors commends the officers, royalty, hard-working membership, and participants who have made it possible for the SCA to continue activities during these trying times.

Any commentary regarding this matter should be addressed to Please use the title “Resolution” in the subject line.

NOTE: Please use the body of the email for commentary.

Attachments will cause your message to be marked as spam, and it will bounce.

In lieu of email, commentary may be sent by US Mail, Postage-Prepaid, to:

Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
RE: Resolution
P.O. Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036-0789

Resolution to Suspend In-Person SCA Activity until January 31st, 2021

Announcement: Topical Town Hall Sessions. You Ask. We Answer.

As a world-wide Society, getting to talk to all our members is a little difficult in person. Thankfully, modern technology has given us the opportunity to able to connect on a regular basis and discuss the important topics that matter for SCA members and participants.

Introducing SCA Topical Town Hall Sessions! Click here for more information and to send in your topic proposals. The topical Town Hall schedule will be posted once dates, times, and guests are confirmed.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Topical Town Hall Request Form