Calontir Fiber and Needle Guild Meeting Minutes, Lilies 2014

Many thanks to Lady Melisent McAfee for transcribing the minutes of our Guild meeting at Lilies! I have misplaced the folder where the sign-in sheet was, so I will need to amend these later, but here are the minutes (slightly edited by me…):

HL Giraude called our meeting to order at 3pm Tuesday, June 17 in the Fiber Arts tent at Lilies War.

She thanked all the teachers and students who had participated in classes that we held in the Fiber Arts tent, thus ensuring our having the tent for this year. We hope to continue to book it fairly solid with classes and other activities to guarantee continuation of having the tent at future Lilies.

She mentioned that Katheryne Winterbourne’s project idea for the guild to create gifts for a deserving individual. Since Kathryn was unable to attend, discussion of this project will be tabled until the next meeting.

Largess for Their Majesties was discussed. Suggestions included medallion cords, pin cushions, tablet weaving, bags. Donations do not necessarily need to be fiber. Remember that largess is needed not just for the kingdom but also gifts for TRM to give to other kingdom royals.

Mistress Dejaneira is working on business cards for the guild. Giraude did some flyers for the Feel of Calontir.

We do not have an official website anymore. Giraude is working on one. We will need to reserve a domain name. Mistress Dejaneira volunteered to pay the cost of that. We will need content – articles, class handouts, pictures of projects, links to useful websites. Once our site is ready, the kingdom site can link to it.

Our next business meeting will be at Coronation. We need a banner to put up so that people know where we are. Johanna mentioned that one is in the works. It would also be good to get a notice in the event flyer and perhaps send a letter to the Mews announcing our meeting.

Mistress Dejaneira commended Giraude for doing a good job of getting the word out about the guild and helping improve communication.

The minutes of our meetings are posted on our Facebook group and to the Yahoo group list.

If anyone wants the group to know about something, they should post to the Facebook group and the Yahoo group. It may be good to post to the Calon List and Facebook page also. Brigida volunteered to be the Guild’s social media person.

Members should bring items for show and tell to the next meeting. We should also bring largess donations to Coronation. We may want to gather together and present it to TRM.

Johanna sponsored a competition at Lilies. She is going back to working on her rose in any medium strap. She plans to have 11 yards of 32″ wide fabric done by coronation. Brigida will be doing cords for the Harpies and Hillians event.

We may do another Feel of Calontir at Coronation. We probably should do them at every crown tourney and coronation. We may want to do a raffle fundraiser at Kris Kinder or perhaps at the next Lilies. The idea for the raffle would be the outcome of a Sheep to Shawl competition. HL Kathryn Daggett will donate the fleece. We could have various prizes. Perhaps we could have teams compete. Members should consider recommendations for this so we can discuss it at the next meeting.

The Feel of Calontir at Lilies this year went pretty well. We were set up next to the line for Taste of Calontir. A few people came over to look. We may want to continue having it in conjunction with the Taste. Perhaps we could help the cooks with potholders and tablecloths.

Johanna announced that the next Figments and Filaments event (non-SCA) will be at Overland Park Kansas and will feature the author Gail Owen-Crocker. This event will be the North American debut of her next book. Anyone who wishes can volunteer to present a class. It does not need to be medieval. The website is [1]

Yours in Service,

HL Giraude Benet
Guild Head
Calontir Fiber and Needle Guild

Champagne Players Celebration at Lilies

Good people of Calontir and all welcome visitors to the War of the Lillies! Over the past years, the Champagne Players have delighted to entertain you with our shows.

This year, we have elected to take a break to rejuvenate our creative muses, and we intend to reignite the flame of ridicule anon!

We humbly thank you for your patronage, and invite you to join us in celebration for our efforts on Monday night after dark, at the Permanent Pavilion located at the end of the Long March Road, on the East side of camp. Note: the schedule currently says 3 Rivers Players. Talk about your scene stealing…

We offer drink to quench your thirst, both adult and juvenile (as our humor). If you plan to partake of our adult beverages, please BRING YOUR IDs. A representative will be able to check and mark you with our super-secret glyph so you may continue to partake without hassle. No one shall receive adult beverages without this mark.

We shall have food! Our favorite furniture-depicteur, Martin Vulliet, will have delictable treats for consumption!
We offer gaming tables to test your luck and skill! Have nothing to bet? Lady Coquette of Northshield has graciously made starter bundles of baubles to get you started on your campaign of winning everyone else’s stuff!

We shall also hopefully have music to listen and dance to – drummers, please join us!
Should you have any further questions, please ask me, Lord Logan Munro, aka the guy in charge of waking you with news this week!

Ladies of the Rose Tournaments at Lilies War

HE Issabell St. Charles is encouraging participation in the three Ladies of the Rose Tournaments.

  • Archery Tournament on Tuesday
  • Armored Combat Tournament on Thursday
  • Cut and Thrust Tournament on Friday

Ladies of the Rose tournament! I understand there are people out there that want to participate.
*Roses, are you still looking for archers, heavy fighters or cut and thrust fighters? Sound off please!
*Archers, heavy fighters and cut and thrust fighters, are you interested in finding a Rose sponsor? Sound off!

We want to pair you up! we want pageantry and fun!