Queen’s Prize Tournament Court Summary, April 6, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Chiaretta da Chachavo – Golden Calon Swan
Sigvarðr Skarfr – Torse
Deborah Landis – AoA
Frithuswith inghean Ui Cremthainn – Golden Calon Swan
Mkty Nakhthor – Golden Calon Swan
Eva Piccardi – Torse

Other court tidings:
A temporary removal from participation was pronounced against Roland of Mag Mor.
Mistress Gyða glóra will be the next Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences.
Mistress Gianna Viviani encouraged everyone to enter and attend the Kingdom A&S Championship event in Lost Moor next September.
Mistress Gianna announced the winners of the day:
Populace Choice – Lord Seathrún Brock
Judges’ Choice – Lord Farulfr Orðlokarr
Her Majesty Adalyde gave the Queen’s Prize to Lady Eawynn ingen Broccáin.
Peers, Nobles and commons swore fealty, each in turn, according to their Order.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Mistress Nesscia inghean Chearnaigh and Lady Gabrielle des Chats Noirs brought news of the upcoming RUSH Camping Edition.

Unknown Artist. Minstrels with a Rebec & a Lute.
13th c. Manasseh Codex. El Escorial, Madrid. Public domain in the US

In Memoriam – Baroness Briana Etain MacCorkhill

The arms of Baroness Briana Etain MacKorkhill - Image courtesy of the Memorial Shield Project

The arms of Baroness Briana Etain MacKorkhill – Image courtesy of the Memorial Shield Project

The heart of Calontir Falcon is heavy with grief at the loss of one our cousins. Her Excellency, Briana Etain McCorkhill has left us.
Briana was a fixture of Calontir from its earliest times. She will always be remembered as a most excellent clothier and was rarely seen in anything less exquisite garb. Her Excellency was a founding member of the Canton (now Shire) of Cum An Iolar and often served as master of ceremonies for the Walk Through History at Clothiers’ Seminar. Costuming Seminar, as it was called long ago, changed its name to Clothiers’ Seminar at the suggestion of Baroness Briana and others who told us that garb was not costume; garb was clothing.
Throughout her life in the SCA, Briana served to enrich Calontir. She held offices in the Barony of Forgotten Sea and in Cum An Iolar, and was event steward at many events over the years, including many times as event steward for Clothiers’ Seminar. Briana also served as Calontir’s Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences and as Baroness of Forgotten Sea, the seventh to hold that stewardship. Briana was fist awarded arms on September 22, A.S. XIX. The same King Shadan and Queen Erzebet further recognized her as a Golden Calon Swan on March 6, A.S. XIX. She was brought into the Order of the Torse on June 2, A.S. XXV by King Tomeeki and Queen Fiona. King Thorvald and Queen Branwyn brought Briana into the Order the Calon Lily on September 4 on A.S. XXIII. She served as Baroness of Forgetten Sea from A.S. XXXIII to XXXVII.  In regonition of longtime service to Calontir King Lorrell III and Queen Cadfael II on  July 28, A.S. LXII.
Briana inspired many through the years. Her research into Italian Renaissance clothing was admired throughout the Known World. She was one of the first in Calontir to share her research and knowledge through the internet. There are many people whom she helped find a path in the SCA. Many of those she inspired are now peers of the realm.
Briana is survived by her husband, Master Modar Neznanich, her housemate Mistress Jadwiga Marina Majewska, and the numerous students of House Leatherwolf. Calontir shares their grief at the passing of this lady. May the light she brought to Calontir be ampliflied by all of those whose lives she touched.

“fortis suturis experimentum temporis”
Stong stitches stand the test of time

Baroness Briana Etain MacKorkhill

Baroness Briana Etain MacKorkhill

In Memoriam – Master Trevarr of Steelholm

Sad tidings came to Calontir as Spring approached the land. Word arrived that Master Trevarr of Steelholm had passed from this life. In the earliest days of Forgotten Sea and Calontir, the name Steelholm conjured legends. Steelholm was the armory created in the basement of Master Trevarr’s house in Forgotten Sea. Many young fighters who are now Calontir legends themselves made their first armor at Steelholm under the guidance of Master Trevarr and his brother Master James.
Trevarr of Steelholm was first awarded arms in the Society from the Middle Kingdom on July 14 A.S. XV. He and his brother were both brought into the Order of the Silver Hammer on November 18 A.S. XIII. They were the second and thrid companions in that Order. King William I and Queen Mamara I elevated Master Trevarr into the Order of the Laurel on June 22 A.S. XX.
Although he was rarely seen in Calontir in recent years, his impact on the Kingdom’s early days cannot be denied. Master Trevarr left us on March 5, A.S. LVIII. Please raise a cup in honor of his memory.

Master Trevarr on Steelholm on the right

Master Trevarr of Steelholm on the right

Court summaries from the Coronation of Elias and Adalyde, March 23, A.S. 58

Final business of David and Rhianwen:
Howie Vimsson of Axed Root – Purple Jess
Lily MacDermott – Queen’s Chalice
Solveig of Oak Heart – AoA
Moire inghean Néill – Calon Lily
Biarne Hroereksson, called Bjarm – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry
Fernando Rodriguez de Falcon – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society
Zachariah de Kane – OAF
Rochwen Morwenna – Court Baronage

First court of Elias and Adalyde:
Honorable Lord Konáll bǫsull – King’s Champion
Duke Marius Lucian Fidelis – Queen’s Champion
Duke Donngal Eriksson, Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis, Domina Atia Albia Tamara, Master Galen MacColmáin – Thegns

Evening court:
David de la Cloude – County
Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd – County
Kitsu Kotome – Golden Calon Swan
Amba allrasystir – Iren Hirth
Sarra the Brave – Golden Calon Swan
Giovanni di Angelo Marchisetti – Torse

Other court tidings:
Gifts were exchanged between Their Majesties and TRHs Ivan and Katalena of the Midrealm.
Exile was pronounced against Marcus Brutius Leonitus Daemonium.
Mistress Brialen Ulfsdottir and Lady Rolanda de Lyndhurst, as event stewards, shared news of the day and were given gifts by Their Majesties.
There were 295 adults and 13 children on site.
Largess gathered at the event was presented to Their Majesties.
Royal edicts:
1. Cilantro and nightshades are offensive to Her Majesty.
2. Misbehavior and excessive talking during court will be dealt with by Her Majesty, immediately and personally.
3. Practice kindness always.
Their Majesties thanked Honorable Lady Almedha of Anglesey, Duchess Magdalena vander Meere, Honorable Lady Elisabetta da Bolzano, and Mistress Gwendolyn verch Morgaine for making Their coronation garb.
4 newcomers received mugs.
Members of the populace swore fealty.
Their Majesties are accepting letters of intent to fight in Crown List until Sunday, 24 March.
Sir Cai Dubhghlas presented 4 swords, suitable for Cut and Thrust combat.
Mistress Vashti al-Ash’ariyah and Lord Miklos Farma brought news of upcoming RUSH events.
Mistress Miranda Logansdottir spoke of the upcoming Lilies work day, and of camping at Lilies War.
Lord Hieronymus shared other news of Lilies War.
Riddari Hálfgrímr hafreki brought news of the upcoming Chilies event.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lord Da’ud ibn al-Kabsh al-Garnati al-Ma’iz, called Ma’az, to join the Order of the Laurel.

Mansa Musa, Catalan Atlas (Abraham Cresques, 1375), sheet 6 detail

In Memoriam: Master William Fletcher of Carbery

Sad news comes from Mistress Sofya la Rus of the passing of Master William Fletcher of Carbery

Having earned both the Boga-Hirth for his prowess in archery, and the Order of the Pelican for his extensive service to the young archers of Calontir, Master William was well loved by the people of the Heartland.

William leaves behind his lady wife, Mistress Juliana Macnayre , his daughter Lady Avelyn Carberry. and son Sean.





Rejoice, Calontir! Exalt in the works of your people, the fruits of their labor, and the glory of their efforts. Rejoice especially in the diverse efforts of those who have long set their hearts to the education of others, for whom it is said ‘gladly would he learn, and gladly teach.’ For without those who will teach others, the plays would end and the respites stop and all the world be a darker place for it.

One such eager teacher is the good and faithful servant William Fletcher of Carbery. Apt named arrow artist, years toiling on the field have produced this faithful fletcher’s crop: Archers aplenty, arrows alighted, joyous laughter following. His good deeds never done for fame, but for the joy of a target struck.

Teacher of children, bearer of bolts, wise and true subject of the Falcon; to him do Anton and Yseult now give new feathers, as a Companion of the Order of the Pelican. Its beak as sharp as what he sets in his quiver, its service as dear to the Heartland as he.

Let to his lands a small forest be given, a grove of good wood; strong Oak and Pine. That his shafts may be stronger, his handles heartier, and the joy of the Kingdom increased by its grant




Court summaries from Gulf Wars 2024

This reporter did not go to GW. My thanks to Lady Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir for taking notes in court, and to Yngvarr White Hawk for answering her follow up questions. As always, any corrections are welcome.

On the field Tuesday March 12:
Grete Leysin – Golden Calon Swan
Orren Tokesson – Sword of Calontir

On the field Wednesday March 13:
Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir – Pelican

On the field Thursday March 14:
Gunnar Thorisson – Iren Fyrd
Selene of Lesbos – Iren Fyrd
Agathon of Three Rivers – Iren Fyrd

In Royal Court Thursday evening:
Albrecht von Trier – Cross of Calontir
Njall Thorsteinsson – AoA
Joachim Courtenay der Marxbruder – Boga Fyrd
Riberlin Halderman – AoA
Matthias Worcestershire – Calon Lily
Morgana MacDermott – Torse
Mielikkä Koiviston – AoA
Hirsch Ross Eichman – Stile Fyrd
Robert Steven MacLaren, dictus The Scot – Stile Fyrd
Kolfinna Halvgrimsdottir – Queen’s Chalice
Olaf Thorvaldr – Queen’s Chalice
Adalyde Heloyz la Cantora – Queen’s Chalice
Ragnar of Crystal Mynes – AoA
Torquil MacGruder – Torse AND Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy
Eowyth þa Siðend – Golden Calon Swan
Hieronymus – Stile Hirth
Jaki Úlfsfæter – AoA
Lyra of Spinning Winds – Torse
Gilcrist Wallace – AoA
Seán Huniman – Golden Calon Swan
Reinmar of Shattered Crystal – Iren Fera
Lora Greymare – Iren Fera
Phaedra filia Roberti – Pelican

Other court tidings:
Exile was pronounced against Marcus Brutius Leonitus Daemonium.
5 newcomers received mugs.
A boon was begged for Master Jürgen Weiter von Landstuhl to join the Order of Chivalry.
The Fourth Company received embroidered patches in appreciation of their work.
Ansteorra gave Calontir their battle banner; it’s the first time it has gone out of Ansteorra.
Master Ravasz János won a War Point for winning the Gulf Wars War Bard competition.
Sir Sato Jirö won a War Point for winning the Gulf Wars Jousting.
Mistress Gabriella von Fredrichstahl received a new Torse scroll, to replace her lost one.
The Populace received War Pay.

Chieftains court summaries, February 24, A.S. 58

In afternoon court:
Dagmar Jeroldsdottir – AoA
Dagný ingen Murchada – Torse
Johan Sachs – AoA
Shoshanah bas Nachman fun Magenza – Torse
Zilia Silvani – AoA

In evening court:
Joan Mysseden – Laurel
Isaac of Three Rivers – Queen’s Chalice
Da’ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari – Golden Calon Swan
Kiva of Three Rivers  (Caoimhé)- AoA
Bero von Wustenbrunner – Leather Mallet
Caírech Damán – Torse
The Order of the Falcon’s Heart was awarded to Duncan Eardstapa, Gwendolyn verch Morgaine and Jon Chesey, and all the populace who participated in the online Bardic during the recent great plague.
Ruaidhri ua Ceallaigh – Silver Hammer
Katerine du Bois – AoA
Luna di Caterino Tofani – Golden Calon Swan
Sheleigh M’Lanagan – Torse
Gwynneth wraig Rhys – Cross of Calontir
Cristina la Ambeler – Pelican

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Amba Allrasystir, as event steward, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Lady Luna di Caterino Tofani and Lord Corbyn Greyschanke won the period cursing competition.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the armored Chieftains Tourney.
Lord Balthazar de Lumiere won the armored Bear Pit tournament.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Rapier Tourney.
Duke Anton Raghelan won the Two-handed Cut & Trust Tourney.
The Barony of Three Rivers presented largess and a tithe.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Elaisse de Garrigues to join the Order of the Laurel.
10 newcomers received mugs.
The Shire of Calanais Nuadh presented largess and a tithe.
Countess Attia Albia Tammara called on the populace to serve as retinue for Their Majesties at Gulf War.
Lady Quiteria la Roja received gifts from Her Majesty as recognition of her service as RUSH Chancellor.
Hengist Ulfsson presented to Her Majesty an axe called “Queen’s Wrath”. He also presented a personal gift of a fine hand-made knife.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Gwynneth wraig Rhys to join the Order of the Pelican.

Scenes from the Life of David, ca 1160-1180. Public Domain in the US

Announcement: Gulf Wars Party Food and Supplies Sign-up

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US

Hello, Gulf Wars Calontir Party Food Wrangler ™ here!

In order to better track and plan I’ve made a form for people bringing food or supplies to fill out.

We are also looking for some table lights. Since I plan on labeling every food item, some small table lights will make it so much easier not to make our friends sick.

Thank you all in advance. I look forward to a wonderful party.


Announcement: Coronation Feast

Calontir EnsignGreetings! While we are all focused on Gulf Wars, Coronation is coming up the week after. To celebrate our new Crowns I present to you The Bacon Fest. You can pre-register for the event and feast here: https://forms.gle/1wU5G8F6dMHE152e9 Preregistration will close Tuesday March 19th.

Nuts & Dried Fruits (GF)(Vg)
Bacon Wrapped Dates (GF)
Marinated Olives (GF)(Vg)
Gluten Free Peasant Bread (GF)
Country White Bread (Vg)
Country Wheat Bread (Vg)
Whipped Butter (GF)(V)
Whipped Honey Butter (GF)(V)
Fried Foods
Bacon Wrapped Scotch Eggs (GF)
Blueberry Sauce (GF)(Vg)
Falafel (GF)(Vg)
Hummus (GF)(Vg)
Tahini Sauce (GF)(Vg)
Bacon Wrapped Chicken Cordon Bleu (GF)
Maple Glazed Carrots (GF)(Vg)
Meatless Mushroom Balls (GF)(Vg)
Pickled Asparagus (GF)(Vg)
Bacon Wrapped Pork Loin (GF)
Saffron Rice (GF)(V)
Bourbon Bacon Brittle
Pecan Brittle
Pan Fried Apple Rings with Bacon Vanilla Ice Cream
Price: $15, Limit 100 seats
GF – Gluten Free, V – Vegetarian, Vg – Vegan

Questions? Please email the Feast Steward HL Skallagrímr Bárðarson (Robert Welch)

Yours In Service,
Skallagrímr Bárðarson
MKA Robert Welch