From Their Royal Majesties: Virtual Court – Kingdom Law Change

Greetings Calontir!

We will be having the recent changes to Kingdom Law read in Court, this coming Thursday May 12th at 7:30pm.
This Court will be virtual, information on joining is below.

Thank you
Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch
Meeting number (access code): 2559 017 8785

Meeting password: YCmKABca345 (92652222 from phones and video systems)

+1-408-418-9388,,25590178785#92652222# tel:%2B1-408-418-9388,,*01*25590178785%2392652222%23*01* United States Toll
Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password.

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll

Global call-in numbers

Peace. Love. Calontir.

Announcement: From the Falcon Crown

We thank everyone for their thoughtful comments on the calendar change.

This is a challenging issue, when we know it is impossible to please everyone. There are those who disagree with the premise that having Heirs at foreign wars is beneficial, that the calendar is fine the way it is. We would not be having this conversation if We believed that.

After reviewing the comments and opinions of the people, We will be changing the Kingdom Calendar to hold Crown Tournament the first week of June and December, Coronation the first weekend of April and October. This was the most popular option, and this schedule gives Heirs both the opportunity to attend foreign wars, and sufficient time to plan for those. The transition to this calendar that had the most support is to cancel July Coronation, and hold Coronation in October – currently scheduled as Crown Tournament. Conversations about this transition, and event bids for the new schedule have also begun.

In addition to the change of schedule for Crown Tournament and Coronation, We are recognizing Masters of the Duel as a Royal Event, for Calontir Stile.

We are removing specific weekends in Kingdom Law for Royal Events, to increase flexibility in scheduling Royal Events.

  • Masters of the Duel will be held annually
  • King’s Companie of Archers will be held annually
  • Calon Con will be held annually, in January or February (a virtual event)
  • Queen’s Prize Tournament will be held annually, in April or May
  • Kingdom Arts and Sciences will be held annually, in October or November
  • This balances Queen’s Prize and Kingdom A&S between the two reigns, and schedules the Calon Con, now held virtually, during winter, the less favorable travel period.

After much consideration and conversation, we are not creating a Royal Event for Equestrian. Our Equestrian community is strong and wise, and have given us good counsel in this regard. The current patterns for Equestrian events are functioning well, and there is no need to disrupt this activity with a Royal Event.

The new Kingdom Calendar can be viewed at:

Thank you one and all for sharing your opinions, and for continuing to create these current middle ages together.

King Hirsch and Queen Magdalena
Peace. Love. Calontir.

Download (PDF, 73KB)

Announcement: Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance (effective March 4, 2022)

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

From the Calontir Seneschal:

Good morning Calontir!
After extensive review of currently available data, and in consultation with Their Majesties, it has been decided to adjust Calontir’s COVID Guidelines for event attendance. If you have any questions regarding the guidelines please contact me at The new guidelines are as follows…

Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance (effective March 4, 2022)
•These rules apply to both events and local meetings, practices, and gatherings.
•These rules are in addition to, not in place of, the Society level rules from the BoD.
•These rules are the MINIMUM requirements, and local group leadership may enact more stringent requirements if the local health conditions warrant.
•All Local, State, and Federal Guidelines are to be followed, including masking and gathering size limits.
•If you are fully vaccinated and it has been long enough that the vaccine will have reached maximum efficacy, you may choose not to wear a mask while outdoors.
•Everyone over the age of 24 months must mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
•Masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth.
•You may bring your own food to an event and you may share it with others.
•Food may be served in an official capacity, such as an inn or vigil table.
•If you would usually be required to be masked, you must distance a minimum of 6 feet to unmask for eating or drinking.
o Vaccinated members of the populace may be closer than 6 feet outdoors, but must still distance to eat or drink indoors.
o Unvaccinated members of the populace must distance at least 6 feet to eat or drink both indoors and out.
•Feasts will not be allowed at this time.
•Water Bearing may be provided from the communal coolers, but only into personal containers, not our traditional shared jugs.

Requests from the Crown
•If you are medically able to get the Covid Vaccine, please do so. If you are due for a booster, please get one.
•Please do not attend gatherings if you are not feeling well. If someone in your household is Covid positive, or symptomatic, please stay home.
•Please respect the comfort levels of those who wish to follow more stringent masking and distancing practices than are strictly required.
•The SCA is an organization of chivalry and community. Please remember these values and help us all set a good example for the rest of the Known World.

In all things kindness, peace, and love.

In Memoriam: The Passing of Mistress Hertha Blair of Froggestow

Mistress Hertha Blair of Froggestow passed from this world on January 31st.

Image courtesy of The Memorial Shield Project – SCA.

Halidor Arkellsson
I just talked to Bobby Comstock, Mistress Hertha Blair’s Daughter. On the morning of January 31st, Hertha Blair of Frog Stow passed from this world. Rest easy sweet Lady. May you be in Chidiock’s strong arms.

Kristin Hacker
I met Hertha when I was 8 at our first newcomers’ moot. She wasn’t a Laurel yet. She taught me how to spin with a drop spindle and weave on a blanket loom. She is a part of every SCA memory I have from age 8 to 21. I saw her at my last event which was a QPT a few years ago. We also randomly ran into her and her daughter at the Nelson. My heart is broken.

Mike Jackson
Very few people know what a critical role both Hertha and Chidiock played in getting Calontir permission to use the park at Smithville for Lilies and later so many other events. Hertha set up a meeting with the park superintendent and Chidiock, Malachi, and I drove around the park looking at possible sites. The youth camp we now use was pretty much a wild gamble into having an event at a very primitive site.

Ellen K. Herndon
She was a friend and mentor early on after I came into SCA. The few memories I have of the 80s include her and Chidiock. (One was of house sitting for them once when they were out of town. Don’t remember if I did good at it though.)
She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. I always felt peaceful around her. She taught me drop spinning and weaving (and answered other stupid questions on fiber arts and other things). As well as was my go-to for questions on herbs and herbalism.
She and Chidiock are dear to my heart, I am 🥰 they are together again.
Thank you for Messaging this to me Halidor. I would have missed it otherwise. Please let me know when and where on respects. 💔🌹

Mistress Hertha has left this world. She was kind to me and welcomed me into the Barony of Forgotten Sea when I came here from Standing Stones. She encouraged me on my path in the SCA. She is reunited with her lord, Master Chidiok after many years. She had a big impact on many and her presence will long be felt in Calontir. Rest well noble lady. You will be missed.

In Memoriam: The Passing of Sir Stephen Grimfalcon du Norfolk


Courtesy of The SCA Memorial Shield Project

Sir Stephen Grimfalcon du Norfolk passed from this world on February 2nd, 2021

Some collected memories from those who knew him:

Baroness Gwendolyn Verch Morgaine
He was always so kind. When I was new to Calontir and traveled for work, we would get together for dinner on most of my visits to Wichita. He made me feel welcome, and I enjoyed our conversations. He will be missed.

Master Johann Steinarsson
Outside of the friends who brought me into the Barony of Vatavia, Sir Stephen was one of the first to approach me and welcome me as a newcomer. He was always kind and encouraging, forever had a smile on his face, and never a bad thing to say about anyone. Sir Stephen was one of those who kept me going when I was at my lowest points, and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. He was, indeed, a true embodiment of chivalry. And his friendship touched so many of my fellow Calontiri. I will miss him so very much. Rest in peace, Sir Stephen.

Duchess Hywela frech ferch Wyddel
My Champion when I was Princess the first time. He made me feel like a Princess, too! RIP, Old Friend.

Master Donald Andrew MacDonald
I met him when i was 16 and he was running a hobby shop in town. He invited me out to the sca. He was pro fencing long before calontir was ready for it. He was loyal and welcoming and generaly a awesome person. He was my peer before i even wanted to be a peer.

From Their Royal Majesties: Winter War Maneuvers

It is too soon for great optimism, but we are cautiously optimistic.

Two weeks ago, in consultation with Our Witan and event stewards, we postponed events in the first half of February. We appreciate all of the effort and input that went into that difficult decision, as well as the work preparing for these events.

We are pleased to announce that Winter War Maneuvers is going forward as scheduled, with N95/KN95/KF94 masks required for all indoor activities, including fighting, both armored and steel. If you cannot fit an N95/KN95/KF94 mask in your helmet/mask while fighting, you may wear a multilayer non-woven surgical mask while fighting, but you are expected to wear an N95/KN95/KF94 mask while not fighting.

We recognize that the masking requirement makes staying hydrated difficult, and we encourage people to bring a straw, take a break outdoors to drink some water.

In January We required N95/KN95 masks at Coronation, and we capped attendance. We are not planning to cap attendance at this time.

It is imperative that if you are feeling unwell, you should stay home from an event. If someone in your household is currently positive, you must stay home, even if you are asymptomatic. As much as we enjoy seeing one another in person again, we would rather have smaller events than to have no events at all. The health of the kingdom is Our priority.

We remain honored to be
King Hirsch and Queen Magdalena
Peace. Love. Calontir.

In Memoriam: The Passing of Countess Salamandra the Whitesmith

Courtesy of The Memorial Shield Project – SCA

Sadly, I must report the passing of Countess Salamandra the Whitesmith, also known as Sally Heald.

She had been in hospice care for a few days following a fall on a patch of ice. She will be missed.

Final arrangements are being made and will be passed on when more information is available.

Yours in Service and in Sadness – Volkmar

For many of us, Salamandra was a fixture in our Calontir experience. I saw her elevation to the Order of the Laurel at one of my early events, I was there for her reign as Queen of Calontir, and spent many a pleasant hour in her company over the years. She was tough, spicy, and kind. She will be missed. – Mathurin Kerbusso

Salamandra was one of a kind, my Laurel, and I was honored by her friendship for many years. My world was made better by her presence, and is now dimmer with sorrow and loss. – Annalies Grossmund

So very sad to hear of the death of Countess Salamandra. I had the pleasure of speaking with her several times over the years. She liked how I would incorporate vintage kimono silk into my kosode, and the why and how of choosing my materials and altering the fit. She was a weaver and enjoyed discussing fabric details. She also had a wonderful variety of tales from earlier times in Calontir. She was a delightful lady and I shall miss her. – Ki no Kotori

Countess Salamandra the Whitesmith began her Society journey in the Shire of Mag Mor when others urged her to attend a small local event. Not too long after, she moved to the Canton (now Shire) of Crescent Moon to pursue her modern profession. In Crescent Moon, Salamandra encouraged the group’s the group’s young folk – Duke Chrystofer Kensor, Sir Angus of Blackmoor, Mistress Rhianydd Arbeth – just to name a few. In those early days, she often loaded several people into her van and traveled to distant events allowing local folk to know and be known by fellow Calontiri.

In A.S. XXIV (1990), Their Royal Majesties Tomuki and Fionna recognized Salamandra as a Mistress of the Laurel for her decorative metal work.

In A.S. XXX (1996) Count Chrystofer Kensor was victorious in Crown Lists and made Salamandra His Queen. She was an enthusiastic Patroness of the Arts & Sciences. They also traveled to Pennsic and led the Calon army to much glory.

At times after stepping down, Countess Salamandra’s participation in Society events ebbed, but she always maintained her interest in Calontir. Eventually she rekindled her interest in SCA merchanting, offering a variety of wares including gorgeous, beaded jewelry. In 2019 Salamandra moved back to Mag Mor – now a barony. She enjoyed participating in baronial activities and, at the time of her death, was serving as Baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences.

Salamandra never met a person who wasn’t interesting – she might disagree with you, but you were interesting and worthy of encouragement. She loved rocks, cats, horses, books, arts & crafts, and learning new things. She also deeply loved her chosen family. She was talented, funny, and optimistic – as well as stubborn, impulsive, and an inventor of words. We miss her sorely. Her memory will always be a source of encouragement and motivation for those who knew her.

A celebration of Countess Salamandra’s life and our memories of her will be planned for a later date – when we can meet, talk, laugh, and cry face to face. If you want to “do something” sooner, consider donating to a local no-kill pet shelter in her honor. – Isadora of Orange Woode

Sing Non Nobis!

Sign the Gulf Wars Muster!

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US

Calontir, the drums of Gulf Wars are sounding!

The time is coming to march to battle, ply our crafts, loose our arrows, and mount our horses!  Soon, we shall gather in long-awaited companionship under the Royal Pavilion to raise our voices in merry song and share cups of hot broth!
Will you join us?  Stories will be written, and your Gulf Wars story begins by adding your name to the muster.
If you are planning to go OR if you think you’ll probably go, please sign the muster.  Letting us know that you’re coming will help us plan camping space, buy soup kitchen supplies, and understand the composition of the Army.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
General Rhianwen

From Their Royal Highnesses: Accepting Fealty in Writing

Calontir EnsignWe thank Calontir for their patience and understanding during these trying times.

Attendance at Coronation must needs be limited as We encourage the populace to be safe. But we understand that many of you take your oaths and your offices very seriously, and for that We thank you from the bottoms of Our hearts. With that in mind, We will be accepting fealty in writing from any who decide that this is not a good time to venture forth, but would like to be in fealty as soon as possible. This is a period practice, as well, though today’s couriers are somewhat swifter than horse, pigeon and boat.

Throughout Our reign We will continue accepting fealty in person, by request, either in court or privately, as is our grand tradition. Know that however you choose to offer your oath of fealty, or indeed, if you choose not to swear such an oath, We will treat all Calontiri as beloved family. This is a personal choice, and We will respect it.

With Love, in these cold days
Princess Magdalena and Prince Hirsch