Announcements: New Kingdom Announcement Email List

Calontir EnsignThe Kingdom Webminister Master Gawin has announced that, based on feedback from the Social Media survey, he has created an email announcement list to disseminate announcements for those who are not on Facebook, and to avoid the announcement-eating Facebook algorithms for those who are on Facebook.

In the near future he is hoping to build a system that will automatically post announcements sent to the new list to the announcements page of the Kingdom website, the Kingdom Facebook page, and other Kingdom social media sites. Until that time, however, Kingdom officers will be encouraged to ensure that information is being distributed to this new email list in addition to those other outlets.

The new Announcements list is at:

Announcements are expected to begin being posted to the the new list after CalonCon.

Note: This is intended to be announcement-only list. A Calontir email discussion list can be found at:

Announcement: Digital Membership Cards

Ever gotten to an event only to realize that your membership card is still at home? Never fear! A new digital version of your card is now available and can be accessed easily from your mobile device!

Simply use your mobile device to display your membership card by logging in to

It will show your membership number, type, and expiration date, along with the names of other family members who are attached to a
Sustaining/International membership. Cards have a blue background when there is a signed waiver on file, or a white background if not.

Step by step instructions to create a shortcut to your digital card on your device are now available at .

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Lilies Survey Request

Gleaned from Facebook:

Hi all, Lilies Event Steward Mistress Rhianwen here!

Thanks very much to the 280+ people who have already filled out our Attendance Estimate survey! We have one additional request: Please share the survey with your local groups via email, social media, and in-person communication. Some folks aren’t on Facebook, and we want to get as much feedback as possible.
We are interested in feedback from people who think they are attending AND those who think they are not.

Here’s the direct link:

You can also access the survey at

Many thanks to the ever-wise Countess Ylva for pointing this out.

(P.S. Yes, as Master Andrixos and Master Alan have noted, this is really all about the portajohns.)

Variance to Board Resolution of May 25, 2021, Regarding Preregistration Requirements

The Reopening Resolution approved by the SCA Board of Directors at their May 25, 2021 conference call meeting required preregistration for all SCA functions. As attendance caps will no longer be required, and the need to collect attendee information for contact tracing, while still present, is reduced, the Society Seneschal in cooperation with the President has issued an implementation variance to the May 25 Resolution regarding preregistration. The goal is to allow for the efficient operation of Society events while still preserving the ability to provide attendee information to government or health authorities if requested.

Therefore, preregistration for SCA events will no longer be required starting July 1, 2021.

All who attend any SCA sponsored event in North America including local meetings, fighter practices, etc. must be signed in on a roster, at Troll, etc. prior to entering the event. This can be a roster sign-up sheet for small events, but along with a legal name the attendee must provide some method of contact. That can be email, phone number, or street address. Kingdoms may add additional requirements for events as they choose, but in all cases, there should be a complete list of those who are at any SCA event. Such event/meeting rosters should be kept by the local Seneschal or in the manner prescribed by the Kingdoms for such information. Such information will be held pending further instructions by the Society Seneschal or President.

Kingdoms and groups may continue to require preregistration for certain functions at their discretion.

Plague’s End court summary, June 12, A.S. 56

In court:
Æthelwynn Stíðmódu – Golden Calon Swan
Roxelana Bramante – Torse
Lawrence of Grimfells – Golden Calon Swan
Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh – AoA
Caleb Talbot – Leather Mallet
Juan Hector Valdez – Torse
Wilhelm von Brandt – Torse and Iren Hirth

Other court tidings:
Baroness Genevieve de Chambery brought news of the upcoming event in Westumbria.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Sir Anton von Hagenstein and Sir Duncan MacTorquill brought news of the upcoming Regional Equestrian Practice in Wyvern Cliffe.
Lady Fabia Narcissa Patricia stepped down as Kingdom Chronicler, and is replaced by the Honorable Lady Anne von Weingarten.
The Honorable Lady Tola Rufusdóhtor stepped down as Kingdom Seneschal, and is replaced by His Excellency Galen MacColmáin.
Mistress Brigida von München stepped down as Gold Falcon Herald, and is replaced by the Honorable Lady Zaneta Baseggio.

Event: Plague’s End

Join us in Grimfells to celebrate the end of restrictions. We will gather at historic Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park for a day of fighting , classes, and enjoying the camaraderie of our Falcon Family. All current event restrictions will be rigidly enforced.

Where:  506 E Douglas St, Prairie Grove, AR 72753, USA
When:  Saturday, Jun 12, 2021
Event Page:
Pre-Registration (Required for Attendance):

Announcement: Resolution to Further Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity in the SCA as of July 1st, 2021

The Board has announced the lifting of more restrictions on in-person events, including the 150 person limit, on July 1, 2021.

Links to the two documents outlining these changes are provided below.

In summary, the 150 person limit on event size will be lifted. Kingdoms may still require masks at events, and no water bearing or feasts are allowed yet.

Click to access 2021-05-25-Resolution.pdf

Click to access 2021-05-28-SScover.pdf

Announcement: April 2021 President’s Report Now Available

John Fulton, President for the SCA, has announced that a report from his office is now available on the SCA website. This report contains the publishable summaries and commendation sections from each Society Officer’s reports, as well as publishable summaries submitted by various Board committees.

The report can be located here:

Questions or comments regarding this report should be directed to Mr. Fulton at

If you send comments, please use the subject line “President’s Report April 2021”.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

Announcement: New “Conduct & Behavior” Page

You told us that you wanted a quick reference spot for information on our code of conduct and behavioral expectations. Here it is!

All of these linked policies have been previously approved and are currently effective, and there are no new policies being introduced with this advent of page. It serves simply as a single point from which all can link and view, for ease of use.

It’s the result of a great deal of feedback, collaboration, and execution across many, and I’m very excited to share it. It is my hope that this page will help us all to better serve one another.

Thank you to the many, many people who contributed time and effort to make this happen!

-Zahra, DEI

In Memoriam: The Passing of Lord Hamlinius of Hamlynn

Lord Hamlinius of Hamlynn passed from this world on May 8th, due to complications from heart surgery.

Hamlinius was a proud Fyrdman and a member of the Shire of Oakheart.

Some remembrances from Facebook:

He was a true spear brother, and I will miss him. His memory will be a blessing to all who carry it. – Dawi

Sweet Ham… our strange rivalry turned into a great friendship. I have no words. I knew it was risky, but I am shocked and, again this week, heartbroken. My brother – you will be so missed. – Allison


Sing Non Nobis!