Their Majesties will meet with the following Orders at Toys for Tots:
– Iren Fyrd
– Iren Hirð
– Stile Fyrd
– Stile Hirð
– Masters of Defense
More information about the event can be found here:
Kingdom Arts & Sciences Court Summary, November 4, A.S. 58
In evening court:
Helenos ben Simon – AoA
Batilda von Köln – Torse
Fionnghuala inghean Fhearghuis – Leather Mallet
Melchior Woelffling van Meckelenburch – AoA
Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh – Golden Calon Swan
Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla was selected to be Their Majesties’ Equestrian Champion.
Honorable Lord Moon Hides the Sun, as Event Steward, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
There were 135 attendees on site.
Peers, Nobles and commons swore fealty, each in turn, according to their Order.
Honorable Lord Skallagrímr Bárðarson brought news of the upcoming Krist Kinder event, and the Knowne Worlde BBQ competition at Lilies War.
1 newcomer received a mug.
The Crown reminded the populace the the deadline for submitting letters of intent to enter Crown Tournament would be the day after Toys for Tots.
Their Majesties invited the populace to travel to the War of the Phoenix. There will be no official muster.
Mistress Gianna Viviani invited groups to submit bids for Queen’s Prize Tournament next spring.
Lady Simone de Mares won the Populace Choice award.
Noble Helenos ben Simon and Honorable Lady Joan Mysseden shared the Judges’ Choice prize.
Honorable Lord Jon Chesey is the new Kingdom A&S Champion.
The Lilies Committee needs a new Exchequer. Send letters of intent to Mistress Miranda de Logan, dicta Logansdottir.
Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla shared news of the Gulf Wars Equestrian fundraiser, to be held at Krist Kinder.
A boon was begged for Honorable Lady Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri to join the Order of the Laurel.
Crown Tournament Letters of Intent
Although We have ascended the thrones what seems like mere moments ago, one of Our first duties as Crown is to secure Calontir’s line. To that end, Our Crown Tournament will be held on December 2nd in the Barony of Coeur D’Ennui. Should you wish to participate, please submit a letter of intent to Us and Our Senseschale no later than Sunday, November 19. Your letter must contain the following for both Combatant and Consort:
· Name and contact information
· Copy of your identification to verify age and residency
· Copy of your valid SCA membership card
· A statement of the reasons you wish to be Crown and goals should you ascend
· A listing of SCA events you have attended in the last 12 months
Please also review Kingdom Law and Corpora to ensure you meet the requirements for participation. If you have any questions regarding your qualification, please reach out to Our Seneschale promptly.
Crown Tournament will be fought in bouts of two-out-of-three unless the list becomes so large that this would make the tournament excessively long. The Crown will make the final decision regarding bouts the day of the tournament. No weapons restrictions will be imposed.
We thank all of you for your kindness and support of Our beautiful Heartland. We look forward to seeing you again soon!
David, Cyning Rhianwen, Cyninge
Seeking Next Society Seneschal
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is seeking candidates for the position of Society Seneschal/Vice President for Operations.
The Society Seneschal is considered both a Society and Corporate officer, and is responsible for coordinating the administration of the Society’s historical re-creation. This involves directing the activities of the Kingdom Seneschals and of Society-level deputies. Where questions arise concerning the intent of Corpora, the Board specifically authorizes the Society Seneschal to make interpretations and clarifications. The Society Seneschal is also responsible for reviewing all sanction related activities.
This is a part-time stipend position requiring a minimum of 25 hours per week, often more.
For additional information:
Announcement: Meetings at Kingdom Arts and Sciences
Vertigo Court Summary, October 21, A.S. 58
In evening court:
Ivan Povarnin – Torse
Mekety Nakhthor – Stile Fyrd
Other court tidings:
Lord Hieronymus was selected to be Their Majesties’ Cut & Thrust champion.
Lady Æsa járnauga, as event steward, shared news of the day, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
His Grace Joseph Angus Wilson won the armored bear pit tournament.
Lord Crispin won the unranked armored tourney.
Master Gawin Kappler won the Cut & Thrust bear pit tournament.
Lord Giovanni di Angelo Marchisetti took home the prize for unranked Cut & Thrust.
Lord Aldebaron won the Arts & Science competition.
Henry of Ipstones won the prize for marzipan scupture.
Her Majesty Rhianwen spoke to the populace about the upcoming Kingdom Arts & Science event.
Their Majesties reminded everyone to check their entries in the OP, and submit any updates or corrections using the online form.
3 newcomers received mugs.
Peers, Nobles and commons swore fealty, each in turn, according to their Order.
Letters of Intent to fight in the next Crown Tournament are due the day after Toys for Tots, that being November 19.
Honorable Lord Melchor Eichmann received a token of thanks from His Majesty David for help with a wardrobe malfunction.
Their Majesties summoned Her Grace Phaedra filia Roberti and announced that she will be elevated to the Order of the Pelican.
Kingdom Calendar Changes
At Coronation, it was announced that the Kingdom Calendar would be changing. The timeline:
December 2, 2023: Their Majesties David and Rhianwen hold Crown Tournament in the Barony of Coeur d’Ennui.
March 23, 2024: Their Majesties step down.
April 20, 2024: The Crown which stepped up in March holds their Crown Tournament.
July 13, 2024: The winners of the April Crown Tournament begin their reign. This also begins the new schedule, where Coronations are held on the second weekends of July and February and Crown Tournaments are held on the second weekends of April and November.
Court summaries from the Coronation of David and Rhianwen, October 7, A.S. 58
Final business of Agamemnon and Marie:
Changes to Kingdom law were read into court.
First court of David and Rhianwen:
Domina Atia Albia Tamara – Head of the Royal Household
Mistress Rochwen Morwenna – Royal Scribe
Lord Hieronymus – Captain of the Guard
Mistress Anna Plantyn – Chamberlaine
Duke Donngal Eriksson, Duchess Magdalena vander Meere, Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis, Mushira Catalina de Arazuri, Sir Martus Aleskandrov – Thegns
Evening court:
Agamemnon Platylithodae – Duchy
Marie le Faivre – County
Giovanni Di Angelo Marchisetti – AoA
Kathleen of Stonehaven – Torse
Elias de Jaye – King’s Favor
Other court tidings:
The Barony of the Lonely Tower presented largess.
Many of the populace swore fealty.
Honorable Lady Aleit de la Thomme, as event steward, announced the day’s winners:
Lord William Radulfus had the best Tower in any Medium.
Sara of Stonehaven is the Lonely Tower A&S Champion.
Inez Errotabehere won the Blank Border competition.
Lord Numerius Volusius Germanicus Secundus won the Crest Tournament.
Lord Mkty Nakhthor won the heavy rapier tournament.
Honorable Lord Konáll bǫsull had the best crest.
Lord Charles von Bayrreuth had the best death.
Honorable Lord Cearr Mac Brenden had the best loot in his crest.
Honorable Lady Amba Allrasystir was designated Queen’s Choice.
Lady Quiteria la Roja announced that she was seeking a successor as RUSH Chancellor.
5 newcomers received mugs.
Honorable Lord Konáll bǫsull will be the Calontir General at Gulf War.
Her Excellency Nadya Helming will be the Rapier General.
Honorable Lady Ysabel de la Oya shared news of the upcoming Kingdom A&S event.
Master Rhodri ap Hywel announced that the Kingdom Reeve was seeking a successor. He also announced that the cost of heraldic submissions would be reduced at Krist Kinder.
Announcements: Applications Open – Laurel Sovereign of Arms
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, together with modern and SCA qualifications, hardcopy to:
Laurel Sovereign
c/o Louise Du Cray
P.O. Box 611928
San Jose, CA 95161
with courtesy copies to both and
Applications are being accepted though November 30, 2023.
Gryphon’s Fest court summaries, September 30th, A.S. 58
In morning court:
Brian Robert MacDougall – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Chivalry
Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Courtesy
Magdalena vander Meere – Queen’s Endorsement of Distinction for Ideals of the Society
Elisabetta di Tres Fumi – Torse
Grimwulf Harland – Cross of Calontir
On the field:
Nadya Helming – Stile Hirth
In evening court:
Violetta Yolent Saint-Clairen von Stuttgart – Laurel
Emily Schmidt – AoA
Kiva of Three Rivers – Torse
Oddný (Kenda) Óttarsdóttir – Torse
Isabel of Three Rivers – Leather Mallet
Corbyn (Dan) Greyschanke – Golden Calon Swan
Bero von Wustenbrunner – Cross of Calontir
Isengrim Sleggja – Cross of Calontir
Dorcas Whitecap – King’s Favor
Other court tidings:
Lady Maggie of Three Rivers received a Golden Calon Swan medallion, slightly overdue since King’s Companie of Archers.
Master Galen MacColmáin received a scroll for Keeper of the Flame, slightly overdue since King’s Companie of Archers.
A boon was begged for Rannveig Katrin Bjarnardottir to join the Order of the Pelican.
8 newcomers received mugs.
Hertogin Magdalena vander Meere and Honorable Lord Melchor Eichmann, as event stewards, shared news of the day, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
Sir Emerick Blackpool won the Wacky Weapons Armored Tournament.
Honorable Lord Otmar Eichman won the Armored Warlord Tourney.
Lord Michael St. Ledger won the Steel Bear Pit.
Lord Copin di Gentile won the Gryphons Fest Archery shoot.
In Equestrian activities, Daiku was won by Team Dirty Foreigners.
The Poker run was won by Amina of Outlands.
Lady Melisende de Westemere won the Just Horsing Around! A&S competition.
Helenos ben Simon won the Blank border competition.
The Snail contrade were the overall winners of the day.
The elevation of Honorable Lady Maria Arosa de Santa Olalla to the Laurel had to be postponed because of an injury she received today. She will be elevated at Coronation, if possible.
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