Stile Field Battle at Gulf

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

by Baroness Ayisha bint Asad

Many of you have heard this already. The lucky ones have lived it. I beg your indulgence for repeating once more the glories of the Calon Host.

At Gulf Wars this year, there were three battles planned: the Town, the Field, and the Ravine. The Town was fought, and lost. The Ravine was flooded. It is of the Field I will now speak.

We gathered upon a Wednesday, fair and sunny. At the appointed hour of 1pm we mustered. With many still weary from the armored battle, our small group started out towards the field, a few stragglers trailing behind. No songs had we this time, but still our banner in front, and a wagon full of water and shields.

We were directed here, then there, as the generals organized their troops and counted the tally. Fourty-some per side, if memory serves. Anthills were active, and we were cautioned accordingly. Our Commander, Master Donald, was given our assignment: to harry and delay the enemy, as the cavalry to our side ran ahead and picked them off.

And delay we did! The first round, we advanced as one; then came the command to fall back. Twice, thrice, we retreated in good order, stringing along our adversary as their flank was picked apart. Then came the call to press, step and step again. Across the field we swept them, across the world’s edge, as our line held and theirs crumbled.

Few fighters we lost that round, and our side’s generals sang the praises of the Calon Host! Our enemies, too, saw our worth, and sent over their Masters to better deal with us in the second round.

We were hard pressed then, and many perished. What little I saw: Uji beset our foe, until he was legged. One reached forth to end him, and in that moment exposed himself to me. I took the shot, before I too was slain. My comrades fought bravely, but as the tide advances, so too the wave of the enemy overtook our lines.

The third and final round then came. Again we advanced, again fell back, and once again, we pressed the line. One by one our fighters fell, until four still stood – Ujimori, shield in hand, and no hand left to hold a sword. Baron Donald, Master of Defense, now defenseless, but still standing. Master Gawin, and a recruit from the West, Ibrahim, still stood with arms. Stepped forward they then with what they had in hand (or with what they did not). Other kingdoms fell in line, and together forced out the foe. A few scattered fighters then remained to be picked off, and the third round was ours!

The Calon Host fought as one, and both sides alike acknowledged our role in the fray.

(Apologies to anyone whose part I remembered incorrectly. Fog of war, and all that.)

Toys for Tots Tournament Court Summaries, November 18, A. S. 52

As always, corrections to spellings of names will be gratefully accepted.

Afternoon court:
Hamlinius – Iren Fyrd (corrected from previous posting)
Faustus Cantilius Lupus – Iren Hirth
Arnsfast Rikardson – Iren Hirth
The Premier members of the Order of Defense in Calontir were made. They are:
Donald Andrew MacDonald, Gawin Kappler and Ravasz Janos

Evening court:
Conna ingen Ui Chearbhaill – Pelican
Elena Skynith – Golden Calon Swan
Amanda of Standing Stones – AoA
Hálfgrímr hafreki (aka Halvgrimr Riddari) – Cross of Calontir
Alanora O’Keefe – Cross of Calontir
Thaddeus Ellenbach – Cross of Calontir
Lena van Nijmegen – AoA
Da’ud ibn al-Kabsh al-Ma’iz al-Garnati – Torse
Severin Svendottir – Laurel

Other court tidings:
Zach was the winner of the T4T Youth Combat tourney.
Duke Anton Rhaghelan was the winner of the Cut & Thrust tourney.
Charles von Bayrreuth was the winner of the Novice tourney.
Count Caius Rectus Xerxis was the winner of the T4T Armored Combat tourney.
There were 2371 toys collected.
Halvgrimr Riddari brought the most toys as an individual, and was given possession of the Coordinators Award, given to Calontir by the USMC.
The Shire of Standing Stones brought the most toys as a group.
Honorable Lady Juliana della Rena won the raffle.
5 newcomers were given mugs.
Emissaries from Atenveldt brought greetings and gifts for Their Majesties and Their Highnesses.

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Gryphon’s Fest court summary, September 30, A.S. 52

In evening court:

Havarr Refskegg – AoA
Lawrence Withers – AoA
Hildar of Three Rivers -AoA
Mjoll of Three Rivers – AoA
Auga Ormstunga – AoA
Daniel Steelbender – Order of Chivalry
Eva Celensoen – Golden Calon Swan
Eya Ullhond – AoA
Joan Myssenden – Calon Lily
Elizabet Walker Paisley – Golden Calon Swan
Da’ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari – Leather Mallet
Giovanni della Torre – Eo-Hirth
Amarante of Standing Stones – Queen’s Chalice
Roisin of Standing Stones – Queen’s Chalice
Emeline de Moulineaux – Silver Hammer
Abbatissa inghean Iohne mhic Cuaig – Silver Hammer


Other court tidings:
A boon was begged for Kajsa Nikulasdottir to join the Order of the Laurel.
TRM added the Masters of Defense to Kingdom Law.
The premiers of the Masters of Defense were announced by Their Majesties: Baron Donald Mac Donald, HL Gawin Kappler, Master Ravasz Janos

Martin Schongauer, The griffin, 1485. Public domain in the US

First Masters of Defense Named in Calontir

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Last weekend at Gryphon’s Fest in the Barony of Three Rivers, Their Royal Majesties Damien and Issabell proclaimed and invited the first three members of the Order of Defense for the Kingdom of Calontir. A new ceremony is being constructed, and all three will be elevated at Toys for Tots.

The candidates are:

Master Ravasz Janos

His Excellency Donald Andrew MacDonald

Honorable Lord Gawin Kappler


Congratulations to all!

Court summaries from Masters of the Duel, July 22, A.S. 52

On the field:
Ayisha bint Asad – Stile Fyrd

Evening court:
Eyfríðr Geirsdóttir – AoA
Øyríkr Raðúlfsson – Torse
Brynjólfr Fálkason – AoA
Catriona ingen Fháeláin – Torse

Other court tidings:
Lord Øyríkr Raðúlfsson won the Unranked Tourney.
Lord Finán mac Crimthainn won the Masters of the Duel Tourney.
Some Chivalry and Laurels swore fealty.
Honorable Lord Donald Andrew MacDonald announced that Masters of the Duel will be in Oakheart next year.
3 newcomers received mugs.
Some populace members swore fealty.

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Demo Report: Kalmar Industries Company Picnic, Ottawa, KS 8-6-2016

Sir Cai arranged for his company to allow the SCA to hold a full-on demo at his annual company picnic. Kalmar Industries in Ottawa, KS hosted SCA folk from multiple nearby groups, including the Shire of Carlsby, the Shire of Cum an Iolair, the Shire of Crescent Moon, the Canton of Aston Tor and the Barony of Forgotten Sea. Visitors from distant groups, including the Barony of Vatavia and the Shire of Golden Seas even joined in the fun. This author is certain she has left out some groups, as well. Apologies for that. There were so many people, the demo was certainly the size of a decent event!

Look at all that Meanest Mother Melee fighting!

Look at all that Meanest Mother Melee fighting!

We had enough people for tourney fighting, cut-and-thrust and archery events side-by-side, multiple-fighter melees, several meanest-mother melees and even some old style Holmgang melees. This author heard laughing and great fun coming from the list field throughout the day. Epic deaths were seen. Even Ottawa residents came to the park, set up their lawn chairs and watched the sport throughout the day, enjoying the unusually mild August weather.

Ottawa's newest spectator sport

Ottawa’s newest spectator sport

The SCA personnel put on a fine showing of our best artisanry, too. We fully encircled the list fields with pavilions full of our best displays, from scribal arts through a fully functional forge thanks to Baron Lothar! Several people combined their talents to show how wool moves from sheep to fully woven fabric, including spindles, a spinning wheel, and two kinds of looms.  Mistress Dorcas provided an entire pavilion of heraldic goodies and information, too.

Amazing fiber arts demo - sheep to shawl!

Amazing fiber arts demo – sheep to shawl!

An all-day chainmail demo by HL Thomas the Black, armoring, sewing, displays of the Baronial coronets, finished garb hanging in the pavilions, and lots of people willing to talk about the SCA and our period of history provided a well-rounded, educational opportunity for the Kalmar employees, their families and others who visited. Many friends and family members of the SCA folks came by to see us, too!

H.L. Thomas the Black and his chain mail demo

H.L. Thomas the Black and his chain mail demo

Sir Cai graciously printed outstanding informational brochures and amazing laminated SCA bookmarks for us to give to visitors during our recruitment efforts. These proved very popular with the younger set, who also enjoyed the hands-on nature of most of the demo items. Being able to touch real, hand-woven fabric, chainmail, armored fighters and heraldic banners caused more than one young mouth to gape in amazement as they saw storybooks come alive before their eyes. Lady Maegwynn provided heraldic announcements before the fighting, including explanations of the SCA – who we are, what we do, and why the visitors should come around and check out the demos.

Baron Lothar explaining how he is forging his Holder Down Thing

Baron Lothar explaining how he is forging his Holder Down Thing

As a reward for our demo, the Kalmar folks provided the SCA demo-ers with a luscious BBQ lunch of pork, turkey, beef and all the sides. Bounce-houses and a bounce-obstacle course for the kids were available, although us adults were sadly not allowed. We debated the wisdom of obtaining ones rated for grownups for the next Tor Party at Lilies.

It was a beautiful day of temperate weather, gentle breezes, great fun fighting and some of the best fun many of us had in a long time. We wish the rest of you had been able to join us! Enjoy the photos – I’ve linked them to my Flickr page, because I took so many. These are just a few teasers.

Link to Photos:

In joyous fealty to the Crown and People of Calontir, I remain your loyal servant and Scribe-

Takashoka Spaekona Aidan Cocrinn, OL

Never Won a Tourney Tournament at Gulf Wars (Rapier Tournament)

Gleaned from Facebook:

On behalf of Their Majesties the Kingdom of Atlantia is proud to host the Never Won a Tourney, Tourney at Gulf Wars. This tournament is scheduled for Tuesday at Noon. We invite all to compete who have never won a rapier tournament, excluding rapier melee tournaments. The format is a double elimination tournament.

Caitilín Inghean Fheichín

Two New Cut & Thrust Orders Created at Lilies War XXIX

At Their Court on Friday of Lilies War XXIX, Their Royal Majesties Anton and Isabeau created two new orders to recognize the prowess of Calontiri cut and thrust fighters.

The Stile Fyrd and Stile Hus join the Iren, Boga and Eo orders of their respective brethren.

No members were chosen for the Stile Hus at this time.

Three Premieres were chosen for the Stile Fyrd; Alan Smyith of Darkdale, Donald Andrew MacDonald and Ravasz Janos