Melees & Mayhem Court Summary, May 20, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Erik Tokesson – Torse
Lelia Corsini – Calon Lily

Other court tidings:
1 newcomer received a mug.
Lord Moon Hides the Sun, as Event Steward, told the news of the day and received gifts from Her Majesty.
Honorable Lord Grimbrand Hundeman won the Warlord tourney.
Lord Murdoch MacLachlan won the A&S competition.

Codex Manesse, UB Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848, fol. 17r, “Herzog von Anhalt”, 1305-1315. Public Domain in the United States

St. George & the Dragon Court Summaries, May 13, A.S. 58

On the field:
Aiden O’Seaghdha – Stile Fyrd
Donngal Eriksson – Stile Fyrd
Hoe-Yan Gajige – Iren Fyrd

In evening court:
Eydís of Oak Heart – Torse
Uaithne ingean ui Ruiarc – Cross of Calontir
Amba allrasystir – Eo Fyrd
Halimah bint ‘al Abbas ‘al Tanji – King’s Favor from Logan Goði
Gianna Viviani – Laurel

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lord Biursten Iorundarsson, as Event Steward, told the news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Lord Hoe-Yan Gajige won the Armored Novice Tourney.
“His Majesty’s Complaint” won the Armored 3-man Melee.
Sir Cedric Peregrine won the Armored Bear Pit.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Cut & Thrust Carousel of Death.
Lady Jóka in rauða won the A&S competition.
Master Lief of Crescent Moon was the overall archery winner.
Honorable Lord Thomas Fleischacker won the Bubble Wand shoot.
Honorable Lord Brian Robert MacDougall addressed the populace concerning bids for Masters of the Duel events.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Michael the Wanderer to join the Order of the Pelican.

Sant Jordi, Bernat Martorell. 15th C.

Masters of the Duel Court Summary, May 6, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder received a Stile Hirth medallion, slightly overdue since Coronation.
Morgan Stone – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Vatavia presented largess.
The event stewards shared news of the day and received gifts from Her Majesty.
Master Gawin Kappler received the travelling trophy for winning the Masters of the Duel tournament.
The populace was invited to attend the upcoming Tournament of Valor.
Baron Lawrence Tailifer the Leech and Baroness Genevieve de Chambery begged leave to step down from the Baronage of Vatavia. They will step down at Tournament of Valor, and a Vicar will be appointed.
Some Masters of Defense swore fealty.
Some Great Officers of State swore fealty.
The Baronage of Three Rivers swore fealty.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder to join the Order of Defense.
Honorable Lord Brian Robert MacDougall called for bids for next year’s Masters of the Duel event.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Some populace members swore fealty.

Detail of fol. 5r from Royal Armouries Ms. I.33, circa 1300. Public domain in the US

Queen’s Prize Tournament Court Summary, April 29, A.S. 57

In evening court:
Gisele de la Fontaine – Golden Calon Swan
Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir – Torse
Skallagrímr Bárðarson – Torse
Gaius Flavius Auxilius – Leather Mallet
Safiyya al-Zahra Isfahani – Calon Lily
Eva Piccardi – AoA
Tanneke Groenlaken – Golden Calon Swan
Havarr Refskegg – Leather Mallet
Giraude Benet – Cross of Calontir

Other court tidings:
6 newcomers received mugs.
Honorable Lady Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir, as event steward, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Rhodri Gold Falcon announced 2 open heraldic positions: OP Clerk deputy and Lanner Herald (ceremonies).
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Violet Sinclair to join the Order of the Laurel.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady `Izza al-Zarqa’ to join the Order of the Laurel.
Lord Jakob Bierayge and Honorable Lady Alys Knighton dicta Apple shared the Populace Choice prize.
Lady Kathleen of Stonehaven and Lady Judith Champcenest shared the Judges’ Choice prize.
Lady Lyra of the Spinning Winds won the Queen’s Prize.

Unknown Artist. Minstrels with a Rebec & a Lute.
13th c. Manasseh Codex. El Escorial, Madrid. Public domain in the US

Announcement: Accidental Release of Business-In-Confidence Information

On January 29th, 2023, SCA Inc. Information Technology was notified by concerned members that the archives of the SCA-Comments list serve were accessible to the public. Although it is not the designated reporting channel, the comments email address has, at times, been used as a harassment and discrimination reporting vehicle. Subsequently, the breach had the potential to jeopardize a victim’s right to privacy and SCA Inc’s responsibility of protection for them. Upon receipt of this information, my team immediately acted to shut down the breach. However, data had been exposed long enough that several search engines had crawled and archived the data. The extent of this security breach was emails sent to between April of 2022 and January of 2023.

The initial exposure was contained within a few hours of notification. Over the next couple of days other avenues of exposure to the same and similar data were found and locked down. My team began the process of getting the search engines to remove their archives of the information. At this point, we believe all access to that data has been removed and we feel that publishing this information will not cause further risk to any individuals concerned or the organisation.

The root cause of the breach was a misconfigured archive setting when the email address for comments was changed last year. To prevent further similar occurrences, SCA-comments has been moved entirely off the list serve system. The correct email address for comments is “” (although the ‘’ address will still work for now). This has been active for some time.

SCA Inc. Information Technology apologizes for any alarm or inconvenience anyone may have suffered because of this breach. Particular thanks go to Matthew Simon Ryan Cavalletto (Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin) for initially alerting us to and helping assess the scope of the issue.

Anyone wishing to further discuss this matter should contact me ( and John Fulton, SCA Inc. President (

Sam Davis, Manager, Information Technology


Accidental Release of Business-In-Confidence Information

Court summaries from the Coronation of Agamemnon II and Marie, April 8, A.S. 57

Final business of Logan and Ylva:
Grimbrand Hundeman – Leather Mallet
Isibil Edvinsdottir – Calon Lily
Finán mac Crimthainn – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy
Halima bint al-‘Abbas al-Tanji – King’s Favor
Tristram of Lindesfarne – King’s Favor
Gaius Flavius Auxilius – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry
Emeline de Moulineaux – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society

First court of Agamemnon and Marie:
Honorable Lord David de la Cloude – King’s Champion
Honorable Lord Emerick Blackpool – Queen’s Champion
Duchess Phaedra filia Roberti and Mistress Miranda Logansdottir are Their Majesties’ Chamberlains.
Miranda Logansdottir – Court Baronage

On the field:
Cordell Powys – Iren Fyrd
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – Stile Hirth

Evening court:
Heidi Anne Draper – Golden Calon Swan
Ottar Langfotr – Torse
Duncan Bruce of Logan – Duchy
Ylva Jonsdottir – Duchy
Biarne Hrœreksson (Bjarm) – King’s Favor
Már í Miklagarði – Court Baronage

Other court tidings:
Lady Heidi Anne Draper and Lord Matthias Worcestershire, as event stewards, announced the day’s winners, and were given gifts by Their Majesties.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Cut & Thrust and the Armored combat tournaments.
Lady Avigail bat Michael ha-Cohen won the Arts & Sciences competition.
Honorable Lady Astrid Esbjörnsdotter won the blank border competition.
The Barony of Vatavia presented largess.
Dame Adelaide Colette de Monferrer, as Emissary from Meridies, presented gifts from Their Royal Majesties Meridies.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Ayisha bint Asad to join the Order of the Laurel.
Baron Augustin le Blinde and Baroness Aleit de la Thomme announced their desire to step down from the Baronage of the Lonely Tower.
18 newcomers received mugs.
Sir Hálfgrímr hafreki and Mistress Severin Sveinsdóttir are His Majesty’s Thegns.
Duke Marius Lucian Fidelis and Mistress Aoibheann Pálsdottir are Her Majesty’s Thegns.
Mistress Anna Plantyn announced some open Exchequer deputy positions.
Master Rhodri ap Hywel announced the Kingdom Historian position is open.
Lord Óttarr Surtsson spoke to the populace as Kingdom Chatelain.
Mistress Katherine d’Arles brought news of the upcoming Battlemoor event.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla to join the Order of the Laurel.

Court summaries from Gulf Wars 2023

This reporter did not go to GW. My thanks to Johann White Hawk for sending me his notes from courts, and to HL Ysabel de la Oya for gleaning other details from the Boke of Faces.  As always, any corrections are welcome.

On the field Wednesday (March 15):
Ise no Kusunoki Kametsuru – Pelican
Sato Jiro of the House of Kuji – Pelican

At the party Wednesday:
A boon was begged for Her Ladyship Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora to join the order of the Laurel.

In the Royal Pavilion Thursday (March 16):
Kennocht Armstrang – Stile Fyrd
Hoyen Moy – Torse
Eiríkr Trymsen – Iren Hirth
Elias de Jaye – Chivalry

On the field Thursday:
Lugaid mac Erca – Iren Fyrd
Alexander the Red – Iren Fyrd

In evening court Thursday:
Elaisse de Garrigues – Torse
Anastasia da Carrara – Cross of Calontir
Sofya la Rus – Pelican
Conna ingen uí Chearbhaill – King’s Favor
Berakha bat Mira v’Shlomo – Golden Calon Swan
Alan Smyith of Darkdale – Keeper of the Flame

Other court tidings:
Individuals who received awards on the field (Kennocht, Hoyen, Lugaid, and Alexander) received their scrolls. Lugaid and Alexander also received their seaxes from His Majesty Logan.
Sir Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd spoke to the populace about the need for NEW people to run Lilies 2024.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Her Ladyship Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora was summoned to settle a debt – as payment for taking His Majesty Logan’s personal paper supply for writing a song, He demanded a song in return. Adalyde led the Calon army in a specially adapted singing of “We Fight For The One Called Lile” (originally written by Steffen Albert Rheinbauer), this version entitled “We Fight For The One Called Ylva”.
Her Excellency Antonia Stefani gave gifts and thanks to the Soup Kitchen volunteers who helped during the war.
Her Excellency Genevieve de Chambery will be the new head of the Soup Kitchen.
His Lordship Emerick Blackpool presented three-legged stools to Their Royal Majesties and Their Roysl Highnesses.

Battle of Eben-Ezer, AD 250

Announcements: Queen’s Prize Entry and Judging forms now open

Calontir EnsignGreetings from your Arts and Science Master Scheduler

Entries for Queen’s Prize are now open. The window to enter runs from now until midnight on April 19th.

In addition to our standard entries with face-to-face judging we are having a “Display Only” option for the Queen’s Prize this year. You have a space to display your entry and any documentation you wish but will not have a judging session scheduled.

Entrants who choose “Display Only” may choose to have a sponsor, but a sponsor is not required for the display. Display entrants with a sponsor will receive a sponsor gift in court along with the standard entries; display entrants without a sponsor will not.

Sponsors are still required for all traditional QPT entries.

We are always in need of Judges! There is no award requirement to be a judge, just some knowledge of the subject matter.

Entry Submission Form – Traditional Queen’s Prize Entry

Display Only Form

Judges Volunteer Form

We look forward to seeing all our wonderful entrants and judges at Queens Prize.

If you have any questions please reach out to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, HL Gianna Viviani, at or the Master Scheduler, HL Ysabel de la Oya, at

Thank You
Ysabel de la Oya
Arts and Science Master Scheduler

In Memorium – Countess Caillin MacKenzie

The Arms of Caillin Mackenzie

The Arms of Countess Caillin MacKenzie

Good gentles of the Heartland, we have lost one of the fairest Roses of Calontir. Countess Caillin MacKenzie passed from this life of February 27, AS LVII. Countess Caillin was Winter Queen of Calontir in AS XLII. Caillin was gracious both on the throne off, and her smile was a source brilliance in our Kingdom. As we prepare for Gulf Wars, let us pause to remember this remarkable lady.

When Caillin came to the SCA, she soon found a passion for the art of cookery. She quickly earned renown as cook of unprecedented talent, and received her arms from King Martino I and Queen Ariel I in the summer of AS XXXVII as a Companion to the Order of the Leather Mallet. Her service in feasthall and her service to our Society came to the attention of King Joseph Angus I and Queen Phaedra I who awarded Caillin Companionship to the Order of the Torse on September 20 AS XXXVIII.

Countess Caillin’s efforts were not limited to cookery and service. She donned armor and joined the Falcon Army and gained renown on the field of battle. King Tristram I and Queen Katrine saw her worth to the Falcon Host and invested her a Fyrdman of the Order of the Iren-Fyrd in March of AS XXXIX.  Caillin was a bastion in the Calontir Army and fought with valor and honor. Her deeds on the field came to the notice of King Semjaka and Queen Xorazne who awarded Caillin the distinguished Order of the Sword of Calontir in August of XLI. During her time as Princess and Queen, Caillin fought alongside her army.

Through all, she continued to develop her culinary skills and learning of period cookery.  King Seridan and Queen Sile II recognized her talent and knowledge and welcomed Caillin into the Order of the Silver Hammer in July of AS XXIX. On May 6, AS XLI, Tristram of Lindesfarne carried Caillin’s favor onto the Crown Tournament field in Spinning Winds and emerged victorious. Tristram and Caillin reigned as the 46th Crown of Calontir, and the days of their reign are legendary. As a countess and Companion to the Order of the Rose, Caillin continued her growth as a leader amongst the cooks of Calontir. She taught any who asked the craft of the kitchen, and the Order of the Laurel, King Angelo, and Queen Jane invited her into that order on November 17, AS XLII.

The duties of life brought Caillin to move to Gleann Abhainn. Her absence was noticed by friends who missed her bright smile, her hospitality, and her gracious demeanor. As she enters into her final rest, Calontir sends her family the love and support of the Heartland. As Queen, peer, and generous person, she touched the lives of many in Calontir. She will be greatly missed. Countess Caillin is survived by her husband, Laim Mackenzue, their children and step-children, and Duke Eringlen, her brother. May her memory be a comfort to all thos to whom she was close.

Rosa semper floret in cordibus nostrisThe rose will forever bloom in our hearts

Countess Caillin in Armor

Fyrd Countess Caillin

Queen Caillin

Caillin 46th Queen of Calontir

Sing “Non-Nobis”