Nessicia’s Missives, 10 March AS LIV

Image from Huntington Library Ms HM 60, f°7, 15th C.

Letters from Home
Being the 10th day of March
of Anno Societatus LIV
known as 2020 of the Common Era

My Dearest Cristina,

Your duties have taken you exceedingly far away across the seas, and slow traveling missives vex me, my friend.
I will attempt to put pen to parchment and bring you news.

Our King has called for the Army and the good citizens of Calontir to travel to the Southern reaches of Gleann Abhann on campaign to the Great Gulf War. Troubles there seem to ebb and flow like an expansive tide, ever reoccurring.

As you recall, I have oft journeyed south to give ease and aid to our kinsfolk in their mighty efforts. While there, I commonly break bread or bend the elbow with friends made during these campaigns. My heart fair sings, in the midst of the misery of battles, to encounter others I thought long gone.

My wagon was nearly packed in plan to travel with kith and kin to the war when I received word from my daughter in Ansteorra. She also has need of aid at her estate.

The distress in her words lay plain upon the page in every letter of every word. Oh! to be torn between loyalties! Duty to King and kinsfolk or faithfulness to blood of my blood.

In truth, I knew my answer before I spoke it. Choices are few in response to needs of clan and tribe.
Yet, my heart ached for commitments uttered then broken.

As a consequence, I trek still to the south, though not toward the great war.

I whine enough of mine own concerns. How goes your work in Drachenwald? Has spring yet arrived to the English countryside?

Rumours have reached my ears of an extensive plague ravaging the lands. Do take care, my friend. I pray you are well.

Spring mocks us here. One day fair and sunny the next day windy and snow covered. The geese fly, tempting us with thoughts of summer to come.
Our lands are rich and the gravid cattle waddle in expectancy.

I look to your return within the month and know not if this missive will reach you prior to you departure. We shall bend the elbow and feast on the last of the winter’s stores and tell tales of our adventures!

Ever your friend,

Announcement: Corporate Guidance on Event Cancellations

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

Greetings from the Board of Directors, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

Re:  Corporate Guidance on Event Cancellations

The authority within the SCA to cancel, reschedule, or postpone events lies with the group hosting the event (Kingdom(s), Barony, Shire, etc.).   Event planners should take into account directives from legal authorities (municipal, county, state, federal) and current guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) when making such a decision.

If the event in question is required by SCA Corpora, please follow the guidelines therein for requesting a variance to postpone the event through your Kingdom Seneschal.   Any such requests will be reviewed in an expeditious manner at the corporate level.

The SCA remains supportive of Kingdoms and groups who continue to hold events as well as those that must cancel, reschedule, or postpone events for safety reasons or who have been directed to cancel events by modern civil authorities.  Our primary concern must always be the health and safety of our members and participants.   The Board will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate further when needed.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Announcement: 2020 Known World Theater Arts Symposium

Known World Theater Arts Symposium
Barony of Sacred Stone, Kingdom of Atlantia
Saturday, June 27, 2020 at 8 AM – 10 PM
Lincoln Cultural Center 403 E Main St, Lincolnton, NC 28092
Whether your interest in theater is as patron or player you will enjoy this event. Classes throughout the day will help those wanting to make the theater of the past come alive. There will also be a variety of performances throughout the day. A call for classes and performances will happen starting in February. Watch the website for information.
Classes will happen throughout the day. To sign up to teach contact class coordinator, Lord Owen Wolfe at Performances will also happen all day. If you or your group wishes to perform, contact Master James of Middle Aston at
A refreshing lunch will be prepared by Duchess Brianna and Master Talorgen, and hearty dinner will be served forth by Mister Fiona Macleod. The cost of both meals is included in the site fee. If you have dietary issues please email the event steward and she will pass on the info to all the cooks

For more information:

Winter War Maneuvers court summaries, February 29, A.S. 54

In afternoon court:
Jorunna Refsdottir – Torse
Kennocht Armstrang – Iren Fyrd
Emerick of Crystal Mynes – Iren Fyrd

Other court tidings:
HRH Jason Drysdale brought gifts from Ansteorra.
The Barony of Mag Mor presented largess.
Mistress Briganza la Voyaguer presented new banners for display during vigils.
A boon was begged for Seamus Yanger to join the Order of Chivalry.

Illustration of the Battle of Barnet (14 April 1471) on the Ghent manuscript. Public domain in the US

Chieftains court summaries, February 22, A.S. 54

On the field:
David of Forgotten Sea – Iren Fyrd
Lord Giacomo dalla Fattoria dello Stato is Their Majesties’ Stile Champion.

In evening court:
Lisette of Three Rivers – Golden Calon Swan
Violette of Three Rivers – Golden Calon Swan
Li Jun Quan – Torse
Eli of Three Rivers – Queen’s Chalice
Eli of Three Rivers – Falcon’s Claw
Nemesis Erycina – Golden Calon Swan
FrøygæiRR Fasthaldi – AoA
Hildibrandr Tjúguskegg – Torse
Auga Ormstunga – Torse

Other court tidings:
The Barony of Three Rivers presented largess and a tithe.
Lord Da’ud ibn al-Kabsh al-Garnati al-Ma’iz won the Chieftains Bardic competition.
Eli of Three Rivers won the Chieftains Youth tournament.
Duke Anton Raghelan won the Chieftains Cut & Thrust Dance Card tournament.
Duke Bataciqan-nu kö’ün Ashir won the Chieftains Cut & Thrust tournament.
Sir Alric upplendingr won the Chieftains travelling trophy.
Dominius won the Chieftains Novice tournament.
Honorable Lady Bronwen de Westhold won the Chieftains Arts & Science competition.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Lady Quiteria la Roja will be the next Chancellor of RUSH.
Sir Snorri Bjornsson presented a scutarius to His Majesty Lucian.
A boon was begged for Ashland de Mumford to join the Order of the Laurel.

Rivers & Caxton Presenting book to Edward IV. circa 1480

Books: The Right to Dress

Gleaned from Facebook (h/t Lady Aelin Kausi):

The Right to Dress: Sumptuary Laws in a Global Perspective, c.1200–1800. G. Riello & U. Rublack (Eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (2019).

From the publisher:

This is the first global history of dress regulation and its place in broader debates around how human life and societies should be visualised and materialised. Sumptuary laws were a tool on the part of states to regulate not only manufacturing systems and moral economies via the medium of expenditure and consumption of clothing but also banquets, festivities and funerals. Leading scholars on Asian, Latin American, Ottoman and European history shed new light on how and why items of dress became key aspirational goods across society, how they were lobbied for and marketed, and whether or not sumptuary laws were implemented by cities, states and empires to restrict or channel trade and consumption. Their findings reveal the significance of sumptuary laws in medieval and early modern societies as a site of contestation between individuals and states and how dress as an expression of identity developed as a modern ‘human right’.



Announcements: Updated Statement of Core Values

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

At the Board of Directors July 2018 meeting, the following change to Corpora was approved and is to be considered effective immediately.

In pursuing its mission, the SCA is committed to excellence in its programs, communications and activities and to

  •  act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service;
  •  value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals;
  •  practice inclusiveness and respect pluralism and diversity;
  •  promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA events;
  •  act with transparency, fairness, integrity and honesty;
  •  be a responsible steward of SCA resources; and,
  •  be committed to maintaining the trust of its members and participants.

It is the expectation of the SCA that its members and participants, in all events and activities of the SCA, will conduct themselves in accordance with these tenets.

Corpora will be updated shortly.
Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Queen’s Prize Tournament Court Summary, February 8, A.S. 54

In evening court:
Frithuswith Ui Cremthainn – AoA
John Bowyer – Leather Mallet
Asher de Lokwode – Leather Mallet
Arnþóra Rúnviðardóttir – AoA
Caitilín inghean Uí Lochlainn – Leather Mallet
Tyr Ironscales – Leather Mallet
Lawrence Withers – Leather Mallet
Furia Cincinnata – Golden Calon Swan
Margery of Penrith – Silver Hammer

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Melisent McAffee presented a new kneeling cushion.
Representatives of the Barony of Three Rivers informed the populace about the upcoming Chieftains Tournament.
5 newcomers received mugs.
His Majesty Lucian reminded the populace about the upcoming Gulf Wars.
Mistress Halimah bint ‘al Abbas ‘al Tanji introduced herself as one of the Kingdom Advocates.
Mistress Roselyn of Aberdeen and Lady Catin of Edington invited the populace to Spring RUSH in Calanais Nuadh.
Lord Finán mac Crimthainn received the Judges’ Choice prize.
Avalon of the Black Fleet received the Queen’s Prize, youth category.
FrøygæiRR Fasthaldi received the Queen’s Prize.

Heracles and Omphale, 45-79 AD

Court summary from Clothier’s Seminar, February 1, A.S. 54

In evening court:
Rachel of Three Rivers – AoA

Other court tidings:
Honorable Lady Lisette la fauconniere d’Amboise received her Silver Hammer scroll, due since the reign of Anton II and Isabeau.
The Shire of Cúm an Iolair presented largess and a tithe.
Honorable Lady Elaisse de Garrigues received the scroll for her Calon Lily, which she was granted by Anton IV and Yseult.
7 newcomers received mugs.
Countess Zenobia of Rebelswood was presented the scrolls for her AoA and Boga Fyrd, due since the reign of Chepe and Arwyn, her Boga Hirth, due since the reign of Cire and Elisabeth, her Torse, due since the reign of Asgeirr and Miriam, and her County scroll, due since the reign of Shadan and Alix.

Four women sewing linen clothes. From The Tacuinum Sanitas of Vienna, Late 14th century. Public domain in the US

Open Position – Society Chancellor of the Exchequer – Deadline April 1, 2020

Detail from the Hunterian Psalter, Glasgow University Library MS Hunter 229 (U.3.2) circa 1170. Public domain in the US

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is seeking candidates for the position of Society Exchequer. This position reports to the SCA Corporate Treasurer.

Duties and responsibilities:

  1.  Compile the Society and its subsidiaries Domesday reports, grouped by state and kingdom, with depreciation breakout, and submission of these reports to the Corporate Treasurer and the SCA Tax Accountant;
  2. Maintain the Kingdom Domesday report template spreadsheets and distribute them each year to the Kingdom Exchequers;
  3. Track NMS fees;
  4. Review quarterly reports on kingdom-level accounts;
  5. Review kingdom and inter-kingdom financial policies to make sure they are in compliance with the Society Financial Policy and to submit revised financial policies to the Board of Directors for approval;
  6. Review Inter-kingdom Event Financial Policies and submit to the Corporate Treasurer and the Board for approval;
  7. Report quarterly to the Corporate Treasurer and the Board of Directors and report the meeting results to the Kingdom Exchequers;
  8. Travel as required to support Kingdom Exchequers, including for training, book reviews, and theft investigations;
  9. Conduct supplemental training of Kingdom Exchequers and assist the training of local exchequers;
  10. Conduct reviews of Kingdom books and ensure Kingdoms are reporting;
  11. Maintain the Kingdom Exchequer email list;
  12. Maintain the SCA-Exchequer email list;
  13. Notify Kingdom Exchequers of any changes in policy or procedure, including consulting with them to develop any necessary new policies;
  14. Maintain the various exchequer handbooks/manuals and republish them at least every three years;
  15. Maintain the various exchequer reporting forms and update them as needed;
  16. Serve as subject matter expert for questions from the Kingdom Exchequers as well as the general populace;
  17. Warrant Kingdom Exchequers and special deputies; and
  18. Communicate with banks where necessary.

The Society Exchequer receives a stipend for their services and will receive a 1099 for tax purposes. Workload will vary but expect to put in an average of 15 hours per week.


Required for this position are dependable email access; dependable phone access; moderate Microsoft Excel proficiency; moderate Microsoft Word proficiency; and the ability to clearly communicate verbally and in writing, i.e. in person and via email, phone, and in written reports. Prior experience as an exchequer in the SCA is required; prior Kingdom Exchequer experience is highly desired.

Working knowledge of SCA’s accounting procedures is necessary. Individuals with accounting backgrounds or training are highly desired.

A more detailed position description can be found here:

Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, together with modern and SCA qualifications, hardcopy to:
Renee Signorotti
Society for Creative Anachronism
P.O. Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036-0789

with courtesy copies to The deadline for applications is April 1, 2020.

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas,  CA 95036

You may also email

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc.  Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.