Cattle Raids court summaries, August 28, A.S. 56

On the field:
Orren Tokesson – Iren Hirth

In evening court:
Róise ní Ullacháin – Laurel
Oswyn Moon – AoA
Aurik of Mag Mor – AoA
Jean Jollivet – AoA
Cera Ruadhan – AoA
Aggie of Mag Mor – AoA
Amon Attwood – Silver Hammer
Séamus Yonger – Order of Chivalry / Knight

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Mag Mor presented largess and a tithe.
Master Rolf Hobart won the “War in Any Medium” A&S competition.
Ymain of the Borderlands won the blank border competition.
Lord Emerick Jones won the Bear Pit C&T tournament.
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder won the “Bring Your Best” C&T Tournament
Master Rolf Hobart won the “Shoot the Roses” archery shoot.
Master Rolf Hobart and Roland won the “King’s Companie” archery shoots.
Lord Gaius Cornelius Scipio Titianus won the Novice armored tournament.
Duke Hirsch Ross Eichman won the “Bring Your Best” armored tournament.
The “Silly Two-person” tournament was won by Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis and HL Orren Tokesson.
18 newcomers received mugs.

Raiding Cattle. Diebold Schilling the Youger. 1513

From Their Royal Majesties: The Cancellation of Lilies 2021

Unto the populace of Calontir and the Known Worlde. Our dauntless people and stalwart cousins.

It is often the privilege of the Royalty of Calontir to bring great joy to populace. We get to give awards, muster armies, and recognize great achievements; but occasionally it is our responsibility to make tough choices and to deliver unwelcome news. Today, unfortunately, is the latter.

In consultation with the Lilies Event Stewards and the Lilies Committee, We feel it is necessary to cancel Fall Lilies.

Currently, Covid-19 infection rates and hospitalizations are at the same level, or higher in some areas, as they were this time last year. We feel that this would be poor timing for a large, multi-day, inter-Kingdom event at a site with limited hygiene facilities. We know that these numbers could change over the course of nearly a month, but have decided to make this announcement now, out of a preference for caution when it comes to the wellbeing of Our populace and to ensure that everyone was given enough forewarning to make adjustments in their plans

For now, We intend to continue having regular local weekend events. These smaller events allow us as a Kingdom to continue with the business and fun of the SCA while limiting possible exposures and continuing our protocols of contract tracing and health guidelines compliance. As of now there will be no changes to the Calontir Guidelines that We published in an earlier missive and the rest of the Kingdom Calendar remains unchanged.

It has been wonderful to see you all at events again and we desperately wish to continue to do so. However, we must remain dedicated to the health and safety priorities we are all dependent on, and Our commitment to our communities is as strong and stoic as ever.

We are positive many of you have pre-registered, and you will be getting more information regarding your refunds in a few days.

If you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us via our email,

Senatus Populusque Romanus
Lucian and Tamar

From Their Royal Majesties

Ave Calontirii,

Some brief announcements that may not yet have come to your ears. Please feel free to forward far and wide.

Our Crown Tournament will be held on October 9th in the Barony of Mag Mor.

Unfortunately, this will conflict with this year’s Fall Gulf Wars XXX, so We will not be calling a muster for the war.

With that being said, We are accepting Letters of Intent to fight in Our Crown Tournament at this time.

If you wish to compete, please submit your letter to Us and the Kingdom Seneschal no later than September 25th. This due date is the same weekend as Masters of the Duel.

In accordance with Section VI of Kingdom Law:

  • Any resident combatant and consort may submit a Letter of Intent.
  • The letter must include proof of residence within Calontir and active paid membership with the SCA

We would also ask you for a few sentences on why you wish to be the Crown Prince and Princess of Calontir.

Bona Fortuna
Lucian and Tamar

Gulf Wars Pre-Registration

Greetings Calontir!

During most years, we have a pretty good idea of what to expect with attendance at Gulf Wars. The numbers vary some due to different factors, but they tend to stay within a range.

This year, with Gulf Wars being on a different date and with all the other factors involved, we have no past numbers to go off of.

So I would ask that if you are planning to go to Gulf Wars in October, PLEASE take a few minutes to go pre-register so that we can get an idea of what our attendance will be.
I look forward to seeing you all there!

In Service,
Maighstir Donnchadh
Gulf Wars Exchequer

From Their Royal Majesties: Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance


We know that the current rules for events and gatherings are changing frequently, so wanted to provide some clarity with where our current Kingdom rules differ from the BoD minimum requirements.

This list will also be uploaded [to the Calontir Facebook, and (PDF attached) if you would like to have a copy available at events or meetings for any reason.

If you have questions feel free to ask—Our email is always open, but please apply these in the spirit of safety in which they are intended, refrain from Rules lawyering, and DON’T BE THE REASON WE HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER RULE.

Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance (as of 8/5/21)

  • These rules apply to both events and local meetings, practices, and gatherings.
  • These rules are in addition to, not in place of, the Society level rules from the BoD.
  • These rules are the MINIMUM requirements, and local group leadership may enact more stringent requirements if the local health conditions warrant.
  • All Local, State, and Federal Guidelines are to be followed, including masking and gathering size limits.
  • All attendees to any event, meeting, or practice, must be signed in on a roster including current accurate contact information.
  • If you are fully vaccinated and it has been long enough that the vaccine will have reached maximum efficacy, you may choose not to wear a mask while outdoors.
  • Everyone must mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Masks must be worn covering the nose and mouth.
  • You may bring your own food to an event and you may share it with others.
  • Food may be served in an official capacity, such as an inn or vigil table, with the following requirements:
    • Anyone making or handling food must be masked and gloved
    • Anyone serving food or in the preparation or serving areas but not actually handling food must be masked.
  • If you would usually be required to be masked, you must distance a minimum of 6 feet to unmask for eating or drinking.
    • Vaccinated members of the populace may be closer than 6 feet outdoors, but must still distance to eat or drink indoors.
    • Unvaccinated members of the populace must distance at least 6 feet to eat or drink both indoors and out.
  • Feasts will not be allowed at this time.
  • Water Bearing may be provided from the communal coolers, but only into personal containers, not our traditional shared jugs.

Requests from the Crown

  • If you are medically able to get the Covid Vaccine, please do so.
  • Please do not attend gatherings if you are not feeling well.
  • Please respect the comfort levels of those who wish to follow more stringent masking and distancing practices than are strictly required
  • The SCA is an organization of chivalry and community. Please remember these values and help us all set a good example for the rest of the Known World.


Download (PDF, 316KB)

Feast of Eagles court summary, July 31, A.S. 56

Your humble court reporter begs indulgence for the lateness of this report.  Their Majesties’ White Hawk delivered his notes to me in a timely manner; this failure is mine alone.

In court:
Alia Martialis – AoA
Gawin Kappler – Torse
Diana Tantini – Golden Calon Swan
Ælin Kausi – Cross of Calontir
Randlar of Cum an Iolair (Randr Tokesson) – Torse
Tatiana Belaia – AoA

Lovebirds in the 14th-century Codex Manesse (Cod. Pal. germ. 848, f. 249v). Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, CC BY-SA

Sign Ups for Virtual Heralds Point 2 Are Open

Gleaned from the SCA Heralds email list:

The SCA College of Arms will be hosting a Virtual Heralds Point for approximately 2 weeks, from Aug. 8-22, with a Zoom event for consultations from Aug. 14-15.

Links to the sign-up forms can be found at

All submitters must pre-register before August 5 to take part. That’s this Thursday.

We will again be taking electronic payments via PayPal for submissions. So if you’ve been putting off submitting, this is the time to do it!

The hope is that it will be very flexible, a submitter can enter their ideas and preferred forms of contact, and a herald will get in touch and try to help them through the process, either slowly by email over the course of a number of days, or in one hit over a Zoom meeting, whatever it takes.

Yours in Service,

Dame Lillia de Vaux for Virtual Heralds Point Staff

The Bavarian Herald Jörg Rügen around 1510. Public Domain in the US

Announcements: From Their Royal Majesties, Re: Resolution to Further Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity in the SCA as of August 1, 2021

Reposted from Facebook

Unto the People of Calontir,

Yesterday the Society announced the repeal of some of the restrictions on our SCA experience, beginning August 1. Those new directives can be found here:

Resolution to Further Lift Suspension of In-Person Activity in the SCA as of August 1, 2021

Know that We hear your concerns and continue to monitor the rising Covid numbers within our borders.

We will continue to help strictly enforce all Local, State, and Federal Guidelines at both events and local practices and meetings, and expect Our local group leadership to do so as well. We strongly encourage vaccination for all who can do so. Please help protect those of us who have legitimate medical restrictions and cannot get vaccinated themselves. We ask that everyone take the responsibility of their health, and the health of our community very seriously.

Please respect personal boundaries, wear masks when rules or personal comfort dictate. (As of now our masking rules are not changing: Those who have been fully vaccinated may be unmasked if they wish while outdoors.) Remember that we must still follow all official masking guidelines for the location of an event, and be cognizant of the fact that if you are traveling from an area of higher risk to attend an event, you may still wish to mask up for the safety of others.

Please do not attend events if you do not feel well.

While the most recent science indicates that the unvaccinated are still at the greatest risk of extreme symptoms, this does not mean the vaccine is a perfect defense. This new Delta variant is much more contagious, and the vaccinated can still contract and spread it to others.

The pandemic is not yet ended but we can, for now, continue to enjoy each other’s company and the SCA responsibly.

We may not be masked 100% of the time, but if you approach either of Us in conversation or in court while wearing a mask, We will do so as well to ensure the comfort of Our populace.
The SCA is an organization of chivalry and community. Please remember these values and help set a good example for the rest of the Known World.

TRM Lucian and Tamar

In Memoriam: The Passing of Cuilén Kirk of Moray

Lord Cuilén Kirk of Moray passed from this world this week after battling colon cancer.

He was a brother Fyrd, both Iren and Boga, as well as companion of both the Torse and Leather Mallet.

Best story is Him, me and Mama Z all went to gulf wars together. He was new to brewing and had not sealed his kegs right. The vibrations caused a leak and we were breathing in the fumes from the excess pressure and shaking for 10 hours. Almost like a mist of mead in the van. Everyone was a bit giddy. – from Jeff Angus

Calontir used to use gulf tubes with tennis balls on the end for combat archery. Needless to say they didn’t go near as far or fast as other kingdoms arrows. Which of course meant many shied away from missile combat. Not so Cuillen. He embraced the limitations. And not as far or fast is still better than nothing. Trimaris in particular seemed to have endless numbers of crossbows and was always opposite us at the Gulf War ravine battle. Cuillen understood his limitations. He and our few other archers were patient, but when they struck it was always to take out the other sides best spears at a critical time. This of course inspired the crossbows to focus on him and not me. He largely ignored their crossbows as to far away too shoot effectively. But even so he still kept them from getting too close. For this and so many other reasons I will miss him dearly. – Daniel Berg

Nobody mundanely or in the SCA could make a better Blueberry mead.

A service for Cuilén (mka Christopher Roehr) will be held at the American legion post on Saturday July 17 at 1p.m. The address is 9655 Midland Blvd., Overland, MO 63114.

Sing Non Nobis!