Arts & Sciences Corona Virus Resources

This post will be updated as we are made aware of any classes, etc., for Calontiri and friends.

Unfortunately many of these resources are only on Facebook, but there are a few that are generally available.

The Calontiri Wiki has a running page of general plague related resources, including Arts & Sciences resources: is maintaining a calendar with only classes and presentations.:

Sir Richard DeBleys has posted several videos for constructing and playing Roman and Norse games:

THL Konstantia has posted a scribal tutorial

Mistress Giraude had shared her online classes on waxed linen and fabric buttons.


Announcement: Knowne World Symposium Cancelations and Virtual Classroom Facebook Group

Greetings from Lord Dagonell Collingwood! I am the Known World Symposium Advertising Deputy under the Society Minister of Arts and Sciences, Seigneur Etienne Le Mons d’Anjou.

It is my sad duty to announce the following cancellations due to the COVID19 virus:

Known World Italian Salon & Symposium was to have taken place THIS weekend, March 19 – 22, 2020 at Gulf Wars in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. With the cancellation of the Gulf Wars itself, the symposium is cancelled as well.

Known World Academy of the Rapier & Costuming Symposium was scheduled for April 17 – 19, 2020 in the Kingdom of Avacal. It has also been cancelled.

If you have pre-registered for either of these events, please be patient while the event staffs deal with these overwhelming circumstances. Future symposiums have NOT been cancelled at this time.

Greetings from Lord Dagonell Collingwood! I am the Known World Symposium Advertising Deputy.  The SCA has created the Facebook public group, “SCA Virtual Classroom and Artisan Display” ( “a place where teachers and artisans can share the virtual resources they’ve created to make them available SCA-wide to continue to foster a learning environment.”

The group contains among other things, links to other craft groups, online classes, handouts from IRL classes, journal articles, how to videos, subject bibliographies, and of course, endless discussions about historical arts.

From Their Majesties: Crown Tournament Postponed


This morning Tamar and I woke to the drizzle here on our estates and could for a moment pretend it was the patter of rain on canvas. This #virtualgulfwars has been good for our souls, and ask you to continue finding ways to rally and support one another.

But this morning also bears bad news, I have heard the first “friend of a friend” reports, and while Calontir by and large stands strong and healthy the rest of the Known Worlde does not fair as well.

Given the National State of Emergency, the suggestions of the Board, and the advice and wisdom we have been able to gather;
We will be extending the suspension of organized Calontir SCA activities through April 30.

This means that Spring Crown Tournament has been suspended and is now planned for June 13, 2020, the first weekend of our Lilies War. Letters of intent, therefore, are now due by May 30.

These decisions are made under certain assumptions that no further governmental restrictions arise, but gives us the flexibility to react again if the “all clear” is not given by that time.

We will be constantly reviewing the situation and making adjustments to see to the future of Calontir and the safety of our people.

We want to publicly thank our Witan and Thiegns for their wisdom. Our Baronies, Shires, and Cantons for their Patience. And our People for their Heart.

Your Fealty has our eternal Love.
Your Service has every honor we can bestow.

You will not stand alone.
Lucian and Tamar

Stories: Ariel and I Wipe Out the East – Almost

Codex Manesse, UB Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848, fol. 17r, “Herzog von Anhalt”, 1305-1315. Public Domain in the United States

Several things are going on on Facebook to help Calontir folks get through the current crisis. The Falcon Banner and The Calontiri Wiki will be making available those that are shareable outside of Facebook.



By: Master Pavel Yosivich

It was the woods battle at Pennsic XV. I had injured my knees, again, and thought that I would sit the battle out. The Calon army was very new then and wearing the tabards was a great joy. Not that it isn’t now, only then it was still a new joy.

As I was watching the army march off to battle, singing, while I stood there on my crutches, I was greatly inspired. Grabbing the few non-fighters in camp I then had my knee wrapped and myself armored. Rounding up three other fighters that were back in camp for various reasons we took off after the army. They were Lady Megan O’Reilly, Lord Tom the German, and a third I can’t remember.

The four of us moved slowly and entered the woods well after the gun. (I was walking on a busted knee, which I had to have replaced right after that war.) We had many small engagements with small groups of Easterners and did quite well, until our fourth or fifth engagement where we were all killed. The other three went on to resurrection point as I was still very slow and they could move at normal speed.

Upon reaching the resurrection point I found the only fellow Calontiri was a young fighter named Ariel. She was very young then and didn’t have a lot of war experience. What her inexperienced eyes saw was the old war dog of Pavel standing ready to once more move into battle. She asked me if she could resurrect with me. Flattered, I, of course, said “You betcha!”

We moved out in our war tabards. A large hulking brute of an old warrior and a young, just blooded, warrior. We met a couple of small one and two fighter Eastern fighter groups that we quickly dispatched. Arial showed much skill in these small encounters, raising my assessment of her skill with each one.

Then we saw a column of about 120 Eastern troops. Sensing their fear, I yelled “CHARGE!” and waddled at the foe’s column. Ariel, being young and fast, quickly got in front of me with her shield. (I was fighting pole arm, this was before Syr Richard cut my hand off and the doctors put it back on.)

We hit the column almost dead center. It was about four fighters wide. Arial jumped the ditch and smashed into the two fighters in front of her, compressing their ranks. I jumped across the shallow ditch and landed right behind her. There was chaos.

“Calontir is attacking our flank!”

“Wheel! Wheel!”

I got three with my first swings! Ariel was swinging – a kill with every blow! We cleared a circle of dead within weapon’s reach! The foe knew they were in for a quick trip to the resurrection point!

Then we heard the fatal words….

“There are only two of them.”

There was a long, quiet pause. Then, the world fell on us. *Sigh*

Well, that’s the story of Ariel and myself almost wiping out the Eastern army.

Board of Directors Message March 17, 2020

ASL translation:


We, as a society, are in a unique situation currently with how to continue the business of the SCA while protecting our membership’s health with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our various Kingdoms have governments either recommending or mandating responses to COVID-19. We ask that all Kingdoms monitor and follow the recommendations from their respective authorities. These challenges are forcing us to look at new ways to speedily address the business of the SCA so that we can continue in a safe and practical way.

With this, we continue to support our Kingdom Seneschals and Crowns in their decisions to cancel and/or alter events as needed. In the SCA there have always been certain events, like Crown and Coronation, that are required by Corpora. Since typical formats are no longer an option for so many, we are encouraging kingdoms to apply for variances and to think creatively in how they approach these events. The variance process will be streamlined with a new online format for submitting requests that the Kingdom Seneschals can utilize. Every kingdom is unique in culture and tradition. This is one thing we deeply understand and do not wish to put a “one size fits all” mandate forth to the populace. We ask that the kingdoms think outside the box and to continue to be thoughtful towards their populace in making these decisions. Several variances of this nature have already been issued and we expect more to come.

As you can imagine, the Board will not be meeting in person for our regularly scheduled April board meeting. Instead, we will be utilizing technology to hold our meeting remotely via webcam. While it is not ideal, we are committed to working together to move the SCA forward.

In this time of uncertainty, we need our community now more than ever, but many are having to self isolate. Luckily, the Dream isn’t any one event, but the people within it. In that vein, we urge you to connect where you can if that is something you need: utilize video chats with your friends, host an online class, bring back pen pals and write letters to the friends you missed at war. Check-in with each other any way you can, but above all, be kind and try to remain calm. Thank you so much for all you do for Society and keeping the Dream alive!

Yours in Service,
Board of Directors Society for Creative Anachronism


Calontir Singing Recordings

Unknown Artist. Minstrels with a Rebec & a Lute.
13th c. Manasseh Codex. El Escorial, Madrid. Public domain in the US

For those in isolation, the voices of our Calontir family can be a balm. If anyone has online recordings they would like to share with the Kingdom, please send links to and we will post them.

In that spirit, we link to the CalonSound Project. While it has not been updated in a few years, it includes several Calontir standards.

Nesscia’s Missives 15 March AS LIV

Image from Huntington Library Ms HM 60, f°7, 15th C.

Written this 15th day of March
Anno Societatus LIV
Being 2020 of the Common Era

My Dear Daughter Caroline,

I send my love upon the wings of the geese flying towards the thawing lands where you now toil for the good populace of Northshield.

The Ides of March conspire against me, and the stars and planets wheel in misalignment.

My wagon packed, I stood ready to once more trek south toward Ansteorra and your estate. Clouds, laden with snow, arrived in the night, delivering the bulk of its freight by morning. Howling wind and swirling flakes continued throughout the day. The roads now are slick with mud and melting ice. Methinks I must needs delay my departure.

Fear not, Dear one, time supports your cause even if the stars do not.
The laborers and tradesmen continue their good work in my absence. When the day arrives to move your worldly goods, I shall indeed have trekked south. There I shall remain at your disposal to guide and assist the work until completion.

Rumors and tales continue of the plague spreading throughout the lands.

Heralds and town criers bring news daily of the deaths and horrors gripping kingdoms and baronys and shires across the seas and close to home.

Daily I receive word from my kith and kin. They travel back to their own estates and cottages to assure all is well. There they endure the solitude until the stars align once more allowing all to go forth.

The great conflict in the kingdom of Gleann Abhann has found the gathering armies lay down arms and retreat.

Our good King Lucian and kind Queen Tamar urge great care. They proclaimed the needs of Their people to survive this plague remains paramount. Without Their populace there will be no kingdom. They are indeed good Rulers and True.

I look towards the brighter days of summer full of sunshine and fresh breezes. When the beasts and babies romp on the hillside while we sip wine in the gardens.

Indeed I do pray hourly for the safety of all the folk I love and hold dear. Mayhaps the halt of travel and revels and gatherings will halt as well the spread of this malady bedeviling our homes.

Know fully that the humours and health of our house and beasts and land here in the Hills of Ponca hold firm and well.

Until the day I once more gaze upon your countenance and have the opportunity to tell you, know that you are held dear to me.

Ever with love,
Your mother.

Announcement: All Calontir Activities Canceled Through April 6

From Their Royal Majesties Calontir, Lucian II and Tamar Atia Albia Tamara

At this time, we have come to the conclusion that we will be suspending activity for the next 3 weeks extending through Monday April 6th.

This means all organized SCA activities events, meetings, and practices, in that time period will be cancelled.

Over the next weeks we will continue to meet with our Witan and Thiegns to find a short term path forward for all Calontiri, and how to properly ensure the selection of our heirs.

We are sorry that you feel in the dark. We share your worries for friends, family, and Calontir. We are all working for the best possible outcome.

This is what Calontir does. We take the job no one wants and we make the best of it. We sing under the weight of the shield wall. We dig in. We outlast. We are dauntless.

Mississippi Department of Health Advises Canceling Events Over 250 Participants

The Mississippi Department of Health held a news conference this morning at 11: 00am CDT regarding Covid-19 precautions. Mississippi has recorded its first case.

Among the recommendations:

  • Anyone over 65 with complicated medical conditions avoid gatherings
  • Organizations having gatherings of over 250 advised to cancel
  • Everyone should take precautions even with small number gatherings

The event stewards of Gulf War have made no announcement about cancelling yet. However, the Green Dragon will be closed for the duration of the War.

All waterbearing will be done from squeeze bottles, 3d printed non contact water bottles, and paper cups.

Their Royal Majesties have advised everyone to make the best decisions for they and theirs, and have released all Calontiri from all obligations to attend Them in service to that goal.

While the muster has been called and our people have answered, our primary task as King and Queen is to see to the safety and preservation of our people.

With that being the case, we hearby release any and all members of Calontir from any responsibility that would require your attendence at this year’s Gulf Wars. You may take this leave without excuse or explanation and you have our complete understanding and compassion.

For the Senate and People of Calontir
Lucian and Tamar Atia Albia Tamara