Feast of Eagles court summary, July 29, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Cynethrythe of Arcenefelde – AoA
Ayisha bint Asad – Laurel
Volusia Zoe – Leather Mallet
Andromir Vukovic – Cross of Calontir
Einar Sigurdson – Torse
Ælin Kausi – Leather Mallet
Bandon Greenwich – AoA
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – Master of Defense
Inez Errotabehere – Torse
Hobbe Robbins – AoA
Randr Tokesson (dictus Randlar) – Iren Fyrd
Gianlupo delle Bande Nere – Cross of Calontir

In court during Feast:
Cordelia of Moonstone – AoA

Other court tidings:
Cynethrythe of Arcenefelde, as event steward, shared news of the day.
Muiredach mac Néill won the Man at Arms tourney.
His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Feast of Eagles tournament and the Cut and Thrust tournament.
Cade Mober won the Balloons thrown weapons contest.
Lord Otto of Foxhall won the Cut the Rope thrown weapons event.
Honorable Lord János Katona won the Dice Throw.
Thorfinnr Thengilsson won the Arts & Science competition.
There were 294 people attending the event.
The silent auction raised $937 for the Kingdom Travel fund.
Honorable Lord Robert Steven MacLaren (dictus Robert the Scot) and Lady Heidi Anne Draper will be the next Baronage of Vatavia.
14 newcomers received mugs.
Líknvé in spaka will be the next Kingdom Webminister.
Almost $1800 was raised for Wayside Waifs Animal Shelter during the feast.

From “Janvier”, Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry. c. 1412-1416

Raid or Trade: Rome invades Persia Court Summary, July 08, A.S. 58

This reporter did not go to the event. My thanks to Mistress Esther bat Moshe for sending me her notes from court. As always, any corrections are welcome.

In evening court:
Yngarr Harbardsson – AoA
Ellsif Olvirsdottir – AoA
Katla in Skygna – Torse
Georgette Durning – Leather Mallet
Clara Masen – Torse
Robin Corbett – Golden Calon Swan
Isabella the Patient – AoA
Lydia Marts – AoA
Kolla Manadottir – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
Boar Pit (bear pit) armored fighting:
Elyas Clovenshield won the tourney.
Honorable Lord Nathaniel Lennox won the baronial championship.
Single sword tournament was won by Elyas Clovenshield.
One archery competition was won by Vivian from Northshield.
The other archery competition was won by Aengus O Bannon.
Mistress Juliana Macnayre won the A&S Boar in any medium with a leather pouch.
Catherine of Couer d’ Ennui is the new Baronial A&S champion.
A representative of Villa Frumentaria spoke of their event describing activities and competitions
Her Excellency Atia Albia Tammara spoke of retinue for TRH and combined work with Mistress Gabrielle von Friedrichsthal for retinue for both THM and TRH for Pennsic.
9 newcomers and one owl received mugs.

Majlis, Shahnama. Tabriz, Persia, c.1335

Court Summaries from Lilies War, June 9-18, A.S. 58

As the War of the Lilies has multiple opportunities for court, this reporter could not be everywhere and attend all courts. My thanks go to Dýrfinna Eyas and Ysabel de la Oya for sending me reports of courts I missed. I apologize in advance for any missing awards and/or misspelled names, and will gratefully accept corrections to this report. Please contact me at dorcaswhitecap@gmail.com

Saturday evening court, June 10:
Líknvé in spaka – Torse
Mkty Nakhthor – Torse
Mabilia Pals – Golden Calon Swan
Fleur Barincou – AoA
Morgana MacDermott – Golden Calon Swan
Halima bint al-‘Abbas al-Tanji – Calon Cross
Úlfr Þyrison (Thyrison) – Calon Cross

Other court tidings Saturday evening:
Honorable Lady Kolfinna Halvgrimsdottir announced that she is seeking a successor as Kingdom Waterbearer.
Mistress Miranda Logansdottir announced that the kingdom has need of a new Lilies Committee Chairperson.

Sunday field court, June 11:
Aurick Redmark – Iren Fyrd
Charles von Strausberg – Iren Fyrd
Kennocht Armstrang – Iren Hirth
Cian mac Lorccáin huí Chonaill – Iren Hirth
Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis – OAF
Augustin le Blinde – Chivalry

The Lonely Tower Baronial Investiture court, Sunday evening:
Augustin le Blinde – Court Barony
Aleit de la Thomme – Court Barony
Charles von Strausberg and Kathleen of Stonehaven were invested as the new Baron and Baroness of the Lonely Tower.

Monday field court, June 12:
Gerald Kendall – Stile Fyrd
Baudewyn de Wolfe – Stile Fyrd

Wednesday evening court, June 14:
Michael the Wanderer – Pelican

Thursday evening court, June 15:
Helena Soranzo – Calon Cross
Fionnghuala inghean ui Fhallamhain – Calon Lily
Pepin Lachemunt – Court Barony
Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora – Laurel
Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis – Augmentation of Arms

Other court tidings Thursday evening:
Gifts were exchanged between the Their Royal Majesties Calontir and the Crowns of Meridies and Outlands, and Their Highnesses of Vindheim.
TRMs Meridies gave wordfame to Lord Magnus O’Carr (Torin), for his assistance in reprinting “Crowns Against Nobility”.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Lothar der Rote to join the Order of the Pelican.
Honorable Lord Viga-Valr viligísl (Vels) reminded the populace to pre-register for Pennsic before the deadline, and to tell him the footprint size of the tent they would set up at the war.
Huscarl scrolls were presented to Honorable Lord Kennocht Armstrang and Honorable Lord Cian mac Lorccáin huí Chonaill.
Mistress Vashti al-Ash’ariyah and Lady Quiteria la Roja spoke of RUSH.
Fyrd scrolls were presented to Lord Aurick Redmark and His Excellency Charles von Strausberg.
Rhodri Gold Falcon announced that Master Mellitus of Rouncivale is the new Kingdom Historian, and Honorable Lord Da’ud ibn al-Kabsh al-Garnati al-Ma’iz (Ma’az) is the new Lanner Herald.
Lady Moire inghean Néill presented largess: hand-stitched coifs made on site in her class at Lilies.
12 newcomers received mugs.

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US

Summer Crown Tournament Court Summaries, 3 June, A.S. 58

On the field during the tournament:
Ronan Ciotach mac Aodha (Ronan MacKay) – Iren Fyrd

On the field after the tournament:
Honorable Lord David de la Cloude and Sir Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd were invested as Prince and Princess of Calontir.

In evening court:
Conna ingen uí Chearbhaill – Boga Fyrd
Skuli Bjarnylr – Iren Fyrd
Amba Allrasystir – King’s Favor
Rivka bat Zakarriyyā – Leather Mallet
Hirsch Ross Eichman – Leather Mallet
Bragi Oddsson – Silver Hammer

Other court tidings:
His Royal Majesty Czypser of Atenveldt exchanged gifts with Their Royal Majesties Calontir.
Lord Brynjolfr inn Eyverski and Lord Thorfinnr Mac Domnaill, as Stewards of the Event, received gifts from Their Majesties.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Honorable Lord Brian Robert MacDougall spoke to the populace about Youth Combat at Lilies.
Master Rhodri ap Hywel, Gold Falcon, called for applications for the positions of the OP Clerk, and Saker Herald.
A boon was begged for Emerick Blackpool to join the Order of Chivalry.

The Unicorn is Found (from the Unicorn Tapestries) 1495–1505, The Met Museum. CC0 license.

Tournament of Valor Court Summaries, AS 58

Saturday, May 27, on the field:
Øyríkr Raðúlfsson (Yorik) – Stile Fyrd
Cai Dubhghlas – Stile Fyrd

In Calontir evening court:
Wulfric Tyrrell – Stile Fyrd
Moon Hides the Sun – Silver Hammer
Matthias Worcestershire – Leather Mallet
Úlfr Halfdan – Torse
Alicia Niel (Alicia of Vatavia) – AoA
Darius Delphin – Torse

In the Court of Vindheim, Katrina Glockelin received the Thunderbolt of Vindheim.

Other court tidings, Saturday:
The Roses present gave tokens to those in whom They found inspiration that day:
Lord Lugaid mac Erca (Lugh) received a token from HRM Marie le Faivre.
Lord Matthias Worcestershire received a token from Countess Giulia Isabella da Venezia.
Lord Hieronymus received a token from Her Majesty Sonja Ryzaja.
Honorable Lord William Douglas received a token from Her Serene Highness Caterina Giovanni.
Honorable Lady Marie Chantal Delaire received a token from Duchess Margherita de Mantua.
6 newcomers received mugs.
Gifts were exchanged among HRM Marie, Her Ansteorran Majesty Sonja, Her Serene Highness Caterina, and Their Excellencies Genvieve and Lawrence.
Her Majesty Sonja announced that the dates of Ansteorran Coronet tournament will be moved so they don’t conflict with Lilies War, starting next year.

Sunday court, May 28:
Ottar Langfotr – Iren Fyrd
Bjorn Ulfsson – Iren Fyrd
Robert Steven MacLaren, called The Scot – Calon Cross
Penelope Packard the Pillager – Torse
Litli Vargr – AoA
Varghoss Vermundarson – AoA
Reichart Scherer von Erlenbach – Boga Fyrd
Síle inghean Chairbre – Leather Mallet

Other court tidings, Sunday:
Winners of the Tournament of Valor were announced:
Bunny Shoot – Lord Reichart Scherer von Erlenbach
Valor Archery – Lord Reichart Scherer von Erlenbach
Cut and Thrust Warlord – His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis
Cut and Thrust Valor Tourney – Lord Øyríkr Raðúlfsson (Yorik)
Arts and Sciences – Master Donald Andrew MacDonald
Bardic – Lady Avigail bat Michael ha-Cohen
Youth Bardic champion – Violet ingen Ragnaill
Armored Warlord – Honorable Lord David de la Cloude
Guardian of Valor – Master Orren Tokesson
Armored Tournament of Valor – His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis
Sir Uldin of Ravenscroft will be the Vicar until a new Baronage can be installed.

Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry, “Mai”, between 1412 and 1416.

Melees & Mayhem Court Summary, May 20, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Erik Tokesson – Torse
Lelia Corsini – Calon Lily

Other court tidings:
1 newcomer received a mug.
Lord Moon Hides the Sun, as Event Steward, told the news of the day and received gifts from Her Majesty.
Honorable Lord Grimbrand Hundeman won the Warlord tourney.
Lord Murdoch MacLachlan won the A&S competition.

Codex Manesse, UB Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848, fol. 17r, “Herzog von Anhalt”, 1305-1315. Public Domain in the United States

St. George & the Dragon Court Summaries, May 13, A.S. 58

On the field:
Aiden O’Seaghdha – Stile Fyrd
Donngal Eriksson – Stile Fyrd
Hoe-Yan Gajige – Iren Fyrd

In evening court:
Eydís of Oak Heart – Torse
Uaithne ingean ui Ruiarc – Cross of Calontir
Amba allrasystir – Eo Fyrd
Halimah bint ‘al Abbas ‘al Tanji – King’s Favor from Logan Goði
Gianna Viviani – Laurel

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lord Biursten Iorundarsson, as Event Steward, told the news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Lord Hoe-Yan Gajige won the Armored Novice Tourney.
“His Majesty’s Complaint” won the Armored 3-man Melee.
Sir Cedric Peregrine won the Armored Bear Pit.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Cut & Thrust Carousel of Death.
Lady Jóka in rauða won the A&S competition.
Master Lief of Crescent Moon was the overall archery winner.
Honorable Lord Thomas Fleischacker won the Bubble Wand shoot.
Honorable Lord Brian Robert MacDougall addressed the populace concerning bids for Masters of the Duel events.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Michael the Wanderer to join the Order of the Pelican.

Sant Jordi, Bernat Martorell. 15th C.

Masters of the Duel Court Summary, May 6, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder received a Stile Hirth medallion, slightly overdue since Coronation.
Morgan Stone – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Vatavia presented largess.
The event stewards shared news of the day and received gifts from Her Majesty.
Master Gawin Kappler received the travelling trophy for winning the Masters of the Duel tournament.
The populace was invited to attend the upcoming Tournament of Valor.
Baron Lawrence Tailifer the Leech and Baroness Genevieve de Chambery begged leave to step down from the Baronage of Vatavia. They will step down at Tournament of Valor, and a Vicar will be appointed.
Some Masters of Defense swore fealty.
Some Great Officers of State swore fealty.
The Baronage of Three Rivers swore fealty.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder to join the Order of Defense.
Honorable Lord Brian Robert MacDougall called for bids for next year’s Masters of the Duel event.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Some populace members swore fealty.

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Queen’s Prize Tournament Court Summary, April 29, A.S. 57

In evening court:
Gisele de la Fontaine – Golden Calon Swan
Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir – Torse
Skallagrímr Bárðarson – Torse
Gaius Flavius Auxilius – Leather Mallet
Safiyya al-Zahra Isfahani – Calon Lily
Eva Piccardi – AoA
Tanneke Groenlaken – Golden Calon Swan
Havarr Refskegg – Leather Mallet
Giraude Benet – Cross of Calontir

Other court tidings:
6 newcomers received mugs.
Honorable Lady Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir, as event steward, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Rhodri Gold Falcon announced 2 open heraldic positions: OP Clerk deputy and Lanner Herald (ceremonies).
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Violet Sinclair to join the Order of the Laurel.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady `Izza al-Zarqa’ to join the Order of the Laurel.
Lord Jakob Bierayge and Honorable Lady Alys Knighton dicta Apple shared the Populace Choice prize.
Lady Kathleen of Stonehaven and Lady Judith Champcenest shared the Judges’ Choice prize.
Lady Lyra of the Spinning Winds won the Queen’s Prize.

Unknown Artist. Minstrels with a Rebec & a Lute.
13th c. Manasseh Codex. El Escorial, Madrid. Public domain in the US