Krist Kinder court summary, December 11, A.S. 56

In evening court:
Áed mac Cormaic Uí Feidhlim – Leather Mallet
Jakob Bierayge – Torse
Kateline l’archiere de Lyons – AoA
Lina of Carlsby – Torse
Mjoll Úlfarsdóttir – Torse
Finán mac Crimthainn – Silver Hammer

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Forgotten Sea announced their new A&S champion is Lord Seathrún Brock, and presented a tithe to Their Majesties.
Lord Randr Tokesson, dictus Randlar brought news of the upcoming Clothiers Seminar.
Master Vincent de Vere spoke of exciting enhancements to the Walk Through History at Clothiers.
11 newcomers received mugs.
Baron Augustin le Blinde brought news of the upcoming Coronation event.
Noble Emissaries from Gleann Abhann brought gifts for Their Majesties and Their Highnesses, and news of the upcoming Gulf Wars.
Honorable Lady Ysabel de la Oya and Lady Eibhilin O Beirn, as stewards of the event, brought news of the day:
there were 394 adults and numerous youths in attendance;
Lady Pádraigín an Einigh won the A&S competition.

Holy women buying spices, “Egmont Breviary.” New York, Morgan Library (M.87, fol. 202v). Utrecht, c. 1440

In Memoriam: The Passing of Garren of Aston Tor

On December 3rd, Lord Garren of Aston Tor passed from the world.

“He made things of beauty…looms, shuttles, so many things…so we could use them to make things of beauty. He had a huge heart and a wicked sense of humor. He was devoted to those he loved, and he will be missed.
Our hearts go out to his wife, Pamela (Saige), and the rest of his family.” – Giraude Benet

A memorial service will be held Friday, December 10, at 1:30 pm, at Grace United Methodist Church, Independence Campus
3601 S. Sterling Ave.

Independence, MO

Immediately following the Memorial Service, there will be a gathering in the fellowship hall to share some of Gary’s favorite desserts, as well as some of our favorite memories and our stories, to laugh, to cry, and to remember a wonderful man who will be greatly missed.

Toys for Tots Tournament Court summaries, 20 November, A.S. 56

On the field:
Ivar of Grimfells – Iren Fyrd

In evening court:
Nolan Beroson – Falcon’s Claw
Eawynn ingen Broccáin – AoA
Seathrún Brock – AoA
Ælfwine of Wyvern Cliffe – AoA
Grimwulf Harland – Court Baronage

Other court tidings:
5 newcomers received mugs.
Lord Moon Hides the Sun brought news of the upcoming Queen’s Prize Tournament.
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla, as steward of the event, brought news of the day:
there were 251 people in attendance;
2375 total toys were donated;
$668 was gathered in monetary donations;
the Barony of Three Rivers brought the most toys, with 968;
Count Yseult de Michel was the individual who brought the most toys, with 515;
Master Gawin Kappler won the Cut & Thrust tournament;
Honorable Lord Elias de Jaye won the Armored tournament;
Eli won the Youth tournament;
Eawynn ingen Broccáin won the A&S competition;
Lord Zacharia Dongalson won the Novice tournament;
Lord Yngvarr Bjarnakarl won the archery tournament.
Lady Quiteria la Roja, Honorable Lord Hugo van Harlo, and Mistress Esther bat Moshe brought news of upcoming changes to RUSH.

Gryphon’s Fest court summary, October 23, A.S. 56

In evening court:
Alys Knighton, dicta Apple – Golden Calon Swan
Kenda Óttarsdóttir – Leather Mallet
Nadyha Helming – Stile Fyrd
Michael Ledger, dictus Redboots – Torse
Eyfriðr Gold-Bearer – Calon Lily

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Ysabel de la Oya brought news of the upcoming Kris Kinder Market event.
8 newcomers received mugs.
Many populace members swore fealty.
Sir Franbald was victorious on the armored combat field.
Master Donald Andrew MacDonald and Honorable Lord Hugo van Harlo were the victors on the steel field.
Nobilissima Konstantia Kaloethina won the A&S competition.
Gwendolyn (from the Midrealm), Lora Greymare, and Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla won the equestrian contests.
Lord Copin di Gentile won the archery prize.

Martin Schongauer, The griffin, 1485. Public domain in the US

Announcement: From The Kingdom Seneschal, Implementation of COVIDSafe Policy

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

Good Evening Calontir.

In the Spring of last year it became clear that a plague was operating among us in the form of a virus. Since that time we have done the best we can to protect the populace, while coming up with new ways to do the things we love. For a time it became necessary to suspend all in person activities, and we were forced to interact as best we could on-line. In the Spring of this year vaccines became widely available to the people of our kingdom. The decision was made to resume in-person activities, and we have worked through several different restrictions intended to keep our activities from becoming a source of spread for this virus. Some of those restrictions proved unnecessary, and were discarded when that became clear. The time since the introduction of the vaccines has provided us with a wealth of useful data. The vaccines have continually proven to be effective armour against the virus. As well we know, no armour is perfect, but the failure to wear it will eventually result in injury. As transmission rates increased throughout the Summer, it became clear that unvaccinated individuals were primarily responsible for the continued spread of the virus. It is also understood that, while rare, there will always be some individuals who cannot receive any of the vaccines for medical reasons. Without an effective means of verifying either vaccination or a negative test for the presence of the virus, most of the wars planned for this Fall were cancelled.

In response to hundreds of petitions, the SCA Board of Directors announced on September 27th the creation of a new policy they dubbed “COVIDSafe”. It created a uniform standard for requiring either proof of vaccination, or proof of a negative COVID test, prior to entering an event without the creation of anything which might resemble a medical record. This policy was the tool many had requested, and was made optional so that it could be applied in places and times where it was needed. It was left up to the kingdom Seneschals, in consultation with the Crowns, to determine when and how to deploy that tool. Recognizing that the scope of this policy extends to more than just the weekend activities we generally think of as events, and, as such, adoption would require provable need, planning, coordination, training, and agreement, I announced that the policy would not be adopted at that time. At the time of the announcement I called for people to send in their questions and comments regarding the policy so that they could be considered in the Witan meeting held at Crown Tournament a short time later. I held multiple meetings with the local Seneschals and Baronages to obtain their input prior to the Witan meeting. I examined the data for the states which make up our kingdom, and drafted a criteria for adoption, review, and suspension of the policy. I brought all of the input I received from the populace, the local Seneschals, the Baronages, and the data with me to the Witan meeting. The discussion was wide ranging, and additional concerns were raised. Their Majesties and Their Highnesses are in favour of adoption. Having examined the data, I agree with Their assessment, and take responsibility for the decision to implement the COVIDSafe policy in Calontir.

Since that time, the great officers of the kingdom have been engaged in an effort to craft the implementation plan, training materials, and communication methods necessary to ensure the success of the policy here in Calontir, while addressing as many of the raised concerns as possible. Key points of our implementation plan are currently under review by SCA corporate. Once their review is complete, and their approval obtained, we will be conducting a series of training sessions for the local officers, event stewards, and anyone else who wishes to attend. At that time, we will launch a new webpage with details for the adoption criteria, implementation plan, training materials, and frequently asked questions. In the meantime, I’ve established the following town hall sessions to answer questions about the policy. They are open to everyone who wishes to attend.

Monday, October 25th @ 7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 26th @ 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 28th @ 7:00 PM…

Thus far our events this year have been primarily outdoors where the risk of viral spread is greatly reduced. As we move inside, the risk of viral spread increases by orders of magnitude. For this reason, it is our goal to have the COVIDSafe policy in place by Toys for Tots. The exact date for implementation will be announced once our plans have been approved by SCA corporate.

I want to thank everyone who contributed their thoughts to the discussion of this new policy. The decision to adopt the COVIDSafe policy was not based on fear, or whim, but on a need demonstrated by the available data. The decision to eventually suspend the policy will be based on the same criteria. In this continued time of difficulty, we have all been required to do things we would rather not. This COVIDSafe policy is a tool designed for a purpose. That purpose is to prevent our activities from becoming additional focal points for the spread of the virus, and to see us through the remainder of the pandemic as safely as possible. Every pandemic eventually ends, even though the viruses which cause them do not go away entirely. We will reach a day when this policy is no longer needed, and on that day we will rejoice together as one kingdom. Until that day, we will continue to do the best we can for the kingdom we love. We are Calontir. We will endure.

In Service,

Coeur d’Ennui Baronial Investiture Court Summary, 16 October, A.S. 56

In Royal court:
Kjartan Hreinsson – Court Barony
Ysoria Chaloner – Court Barony
Antonia Stefani – Calon Cross
Gisele de la Fontaine – AoA

Other court tidings:
Many Baronial awards were given in the final court of Kjartan and Ysoria.
Master Edward Blythe of Nottingham Shire and Honorable Lady Antonia Stefani were invested as the new Baron and Baroness of Coeur d’Ennui.
The Barony of Coeur d’Ennui presented gifts to Their Royal Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses.
Honorable Lady Emma Ness was recognized as a citizen of Coeur d’Ennui.
Baroness Antonia gave Baron Edward a bib to keep his court garb clean and nice.
Lady Ximena Echeberria, as Steward of the Event, received gifts from Their Majesties.
9 newcomers received mugs.
4 Pelicans swore fealty.
Honorable Lord Coinneach Aindrias MacLeod presented gifts of apples to Their Royal Majesties, Their Royal Highnesses and Their Excellencies.

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

Fall Crown Tournament Court Summaries, 09 October, A.S. 56

On the field before the tourney:
Lyra of Spinning Winds – AoA

On the field after the tourney:
Hertog Hirsch Ross Eichmann and Hertogin Magdalena vander Meere were invested as Prince and Princess of Calontir.

In evening court:
Cecily Abbott – AoA
Gaius Cornelius Scipio Titianus – Iren Fyrd
Konáll bosull – Iren Hirth
Yseult de Michel – Leather Mallet
Jóka in rauða – Golden Calon Swan
Tove Brianesdohter – AoA
Mathias Worcestershire – AoA
Worgan Madoc “Nine Fingers” – Leather Mallet
Anna Plantyn – Calon Cross
Visvamitra Yavana – Leather Mallet
Giacomo dalla Fattoria dello Stato – Stile Hirth

Other court tidings:
Master Mellitus of Rouncivale presented largess from the Lampworkers of Calontir.
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla brought news of the upcoming Toys for Tots event.
Lady Leofwyna le May, as steward of the event, brought largess from the Barony of Mag Mor.
The cast pewtwer medallions made by Honorable Lord Paul Adler, of blessed memory, won the A&S competition. The prize was accepted by Honorable Lady Dulcibella de Chateaurien.
8 newcomers received mugs.
Lord Jon Chesey brought news of the upcoming Gryphon’s Fest event.

Battle of Eben-Ezer, AD 250

Hirsch The Victor In First Crown Tournament After Pandemic

Bavarian engraving of a medieval tournament from the 1400s. Public domain in the US

HG Hirsch Ross Eichmann, fighting for HG Magdalena vander Meere has won the Calontir Crown Tournament this day, October 9th A.S. LVI, being 2021 in the common reckoning.

This being the first Crown Tournament fought since the onset of the Great Pandemic, there was much anticipation of the event, and great joy at the revelation of the newest Heirs to the Calon Throne.


Announcement: From Their Royal Majesties – Crown List


Below is the list for Our upcoming Crown Tournament. Thank you to all who submitted letters to continue to uphold Calontir traditions and work toward the betterment of our Kingdom.

Sir Mathieu Chartrain for Her Grace Aislinn Morcroft

Hertzog Hirsch Ross Eichmann for Hertzogan Magdalena vander Meere

His Grace Tristram of Lindesfarne for Mistress Rhianwen ferch Bran ap Gruffydd

His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis for Honorable Lord Andromir Vukovic

His Excellency Duncan Bruce of Logan for Her Excellency Ylva Jonsdottir

Lord Jon Chesey for Their Excellency Yseult de Michel

Sir Sean of the Chipendales for Mistress Meadhbh inghean uí Shuibhne

Sir Duncan Mac Torquill for Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla

Riddari Arnfast Rikkardsson for Honorable Lady Aesileif Jotunsdottir

Master Jack Banyard for Mistress Caera Wythers

Master Jurgen Weiter von Landstuhl for Mistress Helena Soranzo

Lord Christopher Atrox for Mistress Miranda Logansdottir

Honorable Lord Cearr mac Brendan for Lady Fionnghuala inghean ui Fhallamhain

Honorable Lord Visvamitra Yavana for Lady Korinna the Scythian

Honorable Lord Orren Tokesson for Lyra of Spinning Winds

Lord Melchor Eichmann for Lady Lisette of Three Rivers

Lord Rheinhart Eichmann for Lady Furia Cincinnata, Swan

Lord Emerick Blackpool for Lord Oswyn Moon

Lord Develin Ó Sirideáin for Lady Jöka in Raudi


Gulf Wars XXX Postponed

It is with broken hearts that we must announce the postponement of Gulf Wars XXX from October 2021 to March 2022 during its traditional time.While our original deadline was September 10, the registration numbers are less than half of the required number to have even a small war. We do not see any way that the number would grow in such a way as to allow for the October war.

All current registrations will be transferred to Gulf Wars in March 2022. If you would like a refund, please follow the standard refund request that is on the website. No refund fee will be taken out.

We look forward to seeing everyone back at King’s Arrow Ranch in March 2022.

In Service to Dream,
Mistress Kendra Dey, OP & Mistress Magdalena de Segovia, OP

Autocrats, Gulf Wars XXX/October 2021

Master Stephan of Durham
Gleann Abhann Seneschal