Announcement: Queens Prize Entries Now Open

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Created: 1580

Greetings from your Arts and Sciences Master Scheduler, THL Ysabel de la Oya

Entries for Queens Prize are now open and will close at 11pm on March 26th.

We will have a Display Only option as well.

Judge sign-ups are also open and will remain open a bit longer than March 26th, but signing up by March 26thmakes the schedule much easier to complete.

Thank you all so much, and I look forward to seeing all of you at Queens Prize.

Winter War Maneuvers court summaries, February 17, A.S. 58

On the field:
Lugaid mac Erca – Leather Mallet
Kara of Grimfells – Torse
Alfwine of Wyvern Cliffe – Torse
Emerick Blackpool – Leather Mallet
Tristan of Wyvern Cliffe – AoA
Matthias Worcestershire – Iren Fyrd
Johannes de Passelet, dictus Dominius – Iren Fyrd
Justin Perkins – AoA

Other court tidings:
Calontir has declared for Vindheim at Gulf Wars.
His Serene Highness Romanius presented gifts to Their Majesties and Their Highnesses.
Their Majesties David and Rhianwen presented gifts to His Serene Highness.
His Excellency Robert Steven MacLaren, dictus the Scott, brought news of the upcoming Tournament of Valor.
Mistress Vashti al-Ash’ariyah is the new Chancellor of RUSH.
Their Majesties presented gifts to the event stewards.

Battle of Eben-Ezer, AD 250

Announcement: Letters of Intent for Martial Deputies

Calontir EnsignGreetings unto the populous!

I will be stepping up as the new Kingdom Earl Marshal, and, as is common practice I will be taking Letters of Intent for a multitude of Deputy positions within the office.

If you currently hold one of the listed positions and wish to keep it, please put in a Letter for said position. This will help me know who is ready for replacement and who would like to continue to serve in their office. There are several Deputy positions available with varying levels of responsibility, so please feel free to put in letters if you are interested.

Letters will be open from today until 26 February, at which point interviews will be conducted. Letters should be sent to

The positions:
Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal
Deputy for Equestrian Activities
Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal *New*
Kingdom Archer General
Minister of the Lists
Card Marshal Deputy
Youth Combat Marshal Deputy
Deputy for Experiments *New*
Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal
Deputy for Combat Archery
Armored Combat Regional Deputies
-Central, East, Northwest, Northeast, West, and South
Cut and Thrust Youth Rapier Deputy
Cut and Thrust Marshals in Training Deputy
Cut and Thrust Deputy of Authorisations

If you have any questions please feel free to email or message!
Thank you in advance for letters! I look forward to them.

Meister Jurgen Weiter Von Landstuhl

Announcement: CALON Development Volunteers Wanted

Calontir EnsignGreetings Calontir,

Over the past three and a half years, we have been hard at work developing the Calontir Online (CALON) system, which is a WordPress plugin that manages Calontir’s order of precedence, online armorial, authorizations and marshal warrants, marshal reporting, and officer records. This system has helped to streamline maintenance of some of the more than 1 million pieces of data that Calontir’s Webministry maintains.

We are seeking additional volunteers to help us push forward on our future goals for CALON including systems for event and activity submissions, the kingdom calendar, release forms, improved media integration, inventory management, officer reporting, and more.

Desired Skills: 

Ideal candidates would be familiar with computer programming, version control, databases, and RESTful API principles.

CALON development includes programming in PHP, Javascript, MySQL, HTML, and CSS. Volunteers do not need to have experience with these languages – this is a great opportunity to learn.

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email to the Webministry at


The CALON Development Team Gawin Kappler & Ffelix Æskelsson


Announcement: Membership Fee Increase Effective February 15, 2024

The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA, Inc.) is announcing an increase in membership fees and non-member registration fees for events.

This decision comes after careful consideration and extensive discussion among the Board of Directors, office staff, and Corporate officers. The effects of inflation across all sectors of operation, as well as other factors impacting the organization’s operational costs, including insurance premiums, legal expenses, and general business expenses, necessitated a comprehensive review of membership rates.

Annual membership fees have not been adjusted in over a dozen years, and non-member registration fees have not increased in over 15 years.

In response to the evolving financial environment, the organization streamlined operations during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and significantly reduced corporate expenditures. The relocation of the office to San Jose, CA resulted in an annual savings of over $35,000, and upgrades to software and CRM systems have netted a further savings of over $100,000 annually. While membership numbers have rebounded post-pandemic, operational costs continue to rise.

SCA, Inc. Corporate is solely funded by membership fees, including the Non-Member Registration fee, and does not currently seek operational funds from its Kingdoms or subsidiary organizations, including those overseeing Pennsic and Gulf Wars.

At the January 2024 meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board approved the following changes, effective February 15, 2024:

Raise the Sustaining membership price from $45 a year to $55 a year (This represents an $0.83 cents per-month increase over the previous monthly rate.)

Raise the Associate membership price from $30 to $40 a year. (This represents an $0.83 cents per-month increase over the previous monthly rate.)

Raise the Family membership price from $10 a year to $15 a year, per person. (This represents an $0.42 cents per-month increase over the previous monthly rate.)

No changes to Canadian or International memberships have been announced at this time.

Note: this change will take effect for all renewal transactions processed on or after February 15, 2024. Renewal transactions prior to that date will be processed at the previous rate, regardless of membership expiration date.

The Board also approved the following changes to Non-Member Registration fees, effective April 1, 2024:

  • Raise the Non-Member Registration Fee from $5 to $10 per event.  As always, this only applies whenever there is an actual event fee charged.

Both Sustaining and International Membership allow subscriptions to printed publications, as well as the ability to add Family memberships.

It should be noted that these increases remain less than the cumulative U.S. inflation increase of 36.5% which has occurred since 2011. (Data calculated using the US Inflation Calculator).

SCA, Inc. emphasizes its commitment to transparency and sustaining a vibrant community. These fee adjustments aim to ensure the organization’s fiscal health, support ambitious initiatives in 2024 and beyond, and keep the Knowne World thriving and dreaming for years to come.

For more information, please contact John Fulton at

Announcement: Seeking new Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences and Martial Studies Deputy

Bookcases in the library of the University of Leiden, 1610

My time as Kingdom Minister of Arts and Science is coming to a close making it  time to find the next KMoAS. Ideally, my replacement will be found prior to Queen’s Prize so that the incoming Minister can assist and have time to transition before I step down, although I will be available to assist afterwards. Please reach out to me with any questions. Letters of interest should be submitted to,,, and

I would like to thank Master Jurgen for his time as the Martial Studies Deputy. Since he is moving to a new position, the Kingdom is in need of a new Martial Studies Deputy. Please reach out to Master Jurgen at with any questions regarding the position. Letters of interest should be submitted to,,,, and
In servizio,
Calontir Minister of Arts and Sciences

Announcement: Commentary Request – Draft Corpora Wording – Omnibus Peerage Proposal

Currently approximately 8000 people around the Knowne World actively participate in target archery, combat archery, siege weapons, thrown weapons and equestrian martial activities.  While no ultimate decision has yet been made the Board believes that a proposal of a path to peerage for these individuals is worthy of deep consideration.

Having received advice from the Peerage Committee, Directors have discussed the matter and following some minor amendments to language which align the proposed draft of Corpora wording to the existing patent orders, the Board feels that the proposal has matured to the point where commentary on the proposed Corpora wording from members is requested. This commentary will assist the Board in forming further decisions relevant to its consideration of this matter.

The draft Corpora language approved for commentary is:


e. The Order of <Name> 

(i) Members of the Order of <Name> may choose to swear fealty but are not required to do so. The candidate must have attained the standard of excellence in skill and/or knowledge equal to that of their prospective peers in a pre-17th century martial pursuit as practiced in the SCA, including, and limited to, target archery, combat archery, thrown weapons, equestrian activities, and siege engineers.  The candidate must have applied this skill and/or knowledge for the instruction of members and service to the kingdom to an extent above and beyond that normally expected of members of the Society. 

(ii) The duties of the members of the order are as follows: 

(a) To set an example of courtesy and chivalrous conduct on and off the field of honor. 

(b) To respect the Crown of the kingdom; to support and uphold the laws of the kingdom and Corpora. 

(c) If in fealty, to support and uphold the Crown of their kingdom. 

(d) To enrich the kingdom by sharing their knowledge and skills. 

(e) To enhance the renown and defend the honor of the peer’s Lady or Lord.

(f) To advise the Crown on the advancement of candidates for the Order of <Name>. 

(other sections re-numbered as needed) 

Knowing exactly what the people who work, study, and play in the Society want a potential new peerage to achieve and do will be key to moving forward in this discussion.  The Board welcomes any additional context that people feel may be of use to the discussion.

We are looking for your feedback – as you begin to type up your comments please feel free to include your thoughts on the following questions:

  • Does this language fill the gap I personally feel exists in the paths to peerage, why or why not? 
  • What is my ideal vision of a new peerage and its members? What virtue will they embody? 

EDIT: If you are a financial member of the SCA, please include the relevant information.

The expertise of our community is invaluable, and these responses will contribute significantly to an outcome that positions our Society to meet its goals and future opportunities.

Corpora, including the By-Laws, can be found in its entirety here:

Please email all commentary to and use the title “Omnibus Peerage Proposal” in the subject line.

NOTE: Do not use attachments in your commentary. Attachments will mark your message as spam and it will be rejected by the server.

You can also send commentary by mail, Postage-Prepaid, to:

Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
RE: Omnibus Peerage Proposal
P.O. Box 611928
San Jose, CA 95161

Commentary regarding this proposed Corpora change, must be received by the Board no later than April 2, 2024.


The Board of Directors also expresses its gratitude and appreciation for the dedicated service of all those individuals who have worked tirelessly as members of the Peerage Committee.

As we acknowledge the duration of efforts relating to this work, with the Committee having fulfilled its requested function, the Directors commend all members and release the Committee from the work with the Board’s gratitude for their time and service.


Commentary Request – Draft Corpora Wording – Omnibus Peerage Proposal 

Announcement: Virtual Class Event – Basic T Tunics

?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=d8d9c5&_nc_ohc=KRHtHzBYFHQAX9NVRsC&_nc_ht=scontent.fmkc1-1.fna&oh=00_AfCtEhHNzUdvGja82uXahWNZ2Ib13RYSGmruVEsafqSKJA&oe=65BDDB50″ alt=”May be an image of text that says ‘VENT VIRTUAL CLASS KINGDOM hosted OF CALONTIR Midwestern Branch of the SCA IOWA KANSAS MISSOURI NEBRASKA AND A CORNER OF ARKANSAS'” width=”439″ height=”247″ />Basic T Tunics

How to make your first tunic for under or around ten dollars. No sewing machine required!

Taught by Mistress Isarna
Organized by Ottar Surtrson

Tuesday, February 6, 2024 · 7:00 – 9:00pm

Time zone: America/Chicago

Google Meet joining info:

Clothiers Seminar court summaries, January 27, A.S. 58

In morning court:
Dýrfinna Tonnudóttir – Golden Calon Swan
Skallagrímr Bárðarson – Golden Calon Swan
Lisette la fauconniere d’Amboise – Laurel

In evening court:
Helmut der Adler – Iren Fyrd
Elizabeth Daundelyon – Torse
Aleit de la Thomme – Cross of Calontir
Gerald Kendall – Cross of Calontir
Mabilia Pals – Torse
Lily de Rohan – AoA
Elzbieta Swogunene – Leather Mallet
Lothar der Rote – Silver Hammer
Hannah of Lonely Tower – AoA
Roxelana Bramante – Calon Lily
Malachi Mac Kenzie O Corrigan – Calon Lily
Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri – Laurel

Other court tidings:
Mistress Meadhbh inghean uí Shuibhne swore fealty as the new Kingdom Exchequer in morning court.
Lord Randr “Randlar” Tokesson and Honorable Lady Caitlin inghean Raighne, as event stewards, told the news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
There were 275 attendees at the event.
The Shire of Cúm an Iolair presented largess and a tithe.
Their Majesties gave special recognition to Mistress Gyða glóra as an example of one who encourages the spirit of volunteering by making many, many award recommendations.
Mistress Lisette la fauconniere d’Amboise received her Laurel scroll in evening court.
Mistress Esther bat Moshe and Honorable Lady Ysabel de la Oya brought news of the upcoming event in Deodar, which will include an Iron Chef competition.
Her Majesty Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd received Her Chivalry scroll, overdue since Lilies 2022.
The Barony of Forgotten Sea presented a tithe.
6 newcomers received mugs.
Mistress Gianna Viviani brought news of the upcoming Queen’s Prize Tournament, called for bids for the next Kingdom Arts & Science event, and called for letters of interest to be the next Kingdom Minister of Arts & Science.
Noble Selene of Lesbos is the new Head of the 4th Company.
Master Jürgen Weiter von Landstuhl will be the new Kingdom Earl Marshal.
Lord Seathrún Brock is the new Head of the Scribes’ Guild.

Four women sewing linen clothes. From The Tacuinum Sanitas of Vienna, Late 14th century. Public domain in the US