Conflict is bad (in Heraldry and elsewhere)

This is the eighth in a series of educational articles about heraldry for Calontir.  (See bottom of page for list of previous articles in this series)

Hopefully at this point, you have developed some ideas for your name and/or your heraldry.  But before you fall in love with one of them, it’s a good idea to make sure you don’t conflict with (are too similar to) someone else.

Names conflict if they look or sound too much alike.  It would be awkward if a herald called your name in court and someone else answered the call.  Most of the time, no other name is even close, but sometimes it’s tricky to decide if your name is different enough from name that has already been registered.

Items of armory conflict if they look too much alike.  There are actual period guidelines for this, called marks of cadency.  A mark of cadency would be a small change that a son would make to the family coat of arms to show he was related to the head of the family, in SCA-speak that’s a “distinct change”.  So your device needs to be enough different from someone else’s, that you’re not implying that you’re their heir.

Over the years, heralds have come up with a system of what counts as a major change (significant change or SC, just need one), minor change (distinct changes or DC, need two) and what doesn’t count at all for difference – based as much as possible on period research.

Go here to see what names have already been registered (check multiple different spellings of each of the parts of your name):

Here are the official rules about names conflict: SENA PN.3. Personal Names Conflict –

Go here to look up what other coats of arms have been registered with your charges:

Here are the official rules about armory conflict: SENA A.5. Armory Conflict –

Articles to explain the rules:

Admittedly, “conflict” is one of the most challenging parts of researching names and heraldry.  Even experienced heralds get confused, argue, and miss things (a lot), but you can at least start the process and get ideas for what other people have done.

As always, there are lots of “Heraldic Helpers” to guide you through all this (see article below).

At your service,

Sofya la Rus, Habicht Herald

Calontir Heraldic Education Deputy


Previous articles in this series:

Heraldic Helpers

What’s in a Name?

Where do I find a good name?

How do I create a coat of arms? Part four, embellishments.

In Memoriam: The Passing of Countess Salamandra the Whitesmith

Courtesy of The Memorial Shield Project – SCA

Sadly, I must report the passing of Countess Salamandra the Whitesmith, also known as Sally Heald.

She had been in hospice care for a few days following a fall on a patch of ice. She will be missed.

Final arrangements are being made and will be passed on when more information is available.

Yours in Service and in Sadness – Volkmar

For many of us, Salamandra was a fixture in our Calontir experience. I saw her elevation to the Order of the Laurel at one of my early events, I was there for her reign as Queen of Calontir, and spent many a pleasant hour in her company over the years. She was tough, spicy, and kind. She will be missed. – Mathurin Kerbusso

Salamandra was one of a kind, my Laurel, and I was honored by her friendship for many years. My world was made better by her presence, and is now dimmer with sorrow and loss. – Annalies Grossmund

So very sad to hear of the death of Countess Salamandra. I had the pleasure of speaking with her several times over the years. She liked how I would incorporate vintage kimono silk into my kosode, and the why and how of choosing my materials and altering the fit. She was a weaver and enjoyed discussing fabric details. She also had a wonderful variety of tales from earlier times in Calontir. She was a delightful lady and I shall miss her. – Ki no Kotori

Countess Salamandra the Whitesmith began her Society journey in the Shire of Mag Mor when others urged her to attend a small local event. Not too long after, she moved to the Canton (now Shire) of Crescent Moon to pursue her modern profession. In Crescent Moon, Salamandra encouraged the group’s the group’s young folk – Duke Chrystofer Kensor, Sir Angus of Blackmoor, Mistress Rhianydd Arbeth – just to name a few. In those early days, she often loaded several people into her van and traveled to distant events allowing local folk to know and be known by fellow Calontiri.

In A.S. XXIV (1990), Their Royal Majesties Tomuki and Fionna recognized Salamandra as a Mistress of the Laurel for her decorative metal work.

In A.S. XXX (1996) Count Chrystofer Kensor was victorious in Crown Lists and made Salamandra His Queen. She was an enthusiastic Patroness of the Arts & Sciences. They also traveled to Pennsic and led the Calon army to much glory.

At times after stepping down, Countess Salamandra’s participation in Society events ebbed, but she always maintained her interest in Calontir. Eventually she rekindled her interest in SCA merchanting, offering a variety of wares including gorgeous, beaded jewelry. In 2019 Salamandra moved back to Mag Mor – now a barony. She enjoyed participating in baronial activities and, at the time of her death, was serving as Baronial Minister of Arts & Sciences.

Salamandra never met a person who wasn’t interesting – she might disagree with you, but you were interesting and worthy of encouragement. She loved rocks, cats, horses, books, arts & crafts, and learning new things. She also deeply loved her chosen family. She was talented, funny, and optimistic – as well as stubborn, impulsive, and an inventor of words. We miss her sorely. Her memory will always be a source of encouragement and motivation for those who knew her.

A celebration of Countess Salamandra’s life and our memories of her will be planned for a later date – when we can meet, talk, laugh, and cry face to face. If you want to “do something” sooner, consider donating to a local no-kill pet shelter in her honor. – Isadora of Orange Woode

Sing Non Nobis!

Sign the Gulf Wars Muster!

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US

Calontir, the drums of Gulf Wars are sounding!

The time is coming to march to battle, ply our crafts, loose our arrows, and mount our horses!  Soon, we shall gather in long-awaited companionship under the Royal Pavilion to raise our voices in merry song and share cups of hot broth!
Will you join us?  Stories will be written, and your Gulf Wars story begins by adding your name to the muster.
If you are planning to go OR if you think you’ll probably go, please sign the muster.  Letting us know that you’re coming will help us plan camping space, buy soup kitchen supplies, and understand the composition of the Army.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there!
General Rhianwen

How do I create a coat of arms? Part four, embellishments.

This is the seventh in a series of educational articles about heraldry for Calontir. (See bottom of page for links to previous articles.)

Previously, we discussed the basic ingredients for a coat of arms.  Now how can we embellish those basic ingredients?


Furs are treated like tinctures in most ways.  The most common fur in heraldry is ermine.  Plain ermine is black ermine tails on a white background, but versions can be done using all the heraldic tinctures.

Vair is another fur, meant to mimic squirrel fur, and is traditionally blue and white, but can be done in other tinctures also. Furs obey the contrast rules, so you can have red ermined white, but not red ermined green.

Lines of Division

The field (background) of a device, and many charges (motifs) can be divided into different-colored pieces.  These pieces do NOT have to obey the contrast rules if they’re simple enough to be identifiable.  (This because the color is considered “next to” the color, not “on” the color, i.e. you’ve divided layer 1 into different colored pieces, not placed a dark-colored layer 2 ON a dark-colored layer 1.)

Here are some options:


Complex Lines

The lines of the above divisions don’t have to be straight line, and these complex lines can also be applied to the edges of some simple geometric charges.

Here are some examples:


In heraldry, diapering is adding tone-on-tone patterns to embellish an otherwise plain area of a device.  For example, a plain blue background can be dressed up with light blue foliage swirls.

As you can see, even with all the rules in heraldry, there are millions of amazing options available.  We’re happy to help if you can’t make up your mind.  (See “Heraldic Helpers“.)


At your service,

Sofya la Rus, Habicht Herald

Calontir Heraldic Education Deputy


Previous articles in this series:

Heraldic Helpers

What’s in a Name?

Where do I find a good name?

Retirement of the Unofficial Calontir Google Calendar

HL Allison has made some great technical updates to the Kingdom Calendar, so it now integrates with Google calendar (along with Timely, Outlook and Apple).

The Subscribe button is at the bottom of the calendar page –

With that in mind, I am going to retire the unofficial Calontir Google calendar after 11 (!) years and shift to helping with the official calendar.

Thank you.

Mistress Sofya la Rus, OL

Shire of Heraldshill

Court summaries from the Coronation of Hirsch III and Magdalena, January 8, A.S. 56

Final business of Lucian and Tamara:
Gwendolyn verch Morgaine and Jon Chesey – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy
Galen MacColmáin – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society
Avraham ben David haKuzari – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry

First court of Hirsch and Magdalena:
Lady Nadyha Helming – Queen’s Champion.
Lord Wilhelm von Brandt – King’s Champion.
Master Ravasz János – Thegn
Mistress Kajsa Nikulasdotter – Thegn
Honorable Lady Cecilia de Gatisbury is Their Majesties’ Chamberlain.

Afternoon court:
Eva Neri – AoA
Gaius Cornelius Scipio Titianus – Torse
Cearan Mac Brendan – Golden Calon Swan
Sata Takezou – AoA
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – AoA
Marius Lucianus Fidelis – Duchy and Augmentation of Arms
Attia Albia Tammara – County and Augmentation of Arms

Other court tidings:
Mistress Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd is the General of the Army.
Sir Biarne Hrœreksson (Bjarm) swore fealty as the new Kingdom Earl Marshal.
A boon was begged for Galen MacColmáin to join the Order of the Pelican.
Lady Síle inghean Chairbre won the Largess competition.
Lord Seathrún Brock won the Blank Borders competition. Lady Nadya Helming took 2nd place.
(Ed. note: Edited to correct winners of the Blank Border competition)
1 newcomer received a mug.
The Barony of the Lonely Tower presented largess.

French miniature, 14th Century. Nature offers Machaut three of her children – Sense, Rhetoric, and Music. Public domain in the US

From Their Royal Highnesses: Accepting Fealty in Writing

Calontir EnsignWe thank Calontir for their patience and understanding during these trying times.

Attendance at Coronation must needs be limited as We encourage the populace to be safe. But we understand that many of you take your oaths and your offices very seriously, and for that We thank you from the bottoms of Our hearts. With that in mind, We will be accepting fealty in writing from any who decide that this is not a good time to venture forth, but would like to be in fealty as soon as possible. This is a period practice, as well, though today’s couriers are somewhat swifter than horse, pigeon and boat.

Throughout Our reign We will continue accepting fealty in person, by request, either in court or privately, as is our grand tradition. Know that however you choose to offer your oath of fealty, or indeed, if you choose not to swear such an oath, We will treat all Calontiri as beloved family. This is a personal choice, and We will respect it.

With Love, in these cold days
Princess Magdalena and Prince Hirsch

From Their Royal Majesties: Information Concerning Coronation


We have been in consultation with Their Highnesses, Hirsch and Magda, and Our Seneschal, Galen, to discuss additional ways to reduce risk at the upcoming Coronation and wanted to share the conclusions to those conversations with all of you.

To help mitigate the risks of the Pandemic, we have jointly agreed to put the following measures in place:

  • Pre-registration will now be required and attendance will be capped at 150. Pre-registration closes the evening of Wed 1/5.
  • Everyone who must mask will be required to wear an N95 or KN95 mask. These are now quite easy to get, both in stores and online, so shouldn’t be a hardship for anyone.
  • We will be streamlining both morning and afternoon courts and there will be only a 90 minute lunch break between them. The event will end after the afternoon court, with no additional meetings or classes.

We recognize that this is late notice for changes, but hope that you can help us all to remain flexible with the sometimes rapidly changing conditions in the world today. We very much want to see friendly faces at this exciting time and want to ensure that We can keep seeing those friendly faces long into the future.

Lucian and Tamar

Call for Bids for New Three Rivers Coronets, All Calon Artisans Welcome to Bid

This is a reminder for bids!! This is not limited to the artisans of B3R. January 9th is the current deadline for these so encourage a friend!

Their Excellencies of Three Rivers ask you to turn your talents to the creation of Coronets worthy of our Barony. Their Excellencies call forth any interested artisans or teams of artisans, combining their various Skills and Talents, to present a bid based on the following specifications.

Design: A distinct, original design worthy of Three Rivers, executed in a style preferred by the artist. Design must reflect Three River’s unique culture and incorporate Three River’s device or elements of the device within the overall design. Designs based on historical examples are preferred over fantasy inspiration. Design must allow for some means to adjust fit to suit a variety of head sizes.

If you are interested, please message me for additional details and bid requirements! I look forward to hearing from you!

In Service,
Lady Nadya Helming

Source: Laws of the Kingdom of Calontir, 13th Edition 3/4/2006
Plus changes dated: 08/25/2007 12/06/2008 03/28/2009 12/12/2009 01/09/2010

Appendix III: The Sumptuary Laws of Calontir
TERRITORIAL BARONAGES may wear coronets of gold embellished with six spheroids or pearls, with simple ornamentation, and the overall height not to exceed two and one-half (2 1/2) inches.

The Coronation of Hirsch Eichmann and Magdalena vander Meere

Join us at the Barony of the Lonely Tower on Saturday January 8th, 2022 for the coronation of TRH Hirsch Eichmann and Magdalena vander Meere!

First United Methodist Church
7020 Cass Street
Omaha, NE 68114




  • Blank Borders Competition – Please contact HL Ayisha Bint Asad at for more information
  • Largesse A&S Competition – Please contact Lady Eadoin inghean Chionadha at for more information
  • Youth Activities – Please contact Lady Síle inghean Chairbre at to volunteer or for more information
  • Silent Auction – Barony of the Lonely Tower will be having a Silent Auction from 9am – 4pm.  Come make sure to check out the items available!


There is no Inn/Feast for this event. Snacks and Non-alcoholic drinks are ok on site. There are over 100 restaurants within 15 minutes of site. This is just a small list to tantalize your taste buds.

Nearby Restaurants:…/1qsPfjITvTzUOy0lUBfdU…/edit…


Registration Fees:
Adult Member: $20
Adult Non-Member: $25
Youth (5-17): $5
Under 5 Years: FREE


(Not required, but strongly encouraged)

Event Stewards:

HL Anne von Weigarten (Ann Wingert)
402-660-8931 No calls after 8pm


Lady Jorunna Refsdottir (Bethany Melendy)
319-830-7590 No calls after 9pm


Site restrictions:
Dry site – no alcohol permitted on site


No Weapons: Per site request leave all knives, daggers, swords, etc at home. Only weapons allowed will be strictly for court and will be immediately returned to vehicles post court. If you have questions, please reach out to site stewards.


COVIDSafe Policy:
Attendees need to bring proof of vaccination and a photo ID. A picture of your vaccine card on your phone will do. Or you can bring proof of a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event. Parents of 12- to 17-year-olds need to provide proof for their kids; children under 12 years old do not need to provide proof of vaccination or test.
Everyone must mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth.
Although the SCA complies with all applicable laws to try to ensure the health and safety of our event participants, we cannot eliminate the risk of exposure to infectious diseases during in-person events. By participating in the in-person events of the SCA, you acknowledge and accept the potential risks. You agree to take any additional steps to protect your own health and safety and those under your control as you believe to be necessary.


Health Acknowledgement:
By attending this event, you are confirming that you (as well as any minors that you are parent or guardian for):
➢ Are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 as identified by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention at, including but not limited to:
• Fever or chills
• Dry cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
• Muscle or body aches
• New loss of sense of taste or smell;
➢ Have not been near someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 within the last 14 days
without following CDC guidance for self-quarantine;
➢ Agree to follow all COVID safety restrictions imposed by the SCA, the event site, and/or local,
state, provincial, or federal government or health authorities.