Kingdom Heraldic, Scribal, and Dance Symposium court summary, November 12, A.S. 57

In Royal court:
Sóma Tyrvadóttir – Torse
Guttormr Ragnvaldsson – AoA
Kasiniia Bjarnardottir – AoA
Calontir Scribes Guild – Order of the Falcon’s Heart

Other court tidings:
7 newcomers received mugs.
The Baronage of Coeur d’Ennui shared the history of Axed Root, and gave gifts to celebrate their new status as a Shire.
Honorable Lady Zaneta Baseggio, as event steward, told the news of the day, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Lord Melchor Eichmann won the armored combat tournament.
The Shire of Axed Root paid their back taxes in the form of largess and a tithe.
A boon was begged for Mistress Sofya la Rus to join the Order of the Pelican.

The Bavarian Herald Jörg Rügen around 1510. Public Domain in the US

Copyist-illuminator. Mid-15th Century. Public domain in the US


From Their Royal Majesties: Upcoming Order Meetings

We plan to meet with the following orders at the events listed below. Please make every attempt to attend with potential candidates for inclusion.

Toys for Tots:

  • Iren Hirth
  • Stile Hirth
  • Masters of Defense

Crown Tournament:

  • Chivalry

Kris Kinder:

  • Laurel
  • Pelican

Winter War Maneuvers:

  • Stile Fyrd
  • Stile Hirth
  • Iren Fyrd
  • Iren Hirth

This list is NOT comprehensive, as additional meetings may be added after Our Heirs are known.

As we informed all the Fyrd orders at Coronation, they are encouraged to meet on their own and present candidates to Us through the online award recommendation system. If enough candidates are brought up, a meeting may be called.

TRM Logan & Ylva

Court summaries from the Coronation of Logan II and Ylva, October 8, A.S. 57

Final business of Hirsch and Magdalena:
Brian Robert MacDougall – Calon Cross
Genevieve de Chambery – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy
Melchor Eichmann – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry
Safiyya al-Zahra Isfahani – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society

First court of Logan and Ylva:
Sir Gawayne ap Tristam – King’s Champion
Honorable Lady Ayisha bint Asad – Queen’s Champion
Graf Volkmar Katzbalger – Thegn
Baroness Brialen Ulfsdottir Vikings – Thegn
Mistress Emeline de Moulineaux is Their Majesties’ Chamberlain.

Evening court:
Éadaoin inghean Chionaodha – Golden Calon Swan
Bartholomew Mercer – AoA
Meriilda of Yorkshire – AoA
Lhiannan Y Llysieuydd – Leather Mallet
Oswyn Moon – Torse
Cecilia de Gatisbury – Calon Cross

Other court tidings:
The deadline for letters of intent to enter Crown Tourney is end of day at Toys 4 Tots.
A boon was begged for Wilhelm von Brandt to join the Order of Chivalry.
Honorable Lady Anne Von Weingarten and Lady Jorunna Refsdottir, as event stewards, announced the day’s winners, and were given gifts by Their Majesties.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the armored combat tournament.
Lady Lyra of Spinning Winds won the A&S competition.
4 newcomers received mugs.
Master Mellitus of Rouncivale presented largess from the Glass Guild.
Their Majesties’ Herald informed the populace about the upcoming Kingdom Heraldic, Scribal, and Dance Symposium.
A boon was begged for Vashti al-Ash’ariyah to join the Order of the Laurel.
Honorable Lord Hugo van Harlo will be elevated to the Order of the Laurel at Clothiers Seminar.
Honorable Lord Elias de Jaye will be elevated to the Order of Chivalry at Gulf War.
Boons were begged for Erik Tokesson and Orren Tokesson to join the Order of Chivalry.

Edward II of England receiving his crown. 1307-27

Gryphons at Sea court summary, September 17, A.S. 57

This reporter could not attend the event. My thanks to HL Ysabel de la Oya for her court notes. As always, updates and corrections are welcome.

On the field:
Helena Soranzo – Iren Fyrd
Franco Suares – Iren Fyrd
Zacharia Dongalson – Iren Fyrd

In Royal court:
Jon Chesey – Silver Hammer
Isabella Danielle – Torse
Balthazar de Lumiere – Torse
Aranwen verch Catuethen – Golden Calon Swan
Pádraigín an Einigh – Silver Hammer
Gwynneth wraig Rhys – Torse
Syele Pfeifferin – Calon Lily
Nadyha Helming – Calon Lily
Biursten Jorundarson – Leather Mallet
Cecilia de Gatisbury – Court Barony
Violet Sinclair – Court Barony
Caitlyn Rochwensdaughter – AoA
Eynon Llangenydd – Pelican
Halima bint al-‘abbas al-Tanji – Laurel

Other court tidings:
Sir Gaius Flavius Auxilius won all three armored tournaments.
Raudr won the Stile tournament.
The Sirens won the Stile games.
Lord Bero von Wustenbrunner won the baronial archery championship.
HL Thomas Fleischacker won the archery travelling trophy.
Sir Sato Jirö, riding Button, won the equestian warm-up course, and the baronial equestrian championship.
Button took the populace choice favorite horse prize, because the other favorite, Manny, was ridden by HL Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla, who was the Equestrian Marshal that day.
A boon was begged for HL Hugo van Harlo to join the Order of the Laurel.
5 newcomers received mugs.
Baron Giacomo Fornerigo of Small Gray Bear in Gleann Abhann presented largess to Their Majesties, Their Highnesses and Their Excellencies.

Martin Schongauer, The griffin, 1485. Public domain in the US

Announcement: Suspension of COVIDSafe Policy

Calontir EnsignGood Evening Calontir,

When the COVIDSafe policy was initially announced nearly a year ago, we did not immediately adopt it. We examined the available data, determined the need based on that data, and created a criteria for adoption, review, and suspension that was data driven. This approach was designed to prevent major decisions of this kind from being made based on fear or misguided political rhetoric. This approach has served us well.

As many of you have likely noticed, there was an announcement today from the SCA Board of Directors, the text of which can be found here…

Board Resolution – Amendment to COVIDSafe Policy effective 1 December 2022

…They have made the decision to suspend the COVIDSafe policy across the SCA effective December 1, 2022, and to reserve unto themselves any future decisions regarding COVID related policy. After consulting with Their Majesties, and Their Highnesses, the decision has been made to continue the COVIDSafe policy, and current COVID Guidelines for Event Attendance, through Toys for Tots on November 19th, 2022. That event will be the last event for both in the Kingdom of Calontir. This will keep us in compliance with the directive received from the Board of Directors while extending the protections offered by the current policy for as long as is practical.

If you have any questions, please email me at If you have feedback for the Board of Directors regarding their decision, please email them at Decisions made for all are never easy. Please remember to keep all feedback respectful.

Together we will continue to do the best we can for the kingdom that we love. We are Calontir. We will endure.

In Service,


King’s Company of Archers court summary, September 10, A.S. 57

In Royal court:
Wulfric of Shyreburne – Falcon’s Claw
Irial mac Uilliam – AoA
Roderick de Graham – Torse
Bjorn Ulfsson – AoA
Astrid Arrowbreaker – AoA
Elizabet Walker of Paislay – Silver Hammer
Gavin O’Shannon – Silver Hammer

Other court tidings:
Mistress Anne Renarde, as event steward, told the news of the day, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
His Excellency Lawrence Taillefer the Leech won the unranked crossbow shoot.
Honorable Lord Finán mac Crimthainn won the unranked longbow shoot.
Lord Franz Johann Gottskrieger won the unranked recurve shoot.
Mistress Alessandra de Piro won the Fyrd crossbow shoot.
Master Galen MacColmáin won the Fyrd longbow shoot.
Lord Gobbán Mac Roibeáird won the Fyrd recurve shoot.
Honorable Lord Kitsu no Taro won the Huscarl recurve shoot.
Master Daniel Martel won the Huscarl longbow shoot.
Master Rolf Hobart won the Huscarl crossbow shoot.
The Barony of Three Rivers won the baronial team competition.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Some populace members swore fealty.
Lady Catin of Edington brought news of the upcoming Autumn Arrows event.

Archery practice at earthen butts, c1325. The center markers are small wreaths. Detail from the Geoffrey Luttrell psalter. Public Domain in the United States

Cattle Raids in Sherwood Forest court summaries, August 27, A.S. 57

In afternoon court:
Branwen ferch Rhael – Silver Hammer
Ívarr fótviss – Silver Hammer

In evening court:
Vilhjálmr hálftroll – Court Barony
Gyða glóra – Court Barony
Vasilii of Flinthyll – Torse
Adelheid Vromeke – Golden Calon Swan
Morgana MacDermott – Leather Mallet
Gwen verch Hughe – AoA
Emma Under Foot – Purple Feather
Alexandra Vazquez de Granada – Calon Cross
Robin Corbett – AoA
Seathrún Brock – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Mag Mor presented largess.
Countess Isadora of Orange Woode, as event steward, announced the day’s winners, and was given gifts by Their Majesties.
His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the “Bring Your Best” rattan tournament.
Nicco the Wayfinder won the rattan novice tournament.
Honorable Lord Orren Tokesson won the rattan bridge tourney.
Honorable Lord Hugo van Harlo won the individual C&T tournament.
Lord Hieronymus won the C&T melee tourney.
Master Dolan Madoc of Harlech won the wand shoot.
Master Rolf Hobart won the Robin Hood string shoot.
Adelheid Vromeke won the best pre-print and best blank border for the Barony A&S competition.
Honorable Lady Astrid Esbjörnsdotter won the Kingdom blank border competition.
Roland of Mag Mor won the bycocket in any medium competition.
Honorable Lord Saito Takauji and Lady Lelia Corsini were invested as the new Baron and Baroness of Mag Mor.
12 newcomers received mugs.
Baron Augustin le Blinde brought news of the upcoming Coronation event.

Raiding Cattle. Diebold Schilling the Youger. 1513

Bavarian engraving of a medieval tournament from the 1400s. Public domain in the US

An updated Marshal’s Handbook for Rattan Combat (includes Combat Archery and Siege Weapons) is now available. Read the details and download a copy here:

Updated Marshal’s Handbook for Rattan Combat Now Available

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
P.O. Box 611928
San Jose, CA. 95161

You may also email: WEBSITE

St. Augustine’s Faire “The Search for Saint Expeditus” court summary, August 20, A.S. 57

In evening court:
Gregorii Vladimir Borodinskii – Torse
Clara Masen – AoA
Run Odinsson – AoA
Avelyn Carbery – Torse
Ronan le Sauvage – AoA

Other court tidings:
Master William Fletcher of Carbery and Mistress Sofya la Rus, as event stewards told of the day’s events and accepted gifts from Their Majesties Calontir.
Kasiniia Bjarnardottir won the “Saint Expeditus in any medium” A&S competition.
Honorable Lady Rébeca la Chienne won the Largess Derby.
4 newcomers received mugs.

Announcement: New Emergency Deputy Seneschal

Calontir EnsignIt is my great pleasure to announce that the new Emergency Deputy Seneschal for the Kingdom of Calontir will be Countess Giulia Isabella da Venezia. I look forward to working with her in the coming months to prepare her to take over as the next Kingdom Seneschal when the time comes.

I would also like to thank His Lordship Saito Takauji for serving in that role as I continued to seek a successor. I wish him well in his upcoming role as the next Baron of Mag Mor.

In Service,