Nesscia’s Missives: 28 July AS LIV

Image from Huntington Library Ms HM 60, f°7, 15th C.

Letter from home
28 July Anno Societatus LIV
Being 2019 of the Common Era

Unto Mor does your friend Nesscia send heartiest of Greetings!

Words alone cannot express my joy. Riding in my wagon south, to the heart of our wondrous kingdom, to the Shire of Cum an Iolair, during the height of a glorious summer, for no other purpose than to celebrate life, I pondered my immense good fortune. My stars align to bring me such joy and make my heart glad.

I journeyed in my wagon with my countrywoman, Her Excellency Kezia, and Æðelwyn, a young villager new to Calontir. I know not what grand opportunity allowed me to make the trek south and return north with such fine women as to ease the long hours with chitter chatter.

I must extend my gratitude to you, dear Mor. The memory of sitting at our leisure, prattling about all the goings on in the commons room with you and your charming lady, and all the good folk wandering about, yet brings a smile to my lips.

Notice I did your conversations with our fledgling Calontiri. Making to feel welcome one of our new members is a great gift to our kingdom. I doubt not that your welcome to her will be a fond memory.

The tournaments and ceremonies upon the lawns, the shades along the perimeter, the banners and flags and pennons on high, the stream of food, the traders and tradesmen selling their wares, the glorious comfort of the cool hall all contributed to a splendid event.

Glad I was when Their Most Royal Majesties, Anton and Yseult, chose to honor many of Their Populace during court. Your own Lady given the right to bear Arms, Lady Adelaide granted the Cross of Calontir for her endeavors and tasks, Mistress Giraude recognized for her contributions to the girth of the kingdom, John Bowyer invited into the Order of the Chivalry, and so many other good tidings I cannot recall them all.

To look upon your charming face, and that of your dear Lady in a time of peace and celebration was verily a treat indeed. I anticipate the time when you are able to enlighten me on the working of leather.

This missive has grown over long. I must needs end and find the comfort of my bed. I shall find a rider to carry this south upon the morrow.

Until when next we meet, I remain ever your friend.


Feast of Eagles court summary, July 27, A.S. 54

In evening court:
Giraude Benet – Leather Mallet
Yang Shaoyun – AoA
Seamus Yanger – Leather Mallet
Adelaide Sarsfield – Cross of Calontir

Other court tidings:
A boon was begged for John Bowyer to join the Order of Chivalry.
The Cooks Guild presented largess.
The Parliament of Owls presented largess.
2 newcomers received mugs.
Lord Thomas Wunderer von Leipzig won the Man at Arms armored tourney.
Count Marius Lucian Fidelis won the armored tourney.
(Also worthy of remark is that there were 44 fighters in the Feast of Eagles armored tournament.)
Lord Øyríkr Raðúlfsson (Yurik) won the Gentlemen’s steel tourney.
de Wulf won the Cloak & Dagger steel tourney.
Master Mathurin Kerbusso and de Wulf won the 2 Man steel tourney.
Master Gawin Kappler won the Bear Pit steel tourney.
Melchior Woelffling van Meckelenburch won the Thrown Weapons tourney, unranked division.
Lord Asher de Lokwode won the Thrown Weapons tourney, in the ranked division.

From “Janvier”, Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry. c. 1412-1416

Non-Land Agents Asked to Wait Until Saturday to Arrive at Pennsic

Re-posted from the Æthelmearc Gazette:

As many of you know, it has been a very rainy summer in western PA. Wet conditions at Coopers’ Lake are proving more challenging than usual for the Land Staff. As a result, the Deputy Mayor in charge of Land for Pennsic 48, Duchess Elizabeth von Kulmbach, sent the following request to all Land Agents today:

Due to the ongoing challenging conditions with weather and wet ground, Pennsic Staff would like to strongly encourage all campers to hang back and leave FRIDAY, JULY 26th admission to LAND AGENTS ONLY for Pennsic War 48.

We may need extra time to work through unexpected map difficulties with as few distractions and displaced people as possible so that we may remain calm and courteous to one another. NON LAND AGENTS should please delay arrival to PENNSIC WAR 48 until SATURDAY, JULY 27TH. (Exceptions being those ride sharing with a Land Agent, or the minor children of Land Agents. The goal is to reduce the number of CARS and CONFUSTION on site as some groups may need to move blocks due to uncampable conditions.)

This is not a rule, but a very strong suggestion that all Land Agents are being asked to pass on at this time.

Previous suggestions to non-Land Agents that “delayed arrival would be helpful” applied mainly to Troll processing capacity. THIS NOTICE applies more to the number of vehicles on site before each group has a confirmed place to set up and we are able to open site to all cars.

The battle field will be soft and easily rutted, and the more cars that stack up before we can open, the worse condition it will be in for fighting later. Land Grab is expected to take longer than usual. Land Agents should REALLY go look at their blocks IN PERSON before approving their maps.

MERCHANTS should continue to defer to the Coopers for set up and arrival instructions, per usual.

Thank you for your understanding and aid in communicating this to attendees.


Duchess Elizabeth
DM Land, PW 48

Photo by Master Augusto Giuseppe da San Donato

Announcement: The New Event Volunteer Job Posting Page Is Now Live!

Gleaned from the Book of Faces:

Due to popular demand – the Web Team has created a new job posting dashboard for Event Stewards (etc.) to post upcoming volunteer jobs that are needed for upcoming events!

Volunteers are encouraged to peruse the dashboard and e-mail the contacts listed to help groups to be able to put on the best events they can! This is a great way to give back to your Kingdom with service!

To submit a job posting, go to: Event Job Posting Submission Form (

To view the dashboard, go here: Event Job Posting Dashboard (

Honorable Lady Allison of Forgotten Sea
Kingdom of Calontir Webminister


Announcement: Seneschal’s Handbook – Youth Policies

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

The SCA Board of Directors has approved the language below to be used in the Society Seneschal’s Handbook.  While we believe this to be a functional policy we wish to consult subject matter experts in the area of youth activities and further changes may be made in the future. We greatly appreciate thoughtful suggestions to policy language and welcome commentary.

Commentary may be sent to  Please use the title “Seneschal’s Handbook – Youth Policies” in the subject line.  Please make sure that all comments are contained in the body of the email.  This email does not accept attachments and will not forward emails containing attachments.


Motion by John St. Dennis that Section X.3 “Dealing With Minor/Youth -Related Policies of the Seneschal’s Handbook be replaced with the following language effective immediately:

Parents or guardians of minors shall have ultimate responsibility for the welfare and behavior of their children at all times.  It is the responsibility of the adult who brings a minor to an event to ensure that the minor is safe and not in danger.  At events in which youth participate in any way, participating minors must either have a parent or legal guardian present at the event, or an accompanying adult present in possession of a properly executed “Medical Authorization Form for Minors.” 

Notification of this change to the membership should be accompanied by the following announcement:  “The SCA Board of Directors has approved the language below to be used in the Society Seneschals Handbook.  While we believe this to be a functional policy we wish to consult subject matter experts in the area of youth activities and further changes may be made in the future. We greatly appreciate thoughtful suggestions to policy language and welcome commentary.”

Second by Dan Watson.  In favor: Natalie Degerstrom T.S. Morgan, Vandy Pacetti-Donelson, Richard Sherman, John St. Dennis, Dan Watson.  Opposed: None.  Chairman Craig Carter exercised his option to vote and did so in favor of the motion.  Motion carried 7-0.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:

SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Kingdom A&S Championship event court summary, July 20, A.S. 54

In evening court:
Nicola Bramante – AoA
Sigvarðr Skarfr – AoA
Gwyneth Rorrigsdottir – Golden Calon Swan

Other court tidings:
2 newcomers received mugs.
Their Excellencies Søren atte Raven and Rúadán del Wich begged leave of Their Majesties to retire from the Baronial seat of Forgotten Sea.
Duchess Aislinn Morcroft and Countess Elena Moreno del Mar are Their Majesties’ Thegns.
Her Excellency Rebecca Beaumont won the Judges’ Choice prize.
Honorable Lady Izza al Zarqa is the new Kingdom A&S Champion.

Woodblock from Ulstadt’s 1525 work, Coelum philosophorum seu de secretis naturae liber. Public domain in the US

Nesscia’s Missives: 19 July A.S. LIV

Image from Huntington Library Ms HM 60, f°7, 15th C.

Letters from the South
Written 19 July Anno Societatus LIV
Being 2019 of the Common Era

Unto Chozek does Nesscia send dearest greetings.

I have traversed the long miles to arrive this day into the southern reaches of my fair kingdom.

Worried I have been with the horses trudging the miles in the searing heat which has held sway these recent weeks o’er the lands. Water in plenty we carried for there are many long stretches between where we normally find our ease.

Upon our arrival, I felt greatly relieved that I had to push them no further.

Their Majesties are holding a grand celebration of the Arts and Sciences here in Their charming Shire of Oakheart. They wish to pick a Champion to show off the grandeur which is Calontir.

I have worked in secret on a project with which to present to the judges. I fear I have not the skills to try for grand champion. Though in my heart I hope that my art may please our Rainbow Queen, Yseult, and She may have a kind word for me.

For in the end, my project will be a gift for one of my countrywoman. It would please me if I had our Queen’s smile upon it when I present it to my friend.

As I look around, methinks there is a grand gathering at the local monastery as there are robed friars and priests and nuns aplenty walking about. I fear for my very soul that I shall do or say something and be condemned to suffer in purgatory over long for a misstep.

I write this note quickly, and will send it on its way with a messenger to your high kingdom, to make its way to your estate. My room at the local inn shall soon be ready, and I must attend to my belongings and be out of the way.

It is my fondest wish to visit with you, and look upon your beauteous countenance. Mayhap it won’t be long.

Until that time, I remain ever your friend.

Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh

Calontir Steel 6th Anniversary “Bash”

Summer Coronation 2019 was the sixth anniversary of Calontir Steel becoming an official activity.

To mark the occasion, Master Gavin Kappler organized a birthday celebration demonstration. Each combatant was to fight seven fights (six for the year and one to grow on!) with each other combatant.

The fighting was held at the park Saint Joseph’s Civic Center Park, just two blocks from the Coronation venue. Ample shade and a cool breeze made for a pleasant afternoon of fighting. And, afterward, there was cake!

photos courtesy Johann Steinarsson, video courtesy Mathurin Kerbusso