Mad Dogs and Englishmen court summaries, September 23rd, A.S. 58

In afternoon court:
Robert Steven MacLaren and Heidi Anne Draper were invested as the new Baron and Baroness of Vatavia.
Tove Brianesdohter – Silver Hammer
Yang Shaoyun – Golden Calon Swan
Olaf Thorvaldr – Iren Hirth
Asher Whitby – AoA
Murdoch MacLachlan – Torse
Lyra of Spinning Winds – Calon Lily
Izza al Zarqa – Laurel

On the field:
Øyríkr Raðúlfsson – Iren Hirth

Other court tidings:
Lord Murdoch MacLachlan accepted gifts from Their Majesties, meant for the Steward and staff of the event.
His Grace Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Cut & Thrust Warlord tourney.
4 newcomers received mugs.
Celeste Sevenstar won the Pickles in Any Medium Arts & Science competition.
Lord Charles von Bayrreuth won the lower division armored combat tournament.
Honorable Lord Kennocht Armstrang won the upper division armored combat tournament.

Blood of Heroes court summaries, September 16, A.S. 58

On the field:
Ketill Steinarsson – Iren Fyrd
Develin Ó Sirideáin – Iren Fyrd

In evening court:
Fionghuala inghean Fhearghuis – Cross of Calontir
Wilhelm von Brandt – Cross of Calontir
Anne Renarde – Cross of Calontir
Mielikkä Koiviston – Leather Mallet
Gavin O’Shannon – Eo-Hirth
Barrett Thickblood – Silver Hammer
Merlin of Grimfells – AoA
Emerick Blackpool – Chivalry

Other court tidings:
Gifts were exchanged between the Their Royal Majesties Calontir and Her Sanguine Highness Emmelina of Vindheim.
Lady Aoife inghean Uí Tormaigh, as event steward, along with Lord Farulfr Orðlokarr, shared news of the day.
There were 134 people on site.
$80 was raised for the Kingdom Travel Fund.
The Best Team Name was “Fat Bottom Boys”.
Lady Furia Cincinnata won the Scavenger Hunt.
Honorable Lord Caleb Talbot and Honorable Lord Barrett Thickblood won the “Hero in Any Medium” A&S competition.
The winners of the Dogball game were the “Damn Dirty Furriners”, led by His Grace Jean Paul de Sens.
Lord Havarr Refskegg was recognized as having the Most Fun on the field.
Lord Ketill and Lord Develin received their Iren Fyrd scrolls.
A temporary removal was announced against Basil of Grimfells.
HRM Agamemnon announced that the Council of Nobles would meet to discuss the dates of Crown Tournaments and Coronations.
5 newcomers received mugs.

King’s Companie of Archers court summaries, September 9, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Galen MacColmáin – Keeper of the Flame
Jakob Bierayge – Silver Hammer
Lothar der Rote – Pelican
Melchior Woelffling van Meckelenburch – Leather Mallet
Maggie of Three Rivers – Golden Calon Swan
Rolanda de Lyndhurst – Leather Mallet
Adelaide Sarsfield – Calon Lily
Lawrence Taillefer the Leech – Court Baronage
Geneviève de Chambéry – Court Baronage
Jorunn Eydisardottir – Augmentation of Arms

Other court tidings:
Master Galen MacColmáin and Honorable Lord János Katona, as event stewards, shared news of the day and received gifts from Their Majesties.
139 people attended the event.
Mistress Anne Renarde, Archer General, announced the day’s winners.
Honorable Lord Finán mac Crimthainn – Novice Longbow
Lady Beatrix Bogenschutz – Novice Recurve
Honorable Lord William Alban Douglas – Fyrd Crossbow
Lady Disa of Calanais Nuadh – Fyrd Longbow
Lord Reichart Scherer von Erlenbach – Fyrd Recurve
Honorable Lord Kitsu no Taro – Huscarl Recurve
Master Leifr of the Crescent Moon – Huscarl Longbow
Master Rolf Hobart – Huscarl Crossbow
Barony of the Lonely Tower won the baronial team shoot.
Honorable Lord János Katona will step up as the Archer General deputy.
Honorable Lord James inn Danski brought news of the upcoming Autumn Arrows event.
4 newcomers received mugs.

Archery practice at earthen butts, c1325. The center markers are small wreaths. Detail from the Geoffrey Luttrell psalter. Public Domain in the United States

Announcements: Removal of Crown Prince of Ansteorra

On September 4, 2023, at a Special Meeting of the SCA Inc. Board of Directors, the Board voted without opposition to remove Aaron MacGregor as the current Crown Prince of Ansteorra. The Board reached this serious decision after significant deliberation and with the advice of our Officers.

At this time, Ansteorra remains under the stewardship of the Stellar Crown, King Gabriel and Queen Sonja. We would ask that people extend all courtesy to Her Royal Highness Nicollet as she contemplates what will be best for the Kingdom in the next reign. Any further announcements regarding the next reign will be made at a Kingdom level.

As this matter is ongoing, no further public comment will be made by SCA Inc.

Lilies War Committee meeting

There will be an in person Lilies Committee meeting at Kings Company of Archers on Saturday, September 9th during the lunch break.
We will have the exact place of the meeting announced on site, but it will be close to the archery range.
This is a public meeting, and we encourage anyone who would like to provide feedback, or learn more about running Lilies, to attend.

More information on King’s Company of Archers:

Cattle Raids Mag Mor Highland Games court summaries, August 26, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Giovanni di Angelo Marchisetti – Leather Mallet
Worgan Madoc – Leather Mallet
Becca of Mag Mor – AoA
Laurencia of Mag Mor – AoA
Cara ingen Ronan – Leather Mallet
Astrid Esbjörnsdotter – Leather Mallet
Kathleen of Stonehaven – Calon Lily
Aleit de la Thomme – Calon Lily

Other court tidings:
Lady Morgana MacDermott and Mistress Gyða glóra, as event stewards, announced the day’s winners, and received gifts from Their Majesties.
There were 181 attendees at the event.
Lord Ketill Karlsson took home the prizes from the Novice tournament.
Duke Joseph Angus Wilson won the Buckler tourney.
Sir Orren Tokesson won the Best of the Best tourney.
Lady Moire inghean Néill won the Blank Border competition.
Lady Eawynn ingen Broccáin won the “Plaid in Any Medium” competition.
Lady Lyra of Spinning Winds, Lord Seathrún Brock, and Celeste Sevenstar and took the top three spots in the “Unicorn in Any Medium” competition.
Master Rolf Hobart dispatched The Unwelcome Guest in archery.
Master Lief of Crescent Moon won Kezia’s Shoot.
Lord Mekety Nakhthor was the Cut & Thrust winner.
The Barony of Mag Mor presented largess and a tithe.
10 newcomers received mugs.

Raiding Cattle. Diebold Schilling the Youger. 1513

Calontir Council of Nobles meeting scheduled

Their Royal Majesties Agamemnon & Marie would like it known that They will be holding a Council of Nobles meeting at the upcoming Gryphon’s Fest event on September 30, time and place to be determined. They would invite all of those eligible to join Them. This meeting will be regarding Crown Tournament and Coronation dates.

For those who are unaware, here’s the definition of the Council of Nobles from Calontir Kingdom law:
Article XIII. The Council of Nobles
XIII.100 – Recognizing that the Crown may from time to time request and desire advice from those with experience in ruling, herewith shall be created the Council of Nobles of the Kingdom of Calontir. The Council of Nobles shall be composed of Their Royal Majesties, Their Royal Highnesses, Duchies, Counties, Viscounties, Past or Present Territorial Baronages of Calontir lineage and resident in the Kingdom. Others may be asked to attend at the Crown’s discretion. The Council shall meet at Their Majesties’ pleasure and shall consider such matters as the Crown may remand to its attention. 

Calontir Ensign

Gryphon’s Fest
Sep 29 – Oct 1, 2023
588 State Hwy W, Elsberry, MO 63343
Hosting Group: Barony of Three Rivers.  Website is forthcoming.  This is a camping event.

My First “blank” court summary, August 19, A.S. 58

In evening court:
Rónán le Sauvage – Torse
Lena Sontag – AoA
Rúna Úlfsdóttir – AoA
Randall Beaumont – AoA
Seán Huniman – Torse
Simone de Mares – Torse

Other court tidings:
Lord Rónán le Sauvage, as event steward, shared news of the day and received gifts from His Majesty.
Lady Gisele de la Fontaine won the “My First” A&S competition.
Grimwulf of Villa Frumentaria won the “Made Today” competition.
Mistress Brigida von München was created a Herald Extraordinary by Honorable Lady Zaneta Baseggio, Gold Falcon Emerita, on behalf of Master Rhodri ap Ieuan ap Hywel, Gold Falcon Principal Herald.
16 newcomers received mugs.
Mistress Esther bat Moshe brought news of the upcoming King’s Companie of Archers event.

Men harvesting wheat, Queen Mary’s Psalter, circa 1310. Public domain in the US

Pennsic court summaries, A.S. 58

As Pennsic War has multiple opportunities for court, this reporter could not be everywhere and attend all courts. My thanks go to Selene White Hawk for filling in gaps I knew about. I apologize in advance for any missing awards and/or misspelled names, and will gratefully accept corrections to this report. Please contact me at

Monday field court, Monday August 7:
Brian Robert MacDougall – Iren Fyrd
Roger Warwick – Iren Fyrd
Robert Magnus – Iren Fyrd
Alfwine of Wyvern Cliffe – Iren Fyrd

In Calontir court, Thursday August 10:
Agathon of Three Rivers – AoA
Obsidian Vulture – Leather Mallet
Gwyneth Felton – Torse
Lars Vilhjalmsson – Stile Fyrd
Yseult de Michel – Calon Cross
Elizabeth Hathaway – Torse

At the Calontir Party, Thursday night:
Micauley Morison, Viscount of Vindheim – Iren Fera

Other tidings from Royal court:
Master Dolan Madoc of Harlech brought news of the upcoming King’s Comapanie of Archers and Autumn Arrows events.
Lady Morgana MacDermott brought news of the upcoming Cattle Raids event.
Mistress Geneviève de Chambéry gave gifts who all who helped with the Soup Kitchen.
Baroness Antonia Stefani handed off the Soup Kitchen to Mistress Geneviève de Chambéry.
Some populace members swore fealty.
Honorable Lord Brian, Sir Roger, Count Robert, and Lord Alfwine received their Iren Fyrd scrolls.
War pay was given after court.

Battle of Eben-Ezer, AD 250