In Memoriam: The Passing of Countess Morgana of Raglan

Sad news comes this week of the passing of Countess Morgana of Raglan.

Morgana loved this Kingdom and served as its 17th Queen. She also served as Baroness of Lonely Tower, among many other services she did for Calontir.

I remember Morgana as a vibrant, enthusiastic, encouraging and kind woman. Her presence was a constant of my earlier SCA career, and always a welcome one. She will be sorely missed.

Master Mathurin

Calontir has suffered another devastating loss. My friend Countess Morgana of Raglan has departed this world. My heart is heavy. I served the Kingdom as Waterbearing Coordinator when she was Queen. She was one of those who encouraged me when I was first learning how to make beads. I will miss this lady.

Master Mellitus

Morgana loved cats.  She would pick up and try to save any stray cat or kitten that came her way.  We were friends for over 30 years and had lots talks about cats, fiber and just about any thing else.  Moving back to Mag Mor I was looking forward to spending time with her.  I will miss her, she will be missed many.

Countess Salamandra


Sing Non Nobis!

Toys for Tots court summaries, November 16, A.S. 54

In morning court:
A boon was begged for Róise ní Ullacháin to join the Order of the Laurel.
Letters of Intent for becoming one of the new Kingdom Advocates are due by 22 November.
Visitors from far, far away presented largess of toys to the Crown.

On the field:
Elias de Jaye – Iren Hirth

In evening court:
Aiden O’Seaghdha – Golden Calon Swan
Copin di Gentile – Boga Fyrd
Caitlyn Rochwensdaughter – Purple Jess
Asher de Lokwode – Boga Hirth
Dammo Utwiler – Pelican

Other court tidings:
11 newcomers received mugs.
The event collected 2181 toys.
The Barony of Forgotten Sea brought the most toys as a group: 709
Lady Cordeilla uxor Alexander donated the most toys by an individual: 409
Master Lief of Crescent Moon won the archery fun shoot.
Honorable Lord Asher de Lokwode won the Toys for Tots archery tournament.
Eli won the youth tournament.
Duke Caius Equitius Rectus Xerxis won the Toys for Tots Cut & Thrust tournament.
Brunr Olafsson (called Bob) won the novice tourney.
Honorable Lord Elias de Jaye won the Toys for Tots tournament.

From Their Royal Highnesses: Seeking Applications for Additional Advocates

As many of you are aware, several new changes have been made to Calon Law, and we will be seeking to fill the positions of two new Advocates. We strongly encourage our entire populace to make themselves familiar with these changes at

The condensed information regarding the Advocate office is as follows:
-The Advocate office is now expanded to three officers, rather than one.
-Advocates will serve three year terms, with one officer rotating out each year.
-The Advocate office is now tasked with helping to investigate and arbitrate disputes between any members of the populace, not just in issues dealing with officers.

We are happy to hear from ALL members of the populace who would petition us for these positions. Because we wish them to be representative of the full variety of Calontir, all petitions will be seriously considered.

If you are interested in one of these positions, please email us at with a few sentences about why you think this office is important and how you can help serve the kingdom.

We hope to conduct interviews at Toys for Tots and Kris Kinder, but will also look at video conferencing and local meeting options for those who cannot make either event.

Tamar and Lucian

Feast of Fools court summary, November 2, A.S. 54

In evening court:
Úlfr Þorgrimsson – Leather Mallet
Vaclav Frana – AoA
Beatrix Bogenschutz – Torse
Zaneta Baseggio – Silver Hammer
Anne von Husbergen – Leather Mallet
Noname – Falcon’s Claw
Juliana Macnayre – Pelican
William Fletcher of Carbery – Pelican
Wolfram Janssen – Court Baronage
Vincent de Vere – Order of the Archaic Fewmet (OAF)

Other court tidings:
Some changes to Kingdom Law were read into court.
3 newcomers received mugs.

In Memoriam: Vortimir Fire-tender

Unknown Artist. Minstrels with a Rebec & a Lute.
13th c. Manasseh Codex. El Escorial, Madrid. Public domain in the US

News that Vortimir Fire-Tender had passed from this world came to us on October 20, 2019.

These are a few memories from those who remember him well. Vortimir had not registered name or device, and the following remembrances have been lightly edited, so names may appear in different spellings as each person recalls them.

Sing Non Nobis!

Vortimir Fire-tender was for many years a fixture at the Bardic Encampment at Lilies. His mobility problems kept him close to camp and in his wheeled chariot, but he was a bright presence among the bards nonetheless. He and his lady wife Dis, also known as Mama Bard, would regale the camp with songs and stories. They welcomed all vagabonds and wayfairers with food, drink and fellowship. Many an afternoon was whiled away with Vortimeer and Mikal the Ram trading stories and lies.

Vortimir and Dis have not been at Lilies for some years, but all the bards who wandered in and out of the Encampment when they were there remember them well and with fondness. May he sit in Odin’s hall with Mikal and trade stories and lies for all time.

Master Mathurin Kerbusso

Vortimeer Fire-tender was the anchor of the Bardic Encampment at Lilies War.  Mobility issues made it difficult for him to leave camp, so he made it a place of welcome for everyone.  Because he was always in camp, the Bard Tent was designated a “safe place” at the War, where kids could always find an adult if they needed one.

But on Monday, the night of Bardi Gras, he would mount his trusty motorized steed and lead the parade around the war, throwing candy and beads, and leading children back to camp for a short kids’ party before the grownup party began.  He was also the one to put Bardi Gras to bed, staying up late swapping stories and songs with Mikal the Ram, and other hardy guests, until the wee hours.  The rest of the war, he made certain the water jugs were always topped up and available to ease the thirst of visitors and passersby alike.

Vortimeer wrote songs, some bawdy, some wholesome, and had an amazing tenor voice.  He could sing lead, or harmonize as needed.  He knew all the “Calontir standards”, and was always ready to sing.  Dis, aka Mom of Bard, would often perform with him, and he wrote many songs just for her.  I was honored to have a verse written about me in one of his songs.  (one of the bawdy ones, I must admit)
Early in his SCA career, he served as herald in the Shire of Wyvern Cliffe.  I remember him crying most of the Toys for Tots tournament, before it was too big a tourney for just one voice.

These are just some of my random memories of Vortimeer.  I hope others can fill in gaps that I have surely left.  I’ll close with lines of one of his songs (the name escapes me! dammit! ask Ma’az)

“My heart grows so heavy, my vision grows dim.
But I’ll think of you always, til we meet again.”

Mistress Dorcas Whitecap


It was a dark, star filled night at a Lilies War many years ago when I was winding my way down that dusty road through merchants row towards the lake. As I turned the bend I could hear voices raised in song coming from a tent just to my left. The flicker of candles and lanterns from within gave a warm and welcoming glow to the darkness around me. I could just see the shadows of people sitting in what appeared to be a circle, it was their singing that reached out to me and drew me closer.

I was young, shy, and painfully uncertain. I didn’t want to disturb a private encampment but I couldn’t resist the Siren of music. I stopped in the shadows just behind a large, throne-like chair in which sat a bear of man with long, amber colored hair. His voice was mellow and strong, well suited to the sentimental and emotional lyrics that were being sung under that tent. I looked around and, though I recognized some of the faces, I didn’t really know anyone there. I was going to slip back into the night but the man must have spotted me from the corner of his eye. He snaked out a hand and caught mine, drawing me closer. He had eyes that sparkled with laughter and mischief as he handed me a flashlight and a binder opened to a song.  He guided me around so I could sit on the edge of his chair and asked me to help him out. So there I was, holding a binder and flashlight, lighting the words of a cheerful, slightly suggestive, song that may have been about a lady and dragon but honestly I am not certain after all these years. This would be the first of many interactions with a man I would come to know as Vortimir Firetender.

He was a kind, gentle man filled with humor, empathy, and so much life despite all the hardships that came his way. I would chat with him at Lilies War and raise my voice with his in song and I loved hearing his stories.  He was there to encourage me when I faltered trying to find my way and my voice in the bardic circle.  I also worked with him and his lovely wife, Tess, at the KC Renn Fest a time or two. They were wonderful and generous people who took me in when my car died at a long ago Toys for Tots. Despite having a house already full of guests they fed me well and found me a corner to sleep in. I tried to express my gratitude but I never felt like it was enough. I will always have fond memories of Vortimir and wish that I hadn’t lost track of him. It broke my heart to hear of his passing, the world is a little darker and quieter without him in it
Yours in Service and Song,

Autumn in Grimfells court summary, October 26, A.S. 54

This reporter did not attend the event. This summary is based on notes provided by Lord Jon Chesey. My thanks to him. I apologize in advance for any missing awards and/or misspelled names, and will gratefully accept corrections to this report. Please contact me at

In evening court:
Rachel of Grimfells – AoA
Leatherhand – Eo Fyrd
Bataciqan-nu Ko’un Ashir – Eo Fyrd
Anton von Hagenstein – Eo Hus
Alexandra Jessen – Eo Hus

Other court tidings:
A change to kingdom law was read into Court, breaking the Court of Inquiry and Arbitration into two separate courts and defining process and record keeping requirements.

Bavarian engraving of a medieval tournament from the 1400s. Public domain in the US

In Memoriam: Master Cynwulf Rendell of Æthelmearc

Because Rendell was known to many in the Calontir archery community who traveled to Pennsic, the Falcon Banner is re-printing this “In Memoriam” from the Æthelmearc Gazette

On Saturday, September 28, THLord Cynwulf Rendell was too ill to travel to the Harvest Raid event in the Shire of Heronter, where he was scheduled to be elevated to the Order of the Pelican for his work in the thrown weapons and archery communities. So that morning King Timothy, together with a group of Rendell’s friends and peers, instead drove over an hour to Rendell’s home in the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael to bestow the Pelican upon him there, and also to induct Rendell’s lady, Eleanore Godwin, into the Order of the Millrind. There were tears and laughter and many words of praise for Rendell’s kindness, generosity, and service.

The following day, Master Rendell’s son, Lord Gawin Hawkseye, posted this announcement to Facebook:

Dear friends, family, and supporters of our house. Last evening at 4:30pm Master Cynwulf Rendell passed on from this world to the next. His day was filled with words from his friends and gifts from his loved ones. It was a day of a house full of people that have supported the love of his art and strength and goodness of his character, and in turn he showed his devotion to the group. We thank you for making his final day so special.

Master Rendell and his family joined the SCA in the Shire of Heronter in 1994. He was immediately interested in archery and thrown weapons, becoming a marshal in short order, eventually taking on the role of Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal. He traveled around the Kingdom, organizing and running lines and training

Duchess Dorinda Courtenay:

Rendell served as the Heronter archery marshal from the time he joined us until they moved. Every week he brought all the targets and loaner equipment for a half dozen people. He spent so much time teaching during the practice that he had to come early to get in a round for himself. He and his lady and his son also helped during the reigns of Cygnus and Dorinda. They took some time off, but for the last 5 or so years, he came back to run archery at Harvest Raid. Each year he created unique and fun shoots for people of all skill levels. He worked to train others, and even agreed to serve as our archery marshal, but his health did not allow it. We will miss him very much.

Lady Simonetta d’Alfasi:

I only met Rendell a few years ago; he and his lady wife joined about the time I took my extended break. When Siobhan and I came back to the SCA in 2016, our first event was Baronial Champs. Rendell was running thrown weapons and archery. He was very kind to Siobhan’s child, showing them how to hold the axe and where to stand to throw it. I was impressed with his patience. The following week we all went off to archery, and once again Rendell was patient with me and showed me how to get most of the arrows down range and not into my feet. Time passed, I got better and Rendell began to teach me how to make targets, how to run a range, how to inspect bows, and how to marshal. I think he was as proud as I was surprised when I was awarded my Golden Alce. Every milestone reached by any of his Hounds made him as proud as if we were all his children. It’s why we all called him Papa Hound.

Mistress Anna Eisenkopf:

When he was Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshall almost 20 years ago, he traveled everywhere and was pivotal in the growth of thrown weapons at that time.

Master Jacopo di Niccolo:

We often sat and shared information about our ranges and frequently this developed into new and fun ranges. He loved to challenge himself and others.

Baron Rhiannon Elandris of Glyndyfrdwy on the Rhydderich Hael Facebook group:

My heart is torn in half. He was a kind and gentle man who was a great teacher, a role model for us all. He will be sorely missed. We have lost a great light, so we must shine all the brighter ….all of us…Together. I see where some now doubt that they have a place. Everyone in the Hael has a place. Do not doubt. Do not let the weasels overcome the promise that He saw in each and every one of us (yes Rendell, you were right). I know we can strive to fulfill those beliefs…Together.

Fair skies, Rendell. Soft winds to you and a stout string to your bow.

Baron Edward Harbinger:

I remember his fun side. At one event we were sitting together and decided that Lady Simonetta’s stuffed rabbit needed a bow. We set about looking for materials and came up with a wooden coffee stir stick and a piece of string. We next needed to see if the bow would actually work, so we broke some toothpicks in half and tried to shoot them, at objects around the hall. Our wives found us doing this and told us we were not allowed to sit together anymore (especially during court). The stuffed rabbit still carries that bow, if I’m not mistaken.

TH Lady Máirghréad Stíobhard inghean uí Choinne:

It was my greater pleasure to benefit from his sage and ever humorous instruction in thrown weapons. This goes back to about 2009. Not only were his tips clear and true and simple, but his declaration to my sister to “just throw like you are aiming at your husband” has given us many belly laughs!

Master Juan Miguel Cezar:

Due to his health the elevation was not able to happen at Harvest Raid and His Majesty along with a small entourage went to his house. When they came back one of them brought me a small beanie baby that Rendell wanted to give to my daughter. Sadly she was not with me since she was on her way back from Myrtle Beach with my parents and by the time she got home Sunday evening he had already passed. I wanted so bad to take a photo of her with it and send it to him as thanks. His last thoughts were of others, just like he was in life.”

Mistress Sadira spoke at Rendell’s Pelican ceremony on behalf of the Order of the Laurel, She graciously shared her words:

I am Sadira bint Wassouf, Mistress of the Laurel and Pelican, 6th Jewel of Æthelmearc, Second and Eighth Baroness of Thescorre. But today I would speak about Rendell for the Laurels. Sort of…

Rendell is unquestionably an artist. Martial arts are called arts for a reason. The flight of an arrow or a throwing knife is art in motion with a satisfying THUNK at the end. And when Rendell shoots, there is joy in his eyes. Whether designing ranges and targets, whether shooting or watching others, the passion of youth has never left him. And the true heart of art is passion.

But where does art end and service begin?

I suspect that Rendell was born with service in his very soul. Some people do service, but Rendell is service. I only became fully aware of his service when I stepped up as Baroness the second time. Now, if you are ever stupid enough (I mean, lucky enough) to become a landed Baron or Baroness, you need to know that about 45 seconds after you don the coronet, a “thing” happens. The “thing” makes you want to say “REALLY??? NOW???”

But this time the “thing” impacted archery and even with all of my skills as a counselor and teacher, I could not even figure out what the “thing” was – much less untangle it. Archery in Thescorre was at a complete impasse.

Finally, in desperation I crashed a meeting of Kingdom archery marshals at a winter event and explained the “thing” as best I could. I asked bluntly, “What can you do for me?”

Without hesitation, Rendell said, “I will help you.” Now, we hear these words all the time, but something in his tone made me believe.

That spring, Rendell showed up at the first archery practice, and he kept coming back for months and months.

We have only one truly precious possession in this life and that is TIME. Rendell showered us with his time, poured out with reckless abandon, with patience and joy in his eyes.

So where does service end and art begin?

It is an art to bring people together, to teach your art and see the joy of a child bloom in their eyes – then set them free to pass it on.

In Rendell art and service meld seamlessly and when that happens, the Great Dream we all hope to live in the SCA comes true.

My peer? I suspect we would all have to work very hard to become his peer.

In addition to the Pelican, Master Rendell was recognized with many Kingdom and Baronial awards for excellence and skill, including the White Horn for thrown weapons, the Scarlet Guard for archery, the Cornelian for courtesy, and awards from three baronies in recognition of his service including to groups in which he did not live.

Ralph Spencer was a copy machine repairman. He is survived by his wife, TH Lady Eleanore Godwin, and his son, Lord Gawin Hawkseye. No funeral services will be held; TH Lady ELeanore announced there will be a Celebration of Life for Rendell on November 10 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Wrights Corners Firehall, 4043 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094. Doors open at 12:30pm for set up. Pastor Tom will speak at 1:15pm and there will be an open mic after for folks to share stories, laughs, and love.
Food will be pot luck, no kitchen use, just the sink. Bring your own dishes.

Memorial information is available here:

Donations may be made in Ralph’s memory to the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History, 311 Citrus Street, Jamestown, NY 14701.

Fall Crown Tournament Court Summaries, 12-13 October, A.S. 54

On the field Saturday:
Proconsul Marius Lucian Fidelis and Mistress Tamar bat Avraham were invested as Prince and Princess of Calontir.

Saturday evening court:
Lillian de Champagne – AoA
Astryd gleðill – Golden Calon Swan
Æþelwyn æt Ulancumbe – AoA
Katherine von Heilige – Leather Mallet

Other court tidings:
15 newcomers received mugs.
The Barony of Forgotten Sea presented largess.
Honorable Lord Rashid ibn Ahmad al-Raʼis received the scroll for his Iren Hirth, which he was granted at Pennsic A.S. 54.

Sunday morning court:
Donngal Eriksson – Pelican

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lord Gerald Kendall and Mistress Alianora Jehannette des Amandiers will be invested as the new Baron and Baroness of Forgotten Sea at the Krist Kinder Market.

French miniature, 14th Century. Nature offers Machaut three of her children – Sense, Rhetoric, and Music. Public domain in the US

Nessica’s Missives: 12 October AS LIIII

Image from Huntington Library Ms HM 60, f°7, 15th C.

Letter from the Field
12 October Anno Societatus LIIII
Being 2019 of the Common Era

My Dear friend Kezia,

A most glorious day has arrived! The Falcon Crown is secure! The grand Crown Tournament in the Barony of Forgotten Sea succeeded. Their Most Royal Majesties, Anton and Yseult have found Heirs!

I all but floated through the day!

So many fair folk clothed in finest cloth, gleaming jewels, and thick furs. Flags and pennons fluttering in the brisk breeze. My eyes dazzled and my head spun to find myself in the company of Lords and Ladies and Dukes and Duchesses and Knights and Nobles and Royals! The Banners and bannermen filled the fields. The tents and shields and food and spears and drink and colors and smells and sounds. The cacophony filled every sense.

Ah! I tell you the day out of sequence.

The day broke quietly with the glitter of frost sparkling and our countyfolk emerging from tents bundled against the cold. I remain ever grateful for my wagon and the protection it provides me. Upon completing my toilette, I went to find Cristina just finishing her hair. She proves ever stalwart and braced herself against the chill with boot and cloak and glove. Ever glad I am for her companionship.

After we broke our fast, we approached the field to prepare for the day.

The populace began to gather, setting chair and table and shadefly, jostling for positions round the listfield for best viewing of the Tournament.

While Øyríkr prepared for the day Mistress Giraude and her good husband Gianlupo invited us to share their shadefly with friends and Their Excellencies Uldin and Sung. Sir Uldin fought in the Tournament as well. We found ourselves in such good company and readily agreed.

Cristina, ever caring for the needs of others, set a fine table of toothsome and elegant and exotic foods, to share with our companions and many others who gathered for the excitement of the day.

When the time came, all the fighters and their consorts organized to present themselves to Their Majesties. I found myself in the company of so many grand and noble inhabitants of our kingdom. I scarce believed my stars had so aligned. Each in turn presented themselves.

Five of our kinsmen and women walked behind us, carrying our flags and banners, Freya and Mor and Ivarr and Vashti and Cian all followed us onto the field. Such support and kindness they show for us. My heart verily swelled with the knowledge.

I walked on Øyríkr’s arm and knelt before the King, who handed me a rose. The Queen tied her favor onto Øyríkr’s shield arm before we bowed to Them and moved to join the other couples on the edge of the field.

When all the combatants and consorts had been thusly introduced, the Tournament began. I stood in awe! Such prowess! Such might! The sound of sword on shield, the sun glinting off helms, the cheers from the assembly. Each fighter in turn battling for the win!

At each of Øyríkr’s fights, I stood at field’s edge to incourage him on. Between each fight we cheered our companions with words of confidence, sharing food and drink and laughter. Her Ladyship Roise honored me by bringing me sustenance while catering to all in her purview.

The tournament continued from morning into the afternoon. Alas, poor Øyríkr! He fell to an injury! He fought well and long, alack, the stars in the heavens are not yet aligned for his kingship, though it shall come to pass when the Gods allow. Øyríkr perseveres in the knowledge he shall live to fight another day!

And fear not, my friend! Glorious news indeed, as I have mentioned! Sir Lucian won the day! Ere the afternoon grew overlong He and his consort Mistress Tamar were crowned Heirs of Calontir! Our kingdom is secure!

Not long thereafter, Øyríkr found his way to his wagon with the ever present assistance of his devoted lady, Freya, and his faithful kinsmen. They sought out warmer shelter and aid for his injury. With him away, I therefore loaded my wagon and also departed for my journey home.

Ever am I grateful for the knowledge of friendship and love from our kingdom and those I hold dear.
Many of our kinsfolk stayed for the evening festivities, to feast and sing long into the night.

I look forward to when next we meet. My head yet spins with the happenings of the day and I long to share them with you o’er our needlework.

As ever, I remain your friend,