From the Kingdom of Calontir Facebook Page

Greetings from HL Roise inghean ui Rhauidhrie, Kingdom Social Media Officer! In an effort to keep information flowing and sharing the fun happening in the Kingdom, I will be starting an weekly “news” post to share the exciting happenings in the Kingdom. So, let’s see what’s happening THIS week!

Position Announcements:

Kingdom Web Minister: There is a need for a new Kingdom Web Minister. Letters of interest must be received by TRM and the Interim Kingdom Webminister by August 1. Interviews AND office change-over will be held at Mad Dogs and Englishman in the Shire of Carlsby

Kingdom Earl Marshal: HG Ostwald’s term as Earl Marshal is coming to an end, and TRM would like to find a replacement in time for their Crown Tournament. To that end, if you are interested in being the next Kingdom Earl Marsha, please send an e-mail to TM Agamemnon and Gwen and to HG Ostwald by August 15th. Interviews will be held at Valor Tourney, in the Barony of Vitavia, which is held the last weekend in August (Laborday weekend).

Kingdom Seneschal: The Kingdom of Calontir is in need of a new Kingdom Seneschal. The letters of interest must be received by TRM and to the Interim Seneschal by September 1. Interviews will be held at the King’s Company of Archers and the office change-over will be held at Toys for Tots in Crystal Mynes


From Master Vincent DeVere: 10 years ago this week a group of us sat around at Raid or Trade and listened as Einarr, Liam and Alpin talked about their day dream of opening a pub together. Their musings eventually lead to talking about the idea they had at Lilies a few weeks before to have a tavern in their encampment.
I am not sure they believed me when I said “well you know . . it is possible.”

August 15-17 – join us at the Heralds Hill event Harpies and Hillians as we celebrate the 10th birthday of the Broken Harp . . but our celebrations are stacked on top of an already full event. Just look at that site page – food, fighting, archery and thrown weapons, equestrian, A&S. There are air conditioned buildings, nice flat camping space, shaded arenas for escaping from the sun, and I hear a rumor of birthday cake.

Our Friends from Wylde Nept will be there to add to the other bardic fun on Saturday night, and I believe there will be some beverages involved as well.

Unto the populace of Calontir, from HL Ailith Bystoune, Blue Hawk Herald, Clerk of the Order of Precedence, greetings!
I have received news from Calon Con and would like to address a great need brought up at that event, namely the spreading of information on how awards end up online and why they are sometimes messed up.

TRM and Their retinue as well as the local Herald submit a Court Report to me (and others) which I use to update an on line database. Thus usually happens one week after the event, although some times this can and has taken months. TRM also keep paper records that They pass on to Their Heirs.

Their Royal Majesties often rely solely on us, Their populace, to submit award recommendations from which They draw the spelling of names and home group affiliations. If these are incorrect, the only way anyone knows is if a member of the populace contacts me (VIA EMAIL ONLY: I will always attempt to reach out via the CalonList when something does not match up.
As of today, the OP online ( is up to date through the last court reported, at Horse and Falcon. Please go check your listing!

If you are missing an award (not including those given at Lilies, or those given by TRM Aggemenon & Gwen, as I do not yet have Court Reports for those events), email me and let me know so I can get it in the queue. Facebook messages and talking to me at events/etc will NOT get your change in the queue. When I get an influx of requests (as I did last night/this morning! Hooray!) I prioritize in the order of missing awards over name misspellings over home group affiliations. Though all will be addressed.
If you have any questions, please contact me (again, email is best)

Yours in Service,
Honorable Lady Ailith Bystoune
Blue Hawk Herald
Kingdom of Calontir

Pensic News:

From the Middle Kingdom FB page – Traffic/Construction report –
They are working on the bridge at exit 99 on 79 for Cooper’s Lake. It is a bad bottle neck. Can still get off using that exit but you might want to change route in or plan on different timing coming in. Please post to other groups as heads up

Lilies War Survey: Wow! 119 people have taken this year’s Lilies War Feedback Survey! That’s just over 10% of the attendees!
But don’t fret if you haven’t had a chance to take it yet, you’ve got two more weeks.
If you went to Lilies War this year, here’s your chance to speak up! We (the Lilies Committee, Event Stewards, and Staff) truly appreciate your answers and comments!
Please share this link with anyone who attended Lilies War 28! Everyone’s feedback matters!
And, if you didn’t attend Lilies 28, no worries! In the coming months we will be releasing another survey for everyone who in interested in shaping the future of Lilies War!
If you have any questions or comments just let me know!
Thank You!
Baroness Rebecca Beaumont
Lilies War 28 Feedback Survery

Kingdom Event:

Feast of Eagles! will be held this weekend, 7/26/14, hosted by the Shire of Cum An Iolair, located in Southern Johnson County, KS. Site will open at 8:30am and close at 10:00pm. Activities will be fighting, bocce tournament, A&S competition “bird in any medium”, a quest for all ages and a fantastic feast! The Order of the Laurel will also be meeting with TRM. So, come celebrate in a Mediterranian style at the Feast of Eagles! For more information, please see

WOW! That was a LOT of information, I know, but there is a huge amount of things happening in the Kingdom! Come celebrate eagles, check the OP and volunteer to give back to the Kingdom, but most of all, have FUN! Until next week…

HL Roise inghean ui Rhauidhrie
Kigndom Social Media Officer.

Pennsic Scholarship

Thank You Calontir!

The Pennsic Newcomers Fund raised enough to send a few people. If you have spoken to me or are someone in less than 5 years and never been to Pennsic and can go, please contact me for more information.

If you are going to Pennsic and have either tent room or riding room for Pennsic newcomers please let me know.

If you have money to donate also contact me and again thank you to TRM Calontir for allowing me to continue this project this year and to all the Artisans and Scientists that made and donated items.

Your in Service,

de Szekely Zsigmond, OT

Important Message for Those Going to Pennsic

Hi I am your Land Agent, Mistress BelAnna de Rouge de Anjou mostly known as just Bel.

If you pre reg’d you checked a box that said you notified your Land Agent you are going to Pennsic.  Guess what most of you lied…shame shame shame.  Cause I have not heard from you.  I need to know the following information from you.

ARRIVAL DATE  (I need to know when to stay in camp, if you don’t tell me when  you will be there I will be out and about and you will have to wait for me to return)

Mundane name
SCA Name
Tent size including ropes shade fly kitchen shower etc etc etc
who is in your tent (I need this for a tent count only I don’t care who you are camping with)



Find our camp we a few short blocks to the left of Troll.
Find me or my proxy – DO NOT SETUP YOUR TENT WITHOUT SEEING THE LAND AGENT – we have a grand plan for setup.
Do not leave trash laying around in the Royal Pavilion, Court Yard or in the general area around your or others tents (it will be delivered to your front door if I have a complaint and have to clean it up, I am not your Mom.)
Do not wash your dishes at the water spicket
Do not dump your food, dishwater or other items into the Port a John.  They are for 2 things only and please don’t make me post here what they are supposed to be used for.
Do not use someone else sump hole without asking (they either dug it themselves or paid for someone else to do it.  Dig your own.  Keep the dirt because you will need to fill it in
When Pennsic is over take all your trash to the dumpster do not leave it on our block, I only have to take it there after you are gone and I won’t be happy about it.
Pennsic ends Noon on Sunday.  If you plan to stay till Sunday you MUST be rolling off site by NOON this doesn’t mean you wait to pack till 11:30 am sunday.  If possible pack Saturday leave sunday early morning.
If you leave your cool stuff lying about I will ransom it back to you or keep it for myself.

I resolve any and all land disputes (within and without Calontir that deal with Calontir)  so be kind to your camp mate cause if I have to get involved I am the only one who wins.

Recently I have been told I am mean.  I write these guidelines well because they have been issues for someone who has attended Pennsic and complained to me to do a better job containing the camp I have been entrusted with. I have been doing this for 14 years for Calontir and additional years prior to moving here.  The complaints come Not just within Calontir itself but from other camps we have been next to.  In general we are a good and kind camp to each other and our block mates, but at times we all over step ourselves.  So with that in mind realize I make these points not to pick on anyone specific but to continue to be the awesome camp we have always been.  Besides I hate it when security makes me account for things others have done and I don’t like acting like your Mom when you mess up.  BUT I do and I will.  So with all this said and if you have read this far and you are going to Pennsic please send me your information.

In Service to Crown and Kingdom,
Pennsic Land Agent

BelAnna DeRouge — Important Pennsic Information

Pennsic information you need to know. Please share on all your local SCA pages.

  • Online Pre-registration ends at midnight June 16th.
  • The Calontir encampment name is Populace of Calontir.
  • Gate now closes at 12 midnight and opens at 6 am. You must sleep on the battlefield if you arrive in the wee hours of the night.
  • Pennsic closes Sunday at noon, and you must be off site at that time.

Ladies of the Rose Tournaments at Lilies War

HE Issabell St. Charles is encouraging participation in the three Ladies of the Rose Tournaments.

  • Archery Tournament on Tuesday
  • Armored Combat Tournament on Thursday
  • Cut and Thrust Tournament on Friday

Ladies of the Rose tournament! I understand there are people out there that want to participate.
*Roses, are you still looking for archers, heavy fighters or cut and thrust fighters? Sound off please!
*Archers, heavy fighters and cut and thrust fighters, are you interested in finding a Rose sponsor? Sound off!

We want to pair you up! we want pageantry and fun!

Youth Fundraiser at Horse and Falcon, Donations for Lilies War

First, thank you to everyone who participated in the Youth Fundraiser at Horse and Falcon. Monies were raised and will be used for Youth and Teen activities!

Second for those who promised to help or provide supplies for Lilies Youth and Teen activities– thank you. We cannot provide meaningful activities without your support!

Third, for those who would like to contribute and are unsure how to help, here are some suggestions:

  • Packages of cookies.
  • Sturdy shoe boxes or photo boxes.
  • Packages of hot dogs, bags of chips, 2 liter bottles of pop, containers of Gatorade, or packages of glow sticks.

If you could purchase and donate one or two of these items and let us know prior to Lilies that it will be there then we can spend the money raised on other supplies. Drop your donations off at the Youth Tent, and please include a little note.

Please understand that all gestures of support are appreciated, and with everyone helping it does not burden any one person.

Thank you on behalf of the youth and teens!

Lady Apple

Changed Troll Times for the War of the Lilies

Greetings Calontir!

We wanted to inform you that the Lilies Committee has decided to change troll times for the war this year. Troll will be open every full day of the war from 8am to 10pm.

The first Friday of the war, pre-troll will open at noon with the gate opening at 3pm. Please remember you cannot park on the road outside the park at any time or you will be issued a federal ticket by the authorities. The park gate will open at 8am allowing you to pull into the Lilies parking lot to wait.

Please also remember ACCEPS pre-registration is now open for the war! Go to for a link to the ACCEPS page. Pre-Registration will be available until May 30th.

In Service,
Winnifred & Tatiana
Your Lilies Event Stewards