A poem for warriors of Calontir

Master Murdoch writes:

From the city of Kiev,
From the village of Vyshgorod,
Came a strong hearted Dama.
She broke fast on the road,
For she wished to arrive in time for the tourney on the shores of the Lake of the Lilies.

Near the shire of Loch Bheathrach,
Stout bogatyr had assembled.
No one called them to battle.
No one sounded the horn of war.
No one stood before them with banner raised.

Iliyana of the Rose spoke to them.
“Hail to you, bogatyr of the Falcon.
In the 10th year of the Falcon’s flight,
I did reign.
In the twenty-second year of war in the debateable lands,
I did reign
In the first year of the Prize of the Queen,
I did reign.”

The bogatyr saw that none stood under her trident banner.
Waves did not crash thunderously on the shore.
Birds did not fill the wind with song.
The bogatyr spoke as one.
“Hail to you, Iliya Sergeivna Roskochnnikova,
We lend our axe.
We lend our spear.
We lend our sword.”

Against all who stood opposed,
The bogatyr fought with ferocity.
The bogatyr fought with honor.

Knyaginya Iliya spoke to the bogatyr.
“Hail to you, Calon bogatyr.
You have proven your skill.
You have proven your honor.
Let your names be sung in Bylinas,
along with Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, and Ilya Muromets”

Dama—a noble Lady
Bogatyr—a Rus epic hero
Knyaginya—a countess

Her Excellency Iliya is in need of fighter for the Lady of the Rose Tournaments at Lilies. She requires a cut & thrust fighter, and both a belted and unbelted heavy weapons fighter. Those who would answer her call, please contact me, Murdoch via email at murdochst@msn.com or stop by our camp on Outlands point at Lilies.

Please repost as appropriate.

BelAnna DeRouge — Important Pennsic Information

Pennsic information you need to know. Please share on all your local SCA pages.

  • Online Pre-registration ends at midnight June 16th.
  • The Calontir encampment name is Populace of Calontir.
  • Gate now closes at 12 midnight and opens at 6 am. You must sleep on the battlefield if you arrive in the wee hours of the night.
  • Pennsic closes Sunday at noon, and you must be off site at that time.

Chivalry Social at Lilies

Chivalry Social
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Do you ever ask yourself…

  • How does he throw that shot?
  • How can I get more spear kills?
  • Why do I keep getting hit in the ____?
  • How I can I fight, win and act in an honorable and chivalric manner?

When : Sunday June 15

  • 10:30 (following morning court) One on one instruction with the knights of the known world
  • 12:30 Broken field battle, practical application of skills learned, unlimited res. No weapons restriction. Instructional field stays open for the duration

Who: Fighters of ALL skill levels

Where: battle field

On the first Sunday the Order of the Chivalry is dedicating themselves to helping you improve your fighting. Starting with one-on-one instruction, you can train the skill of your choice with the Chiv of your choice. Follow that up with some direct application in an unlimited resurrection battle, or keep participating in one-on-one training.

It’s your call on what you want. Looking for some pointers on your stance? Want some help with other parts of your fighting? Or do you want to go a few rounds of “A-Game” with Duke Speedy McThunderStick? Do you just want to wait a bit and jump in the unlimited resurrection battle and bash around with your friends? The chivalry will stay out there as long as someone wants to keep fighting and learning!

April LOAR Results

From Gunnar Thorisson, Vert Hawk Herald:

CALONTIR acceptances:

  • Hadassah filla de Solomó. Device. Per bend Or and vert, a pithon contourny vert and an arm embowed bendwise sinister proper, a chief bendy sinister vert and Or.
  • Kýlan gylðir. Name change from Killian of Amlesmore. The submitter’s previous name, Killian of Amlesmore, is released.
  • Mór Bhallach inghean Domhnaill. Device change. Lozengy argent and gules, a cross of Saint Brigid and on a chief sable two flames argent. There is a step from period practice for the use of a cross of Saint Brigid. The submitter’s previous device, Argent, in pale three crosses of Saint Brigid sable, a dexter tierce indented gules, is retained as a badge.
  • Ximena Echeberria. Name and device. Gules, a bordure argent semy of saltorels azure. Nice device!

CALONTIR returns:

  • Rafe le Mountere. Device. Per pale sable and gules, two Celtic crosses and a mountain of three peaks argent. This device is returned for redraw for violating SENA A2C2 which states “Elements must be drawn to be identifiable.” Precedent says: The so-called “Celtic” cross is not. A Celtic cross is a specific type of cross, which has tapering arms. Adding an annulet to any particular type of cross does not automatically make it a Celtic cross. This “crosshair” depiction of a cross is not acceptable. [Sadb ingen Chonchobair, R-Atlantia, January 2010 LoAR]

For Lilies War ACCEPS Registrants

HE Issabell St. Charles wishes to remind those who have registered for Lilies War through ACCEPS that all gate forms will be pre-printed and at gate.

You will need to provide:

  • Your personal ID, and
  • Your SCA membership card if you are registering as a member

Please be sure to have these items ready when you gate in to make the process as smooth as possible.

Funeral Service for Sean the Traveler

Sean’s funeral is scheduled for 2:30 pm on Saturday, June 7th, at St. Thomas Episcopal Church.
The address is 12251 Antioch, Overland Park KS

The Wake will be held at my house shortly after the funeral, approximately 4:00 pm. Everyone who wishes is welcome to come to the wake.
My address is 7216 Cottonwood, Shawnee KS 66216
You are welcome to call me for directions.

Food and drink will be available.
We will be prepping for the Wake beginning Friday afternoon at my house.
Bronwyn will be there and anyone who wishes to help can come by anytime after 3:00 pm and help.

Her Ladyship Marguerite des Baux

In Memoriam – Demetrios il Condottiero

Demetrios Misthophoros (aka Demetrios il Condottiero aka Dr. Henry Marks) passed away on Monday
in the Kingdom of An Tir where he had resided since his retirement.

Demetrios was a Master of the Laurel. He was one of the founders and
first Guild Master of the Calontir Cooks Guild. He is probably best
known for loving a good discussion and the wearing of “earth tones.”.
He loved to challenge folks to do better research, to be a better
person. He wanted to know the why as well as the how it was done in
medieval times. He was well traveled – having been to Greece and the
Galapagos Islands (just two of the places that I can remember hearing

When in Calontir he lived in the Barony of Vatavia, but was claimed as
a member by the Barony of Mag Mor.

Mundanely, he was a director of a treatment facility until he retired.
At which time he moved to An Tir and began writing and publishing
several books. His best known book (now out of print) was Byzantine

May his journey to the afterlife be filled with joy and bounty

Kateryn de Devlin

Ladies of the Rose Tournaments at Lilies War

HE Issabell St. Charles is encouraging participation in the three Ladies of the Rose Tournaments.

  • Archery Tournament on Tuesday
  • Armored Combat Tournament on Thursday
  • Cut and Thrust Tournament on Friday

Ladies of the Rose tournament! I understand there are people out there that want to participate.
*Roses, are you still looking for archers, heavy fighters or cut and thrust fighters? Sound off please!
*Archers, heavy fighters and cut and thrust fighters, are you interested in finding a Rose sponsor? Sound off!

We want to pair you up! we want pageantry and fun!

Youth Fundraiser at Horse and Falcon, Donations for Lilies War

First, thank you to everyone who participated in the Youth Fundraiser at Horse and Falcon. Monies were raised and will be used for Youth and Teen activities!

Second for those who promised to help or provide supplies for Lilies Youth and Teen activities– thank you. We cannot provide meaningful activities without your support!

Third, for those who would like to contribute and are unsure how to help, here are some suggestions:

  • Packages of cookies.
  • Sturdy shoe boxes or photo boxes.
  • Packages of hot dogs, bags of chips, 2 liter bottles of pop, containers of Gatorade, or packages of glow sticks.

If you could purchase and donate one or two of these items and let us know prior to Lilies that it will be there then we can spend the money raised on other supplies. Drop your donations off at the Youth Tent, and please include a little note.

Please understand that all gestures of support are appreciated, and with everyone helping it does not burden any one person.

Thank you on behalf of the youth and teens!

Lady Apple